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Functions in Eloqua 7

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
eloqua_admin_form ./ Form constructor for the Eloqua administration form. 2
eloqua_init ./eloqua.module Implements hook_init().
eloqua_install ./eloqua.install Implements hook_install().
eloqua_install_update_7000 ./eloqua.install Removes variable eloqua_scripts_directory.
eloqua_install_update_7001 ./eloqua.install Enables the eloqua_webform module.
eloqua_menu ./eloqua.module Implements hook_menu().
eloqua_post_create eloqua_webform/ Creates a post into the database. 1
eloqua_post_delete eloqua_webform/ Deletes a post object from the database.
eloqua_post_load eloqua_webform/ Loads a post form the database.
eloqua_post_update eloqua_webform/ Updates a post from the database. 1
eloqua_uninstall ./eloqua.install Implements hook_uninstall().
eloqua_webform_component_edit_form_validate eloqua_webform/eloqua_webform.module Validates the Eloqua field. 1
eloqua_webform_configure_form eloqua_webform/eloqua_webform.module Eloqua webform configure form. 1
eloqua_webform_configure_form_submit eloqua_webform/eloqua_webform.module Form submission handler for eloqua_webform_configure_form(). 1
eloqua_webform_configure_form_validate eloqua_webform/eloqua_webform.module Form validation handler for eloqua_webform_configure_form(). 1
eloqua_webform_create eloqua_webform/ Creates webform settings from the database. 1
eloqua_webform_cron eloqua_webform/eloqua_webform.module Implements hook_cron().
eloqua_webform_delete eloqua_webform/ Deletes a webform settings object from the database.
eloqua_webform_form_alter eloqua_webform/eloqua_webform.module Implements hook_form_alter().
eloqua_webform_form_webform_component_edit_form_alter eloqua_webform/eloqua_webform.module Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
eloqua_webform_install eloqua_webform/eloqua_webform.install Implements hook_install().
eloqua_webform_load eloqua_webform/ Loads webform settings from the database. 2
eloqua_webform_menu eloqua_webform/eloqua_webform.module Implements hook_menu().
eloqua_webform_schema eloqua_webform/eloqua_webform.install Implements hook_schema().
eloqua_webform_submit eloqua_webform/eloqua_webform.module Form submission handler for eloqua_admin_form(). 1
eloqua_webform_update eloqua_webform/ Updates a webform settings from the database.
eloqua_webform_update_7000 eloqua_webform/eloqua_webform.install Adds the eloqua_webform_process_submit variable.
eloqua_webform_webform_component_presave eloqua_webform/eloqua_webform.module Implements hook_webform_component_presave().
_eloqua_cron eloqua_webform/ Cron helper function. 2
_eloqua_cron_get_post_fields eloqua_webform/ Returns the post fields for the request, modified for Eloqua. 1
_eloqua_cron_remap_post_fields eloqua_webform/ Remaps the post fields to be used within Eloqua. 1
_eloqua_db_insert_update eloqua_webform/ Query the Database and mimic a INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE. 1
_eloqua_form_url_map eloqua_webform/eloqua_webform.module Maps the URL parameters to the associated form fields. 1
_eloqua_get_submission_data eloqua_webform/ Handle translating post values into what Eloqua wants in terms of structure. 1
_eloqua_post_update eloqua_webform/ Updates the post object from the database. 2 1
_eloqua_set_curl_get_error eloqua_webform/ Returns the cURL error for a status returned from eloqua_curl_set_opts().
_eloqua_unserialize_data_column eloqua_webform/ Goes through the result set and unserialises any 'data' columns. 3
_eloqua_visibility_pages ./eloqua.module Based on visibility setting this function returns TRUE if the Eloqua code should be added to the current page and otherwise FALSE. 1
_eloqua_visibility_roles ./eloqua.module Based on visibility setting this function returns TRUE if the Eloqua code should be added for the current role and otherwise FALSE. 1
_eloqua_webform_get_user_headers eloqua_webform/eloqua_webform.module Returns the user headers filtered for types that shouldn't be needed. 1
_eloqua_webform_update eloqua_webform/ Updates the webform object from the database. 2

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