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69 functions implement hook_load() in Drupal 7

Note: this list is generated by pattern matching, so it may include some functions that are not actually implementations of this hook.

actions_load in includes/
Retrieves a single action from the database.
aggregator_category_load in modules/aggregator/aggregator.module
Loads an aggregator category.
aggregator_feed_items_load in modules/aggregator/
Loads and optionally filters feed items.
aggregator_feed_load in modules/aggregator/aggregator.module
Loads an aggregator feed.
batch_load in includes/
Loads a batch from the database.
blocked_ip_load in modules/system/system.module
Retrieve a blocked IP address from the database.
block_load in modules/block/block.module
Loads a block object from the database.
book_link_load in modules/book/book.module
Gets a book menu link by its menu link ID.
book_node_load in modules/book/book.module
Implements hook_node_load().
comment_load in modules/comment/comment.module
Load the entire comment by cid.
comment_node_load in modules/comment/comment.module
Implements hook_node_load().
comment_node_type_load in modules/comment/comment.module
Menu loader callback for Field UI paths.
contact_load in modules/contact/contact.module
Loads a contact category.
drupal_load in includes/
Includes a file with the provided type and name.
entity_crud_hook_test_comment_load in modules/simpletest/tests/entity_crud_hook_test.module
Implements hook_comment_load().
entity_crud_hook_test_entity_load in modules/simpletest/tests/entity_crud_hook_test.module
Implements hook_entity_load().
entity_crud_hook_test_file_load in modules/simpletest/tests/entity_crud_hook_test.module
Implements hook_file_load().
entity_crud_hook_test_node_load in modules/simpletest/tests/entity_crud_hook_test.module
Implements hook_node_load().
entity_crud_hook_test_taxonomy_term_load in modules/simpletest/tests/entity_crud_hook_test.module
Implements hook_taxonomy_term_load().
entity_crud_hook_test_taxonomy_vocabulary_load in modules/simpletest/tests/entity_crud_hook_test.module
Implements hook_taxonomy_vocabulary_load().
entity_crud_hook_test_user_load in modules/simpletest/tests/entity_crud_hook_test.module
Implements hook_user_load().
entity_load in includes/
Load entities from the database.
field_attach_load in modules/field/
Loads fields for the current revisions of a group of entities.
field_sql_storage_field_storage_load in modules/field/modules/field_sql_storage/field_sql_storage.module
Implements hook_field_storage_load().
field_test_entity_test_load in modules/field/tests/
Loads a test_entity.
field_test_field_load in modules/field/tests/
Implements hook_field_load().
field_test_field_storage_load in modules/field/tests/
Implements hook_field_storage_load().
field_ui_menu_load in modules/field_ui/field_ui.module
Menu loader; Load a field instance based on field and bundle name.
file_field_load in modules/file/
Implements hook_field_load().
file_load in includes/
Loads a single file object from the database.
file_test_file_load in modules/simpletest/tests/file_test.module
Implements hook_file_load().
filter_dom_load in modules/filter/filter.module
Parses an HTML snippet and returns it as a DOM object.
filter_format_load in modules/filter/filter.module
Loads a text format object from the database.
forum_forum_load in modules/forum/forum.module
Returns a tree of all forums for a given taxonomy term ID.
forum_node_load in modules/forum/forum.module
Implements hook_node_load().
image_effect_definition_load in modules/image/image.module
Loads the definition for an image effect.
image_effect_load in modules/image/image.module
Loads a single image effect.
image_field_load in modules/image/
Implements hook_field_load().
image_gd_load in modules/system/
GD helper function to create an image resource from a file.
image_load in includes/
Loads an image file and returns an image object.
image_style_load in modules/image/image.module
Loads a style by style name or ID.
image_test_load in modules/simpletest/tests/image_test.module
Image tookit's load operation.
menu_link_load in includes/
Gets a translated, access-checked menu link that is ready for rendering.
menu_load in modules/menu/menu.module
Load the data for a single custom menu.
menu_tail_load in includes/
Loads the path as one string relative to the current index.
menu_test_argument_load in modules/simpletest/tests/menu_test.module
Dummy argument loader for hook_menu() to point to.
menu_test_other_argument_load in modules/simpletest/tests/menu_test.module
Dummy argument loader for hook_menu() to point to.
node_access_test_node_load in modules/node/tests/node_access_test.module
Implements hook_node_load().
node_load in modules/node/node.module
Loads a node object from the database.
node_test_node_load in modules/node/tests/node_test.module
Implements hook_node_load().
node_type_load in modules/node/node.module
Menu argument loader: loads a node type by string.
path_load in includes/
Fetches a specific URL alias from the database.
poll_load in modules/poll/poll.module
Implements hook_load().
profile_user_load in modules/profile/profile.module
Implements hook_user_load().
rdf_comment_load in modules/rdf/rdf.module
Implements hook_comment_load().
rdf_entity_load in modules/rdf/rdf.module
Implements hook_entity_load().
rdf_mapping_load in modules/rdf/rdf.module
Returns the mapping for attributes of a given entity type/bundle pair.
shortcut_set_load in modules/shortcut/shortcut.module
Loads the data for a shortcut set.
taxonomy_term_load in modules/taxonomy/taxonomy.module
Return the term object matching a term ID.
taxonomy_test_taxonomy_term_load in modules/simpletest/tests/taxonomy_test.module
Implements hook_taxonomy_term_load().
taxonomy_vocabulary_load in modules/taxonomy/taxonomy.module
Return the vocabulary object matching a vocabulary ID.
taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name_load in modules/taxonomy/taxonomy.module
Return the vocabulary object matching a vocabulary machine name.
text_field_load in modules/field/modules/text/text.module
Implements hook_field_load().
user_category_load in modules/user/user.module
Return a user object after checking if any profile category in the path exists.
user_external_load in modules/user/user.module
Fetches a user object based on an external authentication source.
user_load in modules/user/user.module
Loads a user object.
user_node_load in modules/user/user.module
Implements hook_node_load().
user_role_load in modules/user/user.module
Fetches a user role by role ID.
user_uid_optional_load in modules/user/user.module
Load either a specified or the current user account.