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function email_confirm_confirmation_email_url_path in Email Change Confirmation 7

Generate the path part of a URL to confirm an email address change request.


string $mail: The new email address.

int $uid: The uid of the account changing their email.

int $timestamp: Unix timestamp (e.g. from time()).

Return value

string Path to wrap in `url($return, ['absolute' => TRUE])` to get a full url.

3 calls to email_confirm_confirmation_email_url_path()
EmailConfirmTestCase::testChangeEmail in tests/email_confirm.test
Tests basic email change success for non-admin user.
EmailConfirmTestCase::testChangeEmailVariations in tests/email_confirm.test
Tests email change failure cases for non-admin user.
email_confirm_build_mail in ./email_confirm.module
Build and send out the confirmation emails.


./email_confirm.module, line 487
The Email Change Confirmation module.


function email_confirm_confirmation_email_url_path($mail, $uid, $timestamp = NULL) {

  // Use time() here instead of REQUEST_TIME as it allows tests to work, the
  // performance impact is minimal, there's no benefit to avoiding time drift
  // during a page request in this code.
  $timestamp = !empty($timestamp) ? $timestamp : time();
  $hash = email_confirm_user_email_rehash($mail, $timestamp, $uid);
  return 'user/change-mail/' . $uid . '/' . $timestamp . '/' . $hash;