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function PollTestCase::pollCreate in Drupal 7

Creates a poll.


string $title: The title of the poll.

array $choices: A list of choice labels.

boolean $preview: (optional) Whether to test if the preview is working or not. Defaults to TRUE.

Return value

The node id of the created poll, or FALSE on error.

9 calls to PollTestCase::pollCreate()
PollBlockTestCase::testRecentBlock in modules/poll/poll.test
PollCreateTestCase::testPollClose in modules/poll/poll.test
PollCreateTestCase::testPollCreate in modules/poll/poll.test
PollDeleteChoiceTestCase::testChoiceRemoval in modules/poll/poll.test
PollExpirationTestCase::testAutoExpire in modules/poll/poll.test

... See full list


modules/poll/poll.test, line 24
Tests for poll.module.


@file Tests for poll.module.


function pollCreate($title, $choices, $preview = TRUE) {
    ->assertTrue(TRUE, 'Create a poll');
  $admin_user = $this
    'create poll content',
    'administer nodes',
  $web_user = $this
    'create poll content',
    'access content',
    'edit own poll content',

  // Get the form first to initialize the state of the internal browser.

  // Prepare a form with two choices.
  list($edit, $index) = $this
    ->_pollGenerateEdit($title, $choices);

  // Verify that the vote count element only allows non-negative integers.
  $edit['choice[new:1][chvotes]'] = -1;
  $edit['choice[new:0][chvotes]'] = $this
    ->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, t('Save'));
    ->assertText(t('Negative values are not allowed.'));
    ->assertText(t('Vote count for new choice must be an integer.'));

  // Repeat steps for initializing the state of the internal browser.
  list($edit, $index) = $this
    ->_pollGenerateEdit($title, $choices);

  // Re-submit the form until all choices are filled in.
  if (count($choices) > 2) {
    while ($index < count($choices)) {
        ->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, t('More choices'));
        ->assertPollChoiceOrder($choices, $index);
      list($edit, $index) = $this
        ->_pollGenerateEdit($title, $choices, $index);
  if ($preview) {
      ->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, t('Preview'));
      ->assertPollChoiceOrder($choices, $index, TRUE);
    list($edit, $index) = $this
      ->_pollGenerateEdit($title, $choices, $index);
    ->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, t('Save'));
  $node = $this
    ->assertText(t('@type @title has been created.', array(
    '@type' => node_type_get_name('poll'),
    '@title' => $title,
  )), 'Poll has been created.');
    ->assertTrue($node->nid, 'Poll has been found in the database.');
  return isset($node->nid) ? $node->nid : FALSE;