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Functions in Eloqua 6

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
eloqua_admin_form ./ General administration form for Eloqua settings. 1
eloqua_cron ./eloqua.module
eloqua_form_alter ./eloqua.module Implementation of hook_form_alter().
eloqua_form_webform_component_edit_form_alter ./eloqua.module Implementatation of hook_form_FORM_ID_alter(). This function is reponsible for adding the form-id mapping values to the Component add/edit page Note: this isn't used for the fieldset type.
eloqua_form_webform_component_edit_form_validate ./eloqua.module Validates the eloqua field @todo Make this less Western Centric. Get parameters should be able to accept all Unicode code-points 1
eloqua_form_webform_configure_form_alter ./eloqua.module Implementation of hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
eloqua_form_webform_configure_form_submit ./eloqua.module Submit handler for webform_configure_form 1
eloqua_form_webform_configure_form_validate ./eloqua.module Form Validation Function 1
eloqua_get_batch_size ./ Returns the cron processing batch size 2
eloqua_get_last_post_time ./ Returns the last post time to the Eloqua System
eloqua_get_nesting ./eloqua.module Recursively builds the array tree that will need to be parsed to find values in the post.
eloqua_get_scripts_directory ./ Returns the defined scripts directory 1
eloqua_get_site_id ./ Returns the Eloqua Site ID 2
eloqua_get_update_time_interval ./ Gets the update interval
eloqua_init ./eloqua.module Implementation of hook_init().
eloqua_install ./eloqua.install Implementation of hook_install().
eloqua_menu ./eloqua.module Implementation of hook_menu().
eloqua_post_create ./ Creates a post into the database @hook eloqua_post_create 1
eloqua_post_delete ./ Deletes a post object from the database
eloqua_post_get_batch ./ 1
eloqua_post_load ./ Loads a post form the database @hook eloqua_post_load ($post)
eloqua_post_update ./ Updates a post from the database @hook eloqua_post_update 1
eloqua_schema ./eloqua.install
eloqua_set_last_post_time ./ Sets the last post time
eloqua_set_update_time_interval ./ Sets the update interval
eloqua_uninstall ./eloqua.install Implementation of hook_uninstall().
eloqua_webform_component_presave ./eloqua.module Presave handler
eloqua_webform_create ./ Creates a webform settings from the database @hook eloqua_form_create 1
eloqua_webform_delete ./ Deletes a webform settings object from the database
eloqua_webform_load ./ Loads a webform settings from the database @hook eloqua_form_load ($webform) 2
eloqua_webform_submit ./eloqua.module Submit handler for the webform 1
eloqua_webform_update ./ Updates a webform settings from the database @hook eloqua_form_update
_eloqua_cron ./ Implementation of hook_cron() 1
_eloqua_cron_get_curl_handle ./ Returns a curl handle 1
_eloqua_cron_get_curl_resource ./ Returns a configured Curl Resource for use 1
_eloqua_cron_get_post_fields ./ Returns the post fields for the request, modified for eloqua 1
_eloqua_cron_remap_post_fields ./ Remaps the post fields to be used within Eloqua 1
_eloqua_form_hidden ./eloqua.module Convenience Function returning a fAPI compatible hidden field 1
_eloqua_form_url_get_component_path ./eloqua.module Returns the nesting keys for a component 1
_eloqua_form_url_map ./eloqua.module Maps the url parameters to the associated form fields 1
_eloqua_form_url_map_date ./eloqua.module Convert URLDate to form date The date must be in yyyy-mm-dd format
_eloqua_form_url_map_time ./eloqua.module Convert url time to form time The time must be a 24 hour format
_eloqua_get_submission_data ./ Handle translating our post values into what eloqua wants in terms of structure. 1
_eloqua_insert_query ./ Inserts data into the database and returns the last insert ID, or TRUE 2
_eloqua_is_valid_component_type ./eloqua.module Tests whether the given component type is valid for Eloqua Integration 1
_eloqua_modify_query ./ Updates/Delete data into the database Returns TRUE if the query succeeded and modified at least one row 4
_eloqua_post_create ./ Creates the post object from the database 1 1
_eloqua_post_delete ./ Deletes a post object from the database 1 1
_eloqua_post_load ./ Loads the post object from the database 1 1
_eloqua_post_update ./ Updates the post object from the database 2 1


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