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function image_gd_load in Drupal 7

GD helper function to create an image resource from a file.


$image: An image object. The $image->resource value will populated by this call.

Return value

TRUE or FALSE, based on success.

See also


Related topics


modules/system/, line 253
GD2 toolkit for image manipulation within Drupal.


function image_gd_load(stdClass $image) {
  $extension = str_replace('jpg', 'jpeg', $image->info['extension']);
  $function = 'imagecreatefrom' . $extension;
  if (function_exists($function) && ($image->resource = $function($image->source))) {
    if (imageistruecolor($image->resource)) {
      return TRUE;
    else {

      // Convert indexed images to truecolor, copying the image to a new
      // truecolor resource, so that filters work correctly and don't result
      // in unnecessary dither.
      $resource = image_gd_create_tmp($image, $image->info['width'], $image->info['height']);
      if ($resource) {
        imagecopy($resource, $image->resource, 0, 0, 0, 0, imagesx($resource), imagesy($resource));
        $image->resource = $resource;
    return (bool) $image->resource;
  return FALSE;