40 calls to DrupalWebTestCase::drupalGetNodeByTitle() in Drupal 7
- BookTestCase::createBookNode in modules/
book/ book.test - Creates a book node.
- DBLogTestCase::doNode in modules/
dblog/ dblog.test - Generates and then verifies some node events.
- FileFieldWidgetTestCase::doTestTemporaryFileRemovalExploit in modules/
file/ tests/ file.test - Helper for testing exploiting the temporary file removal using fid.
- FileFieldWidgetTestCase::testPrivateFileComment in modules/
file/ tests/ file.test - Tests that download restrictions on private files work on comments.
- FilePrivateTestCase::testPrivateFile in modules/
file/ tests/ file.test - Tests file access for file uploaded to a private node.
- FilterAdminTestCase::testFilterAdmin in modules/
filter/ filter.test - Tests filter administration functionality.
- FilterFormatAccessTestCase::testFormatWidgetPermissions in modules/
filter/ filter.test - Tests editing a page using a disallowed text format.
- ForumIndexTestCase::testForumIndexStatus in modules/
forum/ forum.test - Tests the forum index for published and unpublished nodes.
- ForumTestCase::createForumTopic in modules/
forum/ forum.test - Creates forum topic.
- ForumUpgradePathTestCase::testForumUpgrade in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ upgrade/ upgrade.forum.test - Test a successful upgrade (no negotiation).
- LocaleCommentLanguageFunctionalTest::testCommentLanguage in modules/
locale/ locale.test - Test that comment language is properly set.
- LocaleMultilingualFieldsFunctionalTest::testMultilingualDisplaySettings in modules/
locale/ locale.test - LocaleMultilingualFieldsFunctionalTest::testMultilingualNodeForm in modules/
locale/ locale.test - Test if field languages are correctly set through the node form.
- MenuNodeTestCase::testMenuNodeFormWidget in modules/
menu/ menu.test - Test creating, editing, deleting menu links via node form widget.
- NodeCreationTestCase::testFailedPageCreation in modules/
node/ node.test - Verifies that a transaction rolls back the failed creation.
- NodeCreationTestCase::testNodeCreation in modules/
node/ node.test - Creates a "Basic page" node and verifies its consistency in the database.
- NodeEntityViewModeAlterTest::testNodeViewModeChange in modules/
node/ node.test - Create a "Basic page" node and verify its consistency in the database.
- NodeEntityViewModeAlterTest::testNodeViewModeChangeHiddenField in modules/
node/ node.test - Tests fields that were previously hidden when the view mode is changed.
- NodePostSettingsTestCase::testPageNotPostInfo in modules/
node/ node.test - Confirms absence of post information on a new node.
- NodePostSettingsTestCase::testPagePostInfo in modules/
node/ node.test - Confirms "Basic page" content type and post information is on a new node.
- NodeSaveTestCase::testImport in modules/
node/ node.test - Checks whether custom node IDs are saved properly during an import operation.
- NodeSaveTestCase::testTimestamps in modules/
node/ node.test - Verifies accuracy of the "created" and "changed" timestamp functionality.
- PageEditTestCase::testPageAuthoredBy in modules/
node/ node.test - Tests changing a node's "authored by" field.
- PageEditTestCase::testPageEdit in modules/
node/ node.test - Checks node edit functionality.
- PageTitleFiltering::testTitleTags in modules/
system/ system.test - Tests the handling of HTML by drupal_set_title() and drupal_get_title()
- PathLanguageTestCase::testAliasTranslation in modules/
path/ path.test - Test alias functionality through the admin interfaces.
- PollTestCase::pollCreate in modules/
poll/ poll.test - Creates a poll.
- TaxonomyLegacyTestCase::testTaxonomyLegacyNode in modules/
taxonomy/ taxonomy.test - Test taxonomy functionality with nodes prior to 1970.
- TaxonomyTermIndexTestCase::testTaxonomyIndex in modules/
taxonomy/ taxonomy.test - Tests that the taxonomy index is maintained properly.
- TaxonomyTermTestCase::testNodeTermCreationAndDeletion in modules/
taxonomy/ taxonomy.test - Test term creation with a free-tagging vocabulary from the node form.
- TaxonomyTermTestCase::testTaxonomyNode in modules/
taxonomy/ taxonomy.test - Test that hook_node_$op implementations work correctly.
- TextSummaryTestCase::testOnlyTextSummary in modules/
field/ modules/ text/ text.test - Test sending only summary.
- TextTranslationTestCase::testTextField in modules/
field/ modules/ text/ text.test - Test that a plaintext textfield widget is correctly populated.
- TextTranslationTestCase::testTextFieldFormatted in modules/
field/ modules/ text/ text.test - Check that user that does not have access the field format cannot see the source value when creating a translation.
- TranslatableUpgradePathTestCase::testTranslatableUpgrade in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ upgrade/ upgrade.translatable.test - Test a successful upgrade (no negotiation).
- TranslationTestCase::createPage in modules/
translation/ translation.test - Creates a "Basic page" in the specified language.
- TranslationTestCase::createTranslation in modules/
translation/ translation.test - Creates a translation for a basic page in the specified language.
- TranslationTestCase::testContentTranslation in modules/
translation/ translation.test - Creates, modifies, and updates a basic page with a translation.
- TriggerContentTestCase::testActionsContent in modules/
trigger/ trigger.test - Tests several content-oriented trigger issues.
- TriggerOrphanedActionsTestCase::testActionsOrphaned in modules/
trigger/ trigger.test - Tests logic around orphaned actions.