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function entity_info_cache_clear in Drupal 7

Resets the cached information about entity types.

7 calls to entity_info_cache_clear()
drupal_flush_all_caches in includes/
Flushes all cached data on the site.
field_info_cache_clear in modules/field/
Clears the field info cache without clearing the field data cache.
field_test_entity_info_translatable in modules/field/tests/
Helper function to enable entity translations.
field_ui_field_attach_rename_bundle in modules/field_ui/field_ui.module
Implements hook_field_attach_rename_bundle().
module_disable in includes/
Disables a given set of modules.

... See full list


includes/, line 8010
Common functions that many Drupal modules will need to reference.


function entity_info_cache_clear() {

  // Clear all languages.
  cache_clear_all('entity_info:', 'cache', TRUE);