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function eck_clean_up in Entity Construction Kit (ECK) 7.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.3 eck.module \eck_clean_up()

Clean/clear all relevant caches.

Actions like creating and entity type or a bundle require modifycations to many parts of drupal, this function takes care of clearing those caches.

This is an expensive operation. Do not call this function unless this clean up is needed immediately, and it can not wait until the next request. Otherwise, look at eck_clean_up_request() and eck_clean_up_if_requested().

2 calls to eck_clean_up()
eck_clean_up_init in ./eck.module
If a clean up has been requested, perform it.
eck_entity_type_features_rebuild in ./
Implements hook_features_rebuild().


./eck.module, line 948


function eck_clean_up() {
  drupal_get_schema(NULL, TRUE);