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Functions in DrupalGap 6

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
drupalgap_convert_d6_perms_to_d7 ./ Converts a D6 {permission} result row to match that of D7's permission structure, this is so the mobile app only needs to understand one data set. It appends the result to the incoming results array. 1
drupalgap_ctools_plugin_api ./drupalgap.module Implements hook_ctools_plugin_api().
drupalgap_default_services_endpoint ./drupalgap.module Implements hook_default_services_endpoint().
drupalgap_menu ./drupalgap.module Implements hook_menu().
drupalgap_perm ./drupalgap.module Implements hook_perm().
drupalgap_services_resources ./ Defines function signatures for resources available to services.
drupalgap_status ./ Returns the HTML for the DrupalGap module status page. 1
drupalgap_views_api ./drupalgap.module Implements hook_views_api().
drupalgap_views_default_views ./ Implements hook_views_default_views().
_drupalgap_resource_access ./ Determines whether the current user can access a drupalgap resource. 1
_drupalgap_resource_content_types_list ./ Returns a collection of content types from the {node_type} table. 2 1
_drupalgap_resource_content_types_user_permissions ./ Returns a collection of permissions from content types for the current user. 1 1
_drupalgap_resource_system_connect ./ Performs service calls to various resources and bundles them all up so the mobile device gets results, settings and permissions in one request. 3 1
_drupalgap_resource_system_site_settings ./ Returns a collection of variables from the current Drupal site. 1 1
_drupalgap_resource_user_access ./ Checks to see if the user has access to a permission. 1
_drupalgap_resource_user_login ./ Performs a user login service resource call and bundles up the drupalgap system connect resource results as well. 1
_drupalgap_resource_user_logout ./ Performs a user logout service resource call and bundles up the drupalgap system connect resource results as well. 1
_drupalgap_resource_user_permissions ./ Returns the current user's permissions. 1 1
_drupalgap_resource_user_register ./ Performs a user registration service resource call and bundles up the drupalgap system connect resource results as well. 1
_drupalgap_resource_user_roles_and_permissions ./ Returns a user's roles and permissions. 1 1
_drupalgap_taxonomy_get_terms ./ DrupalGap interface to taxonomy_get_tree(). 1
_drupalgap_taxonomy_get_vocabularies ./ 1

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