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function EmailConfirmTestCase::testChangeEmailVariations in Email Change Confirmation 7

Tests email change failure cases for non-admin user.


tests/email_confirm.test, line 74
Tests for Email Confirm module.


@file Tests for Email Confirm module.


function testChangeEmailVariations() {
  $new_mail = $this
    ->randomName() . '';
  $edit = array();
  $edit['current_pass'] = $this->web_user->pass_raw;
  $edit['mail'] = $new_mail;
    ->drupalPost("user/" . $this->web_user->uid . "/edit", $edit, t('Save'));
    ->assertText(t("A confirmation email has been sent to your new email address. You must follow the link provided in that email within 24 hours in order to confirm the change to your account email address."));
    ->assertText(t("You currently have a pending change of your e-mail address to"));

  // Assert user's mail hasn't changed yet.
  $account = user_load($this->web_user->uid);
    ->assertIdentical($account->mail, $this->web_user->mail);
    ->assertNotIdentical($account->mail, $new_mail);

  // Get change URL.
  $change_url_path = email_confirm_confirmation_email_url_path($edit['mail'], $this->web_user->uid);

  // Indices: 0 'user'. 1 'change-mail'. 2 uid. 3 timestamp. 4 hash.
  $change_url_path_parts = explode('/', $change_url_path);

  // Confirm a variety of validations on the arguments/hash:
  // 1. missing all args.
    ->assertResponse(403, 'Missing args causes a 403.');

  // 2. Non-numeric uid.
    ->drupalGet(str_replace('/' . $change_url_path_parts[2] . '/', '/peanut/', $change_url_path));
    ->assertResponse(403, 'Non-numeric uid causes a 403.');

  // 3. Missing hash.
    ->drupalGet(str_replace('/' . $change_url_path_parts[4], '/', $change_url_path));
    ->assertResponse(403, 'Missing hash causes a 403.');

  // 4. Timestamp doesn't match time in hash.
    ->drupalGet(str_replace('/' . $change_url_path_parts[3] . '/', '/' . (time() - 1) . '/', $change_url_path));
    ->assertText('There was a problem with your one-time e-mail change link. Please attempt the change again.');

  // 5. Account not found (invalid uid).
    ->drupalGet(str_replace('/' . $change_url_path_parts[2] . '/', '/' . 42 . '/', $change_url_path));
    ->assertResponse(403, 'Invalid uid/account causes a 403.');

  // 6. Passed timeout. Sleep 2 & set timeout to 1 so we can test it.
  variable_set('email_confirm_timeout', 1);
    ->assertText(t('You have tried to use a one-time e-mail change link that has expired. Please attempt the change again.'));

  // Go back to default timeout.

  // 7. Logged in as a different user.
    ->assertText(t('You must be logged in to the same account that requested this e-mail change to proceed.'));

  // 8. Timestamp less than account login. Getting the url way up above and
  // the logout in previous assertion creates this condition.
    ->assertText(t('There was a problem with your one-time e-mail change link. Please attempt the change again.'));

  // 9. Timestamp > current.
  $change_url_path = email_confirm_confirmation_email_url_path($edit['mail'], $this->web_user->uid, time() + 3600);
    ->assertText('There was a problem with your one-time e-mail change link. Please attempt the change again.');

  // 10. Invalid hash.
  // Regenerate a good change url for current login time.
  $change_url_path = email_confirm_confirmation_email_url_path($edit['mail'], $this->web_user->uid);
  $change_url_path_parts = explode('/', $change_url_path);
    ->drupalGet(str_replace('/' . $change_url_path_parts[4], '/peanut', $change_url_path));
    ->assertText('There was a problem with your one-time e-mail change link. Please attempt the change again.');

  // Confirm changed email with good url.
  $change_url_path = email_confirm_confirmation_email_url_path($edit['mail'], $this->web_user->uid);
    ->assertText(t('Your e-mail address is now @mail.', array(
    '@mail' => $new_mail,