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This file implements the DrupalGap service resource call back functions.

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 * @file
 * This file implements the DrupalGap service resource call back functions.

 * Determines whether the current user can access a drupalgap resource.
 * @param string $op
 *   String indicating which operation to check access for.
 * @param array $args
 *   Array arguments passed through from the original request.
 * @return boolean
 *   Boolean indicating whether or not the user has access to the resource.
 * @see node_access()
function _drupalgap_resource_access($op = 'view', $args = array()) {
  return user_access($op);

 * Returns a collection of content types from the {node_type} table.
 * It also bundles other available information about each content type
 * with the return results.
 * @param array $options
 *   An array of options.
 * @return object
 *   MySQL object results from the {node_type} table
function _drupalgap_resource_content_types_list($options = array()) {

  // Grab content types.
  $sql = " SELECT * FROM {node_type} ORDER BY name ASC ";
  $result = db_query($sql);
  if ($result) {
    $content_types = array();
    while ($data = db_fetch_object($result)) {
      $content_types[] = $data;
    foreach ($content_types as $i => $content_type) {

      // Grab comment settings for content type.
      $names = array(
        'comment_anonymous_' . $content_type->type,
        'comment_' . $content_type->type,
        'comment_default_mode_' . $content_type->type,
        'comment_default_per_page_' . $content_type->type,
        'comment_form_location_' . $content_type->type,
        'comment_preview_' . $content_type->type,
        'comment_subject_field_' . $content_type->type,
      $sql = " SELECT * FROM {variable} ";
      $sql .= " WHERE name IN (" . db_placeholders($names, 'text') . ")";

      // Retrieve the comment settings variables.
      $variable_results = db_query($sql, $names);
      if ($variable_results) {

        // Extract comment settings variables and attach to content type result.
        while ($variable = db_fetch_object($variable_results)) {

          // Strip the '_type' from the end.
          $end = drupal_strlen($variable->name);
          $end -= drupal_strlen($content_type->type) + 1;
          $variable_name = drupal_substr($variable->name, 0, $end);
          $content_types[$i]->{$variable_name} = unserialize($variable->value);
    return $content_types;

 * Returns a collection of permissions from content types for the current user.
 * @return array
 *   Array of content types with permissions for each.
function _drupalgap_resource_content_types_user_permissions() {
  $content_types = _drupalgap_resource_content_types_list();
  $content_type_permissions = array();
  foreach ($content_types as $content_type) {
    $content_type_permissions[$content_type->type] = array(
      'create' => user_access("create {$content_type->type} content"),
      'delete any' => user_access("delete any {$content_type->type} content"),
      'delete own' => user_access("delete own {$content_type->type} content"),
      'edit any' => user_access("edit any {$content_type->type} content"),
      'edit own' => user_access("edit own {$content_type->type} content"),
  return $content_type_permissions;

 * Checks to see if the user has access to a permission.
 * @return boolean
 *   Bool indicating whether or not the user has access to the permission.
 * @see user_access()
function _drupalgap_resource_user_access($data) {
  if (!isset($data['permission'])) {
    return services_error(t('Missing argument permission.'), 406);
  return user_access($data['permission']);

 * Performs a user login service resource call and bundles up the drupalgap 
 * system connect resource results as well.
 * @param $username
 *   String The Drupal user name.
 * @param $password
 *   String The Drupal user password.
 * @return array
 *   Array with the user login result and drupalgap system connect result.
function _drupalgap_resource_user_login($username, $password) {
  $results = array();

  // Make a call to the user login resource.
  module_load_include('inc', 'services', 'resources/user_resource');
  $results['_user_resource_login'] = _user_resource_login($username, $password);

  // If the user login was successful, make a call to the drupalgap system
  // connect resource.
  if ($results['_user_resource_login']) {
    $results['drupalgap_system_connect'] = _drupalgap_resource_system_connect();
  return $results;

 * Performs a user logout service resource call and bundles up the drupalgap 
 * system connect resource results as well.
 * @return array
 *   Array with the user logout result and drupalgap system connect result.
function _drupalgap_resource_user_logout() {
  $results = array();

  // Make a call to the user login resource.
  module_load_include('inc', 'services', 'resources/user_resource');
  $results['_user_resource_logout'] = _user_resource_logout();

  // If the user logout was successful, make a call to the drupalgap system
  // connect resource.
  if ($results['_user_resource_logout']) {
    $results['drupalgap_system_connect'] = _drupalgap_resource_system_connect();
  return $results;

 * Performs a user registration service resource call and bundles up the 
 * drupalgap system connect resource results as well.
 * @param $name
 *   String The Drupal user name.
 * @param $mail
 *   String The Drupal user e-mail address.
 * @param $pass
 *   String The Drupal user password.
 * @return array
 *   Array with the user registration result and drupalgap system connect result.
function _drupalgap_resource_user_register($name, $mail, $pass) {
  $results = array();

  // Make a call to the user login resource.
  module_load_include('inc', 'services', 'resources/user_resource');
  $data = array(
    'name' => $name,
    'mail' => $mail,
    'pass' => $pass,
  $results['_user_resource_create'] = _user_resource_create($data);

  // If the user registeration was successful, make a call to the drupalgap system
  // connect resource.
  if ($results['_user_resource_create']) {
    $results['drupalgap_system_connect'] = _drupalgap_resource_system_connect();
  return $results;

 * Returns a user's roles and permissions.
 * @return array
 *   Array of user roles and their corresponding permissions.
function _drupalgap_resource_user_roles_and_permissions() {
  global $user;
  $uid = $user->uid;
  if (!isset($uid) || !is_numeric($uid)) {
    services_error(t('Missing argument uid.'), 406);

  // Prepare empty resuls array.
  $results = array();

  // Load user account.
  $account = user_load($uid);

  // Depending if user is authenticated or not, retrieve permissions based on
  // the user's role(s).
  if ($uid == 0) {

    // Grab permissions for 'anonymous user' role.
    $sql = " SELECT rid, perm FROM {permission} ";
    $sql .= " WHERE rid = 1 ";
    $sql .= " GROUP BY rid ";
    $perms = db_query($sql);
    while ($data = db_fetch_object($perms)) {
      drupalgap_convert_d6_perms_to_d7(&$results, $data, $account);
  else {

    // Grab role(s) for authenticated user.
    $roles = array();
    $sql = " SELECT ur.rid FROM {users_roles} ur WHERE ur.uid = %d ";
    $result = db_query($sql, $uid);
    while ($role = db_fetch_object($result)) {
      $roles[] = $role;

    // We must manually append the 'authenticated user' role id (2) to the roles
    // array. The user roles table does not hold this data.
    $roles[] = 2;

    // Retrieve permissions for the user's role(s).
    $sql = " SELECT rid, perm FROM {permission} ";
    $sql .= " WHERE rid IN (" . db_placeholders($roles, 'int') . ") ";
    $sql .= " GROUP BY rid ";
    $perms = db_query($sql, $roles);
    if ($perms) {
      while ($data = db_fetch_object($perms)) {
        drupalgap_convert_d6_perms_to_d7(&$results, $data, $account);
  return $results;

 * Returns the current user's permissions.
 * @return array
 *   Array of user roles and their corresponding permissions.
function _drupalgap_resource_user_permissions() {
  global $user;
  $uid = $user->uid;
  $user_roles_and_permissions = _drupalgap_resource_user_roles_and_permissions();
  return $user_roles_and_permissions;
  if ($uid == 0) {

    // Grab permissions for 'anonymous user' role.
    $query = db_select('role_permission', 'rp');
      ->condition('rp.rid', '1')
      ->fields('rp', array(
    $result = $query
    return $result
  else {

    // Grab roles for authenticated user.
    $query = db_select('users_roles', 'ur');
      ->condition('ur.uid', $uid)
      ->fields('ur', array(
    $result = $query
    $results = $result
    if (empty($results)) {

      // The user only has the 'authenticated user' role.
      // Grab permissions for 'anonymous user' role.
      $query = db_select('role_permission', 'rp');
        ->condition('rp.rid', '2')
        ->fields('rp', array(
      $result = $query
      return $result
    else {

      // The user has roles other than the 'authenticated user' role.
      $query = db_select('users_roles', 'ur');
        ->condition('ur.uid', $uid)
        ->fields('ur', array(
        ->fields('r', array(
        ->innerJoin('role', 'r', 'ur.rid = r.rid');
        ->fields('rp', array(
        ->innerJoin('role_permission', 'rp', 'rp.rid = r.rid');
      $result = $query
      return $result

 * Returns a collection of variables from the current Drupal site.
 * @return array
 *   Array of variables from the variable table.
function _drupalgap_resource_system_site_settings() {

  // Grab column names from the variable table.
  $names = array(
  $sql = " SELECT * FROM {variable} ";
  $sql .= " WHERE name IN (" . db_placeholders($names, 'text') . ")";
  $settings = new stdClass();
  $result = db_query($sql, $names);
  if ($result) {
    $settings->variable = new stdClass();
    while ($variable = db_fetch_object($result)) {
      $name = $variable->name;
      $value = unserialize($variable->value);
      $settings->variable->{$name} = $value;

  // Add Drupal core verion into settings.
  $settings->variable->drupal_core = "6";
  return $settings;

 * Performs service calls to various resources and bundles them all up so the 
 * mobile device gets results, settings and permissions in one request.
 * @param $created
 *   Integer The time at which the last system connect call took place. This is
 *   used to determine what, if any, content/comments/etc have been updated
 *   since the last call took place from the mobile app.
 * @return array
 *   Array of service resources, settings and permissions.
function _drupalgap_resource_system_connect($created = null) {
  global $user;
  $results = array();

  // Make a call to the system connect resource.
  module_load_include('inc', 'services', 'resources/system_resource');
  $results['system_connect'] = _system_resource_connect();

  // Make calls to various DrupalGap resources.
  $results['site_settings'] = _drupalgap_resource_system_site_settings();
  $results['user_permissions'] = _drupalgap_resource_user_permissions(array(
    'uid' => $user->uid,
  $results['content_types_list'] = _drupalgap_resource_content_types_list();
  $results['content_types_user_permissions'] = _drupalgap_resource_content_types_user_permissions();

  // Add the time at which this call occurred to the result.
  $results['created'] = "" . time();

  // Add the last time at which this call occurred, if ever, to the result.
  if ($created != null) {

    //$results['last_created'] = date("Y-m-d h:i:s", $created);
    $results['last_created'] = $created;
  return $results;

 * Converts a D6 {permission} result row to match that of D7's permission
 * structure, this is so the mobile app only needs to understand one data set.
 * It appends the result to the incoming results array.
 * @param $results
 *   Array to append the result to.
 * @param $data
 *   Object result from the mysql row fetch.
 * @param $account
 *   Object for the user account.
function drupalgap_convert_d6_perms_to_d7(&$results, $data, $account) {

  // Structure the roles and permissions result to match that of D7,
  // so the mobile app only needs to understand one set of data.
  $permissions = explode(", ", $data->perm);
  foreach ($permissions as $permission) {
    $result = new stdClass();
    $result->uid = $account->uid;
    $result->rid = $data->rid;
    $result->name = $account->roles[$data->rid];
    $result->permission = $permission;
    $results[] = $result;

 * Retrieves basic data for  vocabularies.
 * @return array containing associative array(s) of vocabulary data.
function _drupalgap_taxonomy_get_vocabularies() {
  $sql = 'SELECT vid, name, description, weight
    FROM {vocabulary}
    ORDER BY weight ASC';
  $result = db_query($sql);
  $results = array();
  while ($data = db_fetch_object($result)) {
    $results[] = $data;
  return $results;

 * DrupalGap interface to taxonomy_get_tree().
 * @see taxonomy_get_tree()
function _drupalgap_taxonomy_get_terms($vid, $parent = 0, $max_depth = NULL) {
  $terms = taxonomy_get_tree($vid, $parent, $max_depth);
  return $terms;


Namesort descending Description
drupalgap_convert_d6_perms_to_d7 Converts a D6 {permission} result row to match that of D7's permission structure, this is so the mobile app only needs to understand one data set. It appends the result to the incoming results array.
_drupalgap_resource_access Determines whether the current user can access a drupalgap resource.
_drupalgap_resource_content_types_list Returns a collection of content types from the {node_type} table.
_drupalgap_resource_content_types_user_permissions Returns a collection of permissions from content types for the current user.
_drupalgap_resource_system_connect Performs service calls to various resources and bundles them all up so the mobile device gets results, settings and permissions in one request.
_drupalgap_resource_system_site_settings Returns a collection of variables from the current Drupal site.
_drupalgap_resource_user_access Checks to see if the user has access to a permission.
_drupalgap_resource_user_login Performs a user login service resource call and bundles up the drupalgap system connect resource results as well.
_drupalgap_resource_user_logout Performs a user logout service resource call and bundles up the drupalgap system connect resource results as well.
_drupalgap_resource_user_permissions Returns the current user's permissions.
_drupalgap_resource_user_register Performs a user registration service resource call and bundles up the drupalgap system connect resource results as well.
_drupalgap_resource_user_roles_and_permissions Returns a user's roles and permissions.
_drupalgap_taxonomy_get_terms DrupalGap interface to taxonomy_get_tree().