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Form generation in Drupal 6

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 core/core.api.php \form_api
  2. 7 includes/ \form_api
  3. 9 core/core.api.php \form_api

Functions to enable the processing and display of HTML forms.

Drupal uses these functions to achieve consistency in its form processing and presentation, while simplifying code and reducing the amount of HTML that must be explicitly generated by modules.

The drupal_get_form() function handles retrieving, processing, and displaying a rendered HTML form for modules automatically. For example:

// Display the user registration form.
$output = drupal_get_form('user_register');

Forms can also be built and submitted programmatically without any user input using the drupal_execute() function.

For information on the format of the structured arrays used to define forms, and more detailed explanations of the Form API workflow, see the reference and the Form API guide.


includes/, line 22


Namesort descending Location Description
date_validate includes/ Validates the date type to stop dates like February 30, 2006.
drupal_execute includes/ Retrieves, populates, and processes a form.
drupal_get_form includes/ Retrieves a form from a constructor function, or from the cache if the form was built in a previous page-load. The form is then passed on for processing, after and rendered for display if necessary.
drupal_prepare_form includes/ Prepares a structured form array by adding required elements, executing any hook_form_alter functions, and optionally inserting a validation token to prevent tampering.
drupal_process_form includes/ This function is the heart of form API. The form gets built, validated and in appropriate cases, submitted.
drupal_rebuild_form includes/ Retrieves a form, caches it and processes it with an empty $_POST.
drupal_redirect_form includes/ Redirect the user to a URL after a form has been processed.
drupal_render_form includes/ Renders a structured form array into themed HTML.
drupal_retrieve_form includes/ Retrieves the structured array that defines a given form.
drupal_validate_form includes/ Validates user-submitted form data from the $form_state using the validate functions defined in a structured form array.
expand_checkboxes includes/
expand_date includes/ Roll out a single date element.
expand_password_confirm includes/ Expand a password_confirm field into two text boxes.
expand_radios includes/ Roll out a single radios element to a list of radios, using the options array as index.
form_builder includes/ Walk through the structured form array, adding any required properties to each element and mapping the incoming $_POST data to the proper elements.
form_build_id_map includes/ Maintain a map of immutable form_build_ids to cloned form.
form_clean_id includes/ Prepare an HTML ID attribute string for a form item.
form_error includes/ Flag an element as having an error.
form_execute_handlers includes/ A helper function used to execute custom validation and submission handlers for a given form. Button-specific handlers are checked first. If none exist, the function falls back to form-level handlers.
form_expand_ahah includes/ Add AHAH information about a form element to the page to communicate with javascript. If #ahah[path] is set on an element, this additional javascript is added to the page header to attach the AHAH behaviors. See ahah.js for more information.
form_get_cache includes/ Fetch a form from cache.
form_get_error includes/ Return the error message filed against the form with the specified name.
form_get_errors includes/ Return an associative array of all errors.
form_get_options includes/ Traverses a select element's #option array looking for any values that hold the given key. Returns an array of indexes that match.
form_options_flatten includes/
form_process_autocomplete includes/ Process function to prepare autocomplete data.
form_select_options includes/
form_set_cache includes/ Store a form in the cache.
form_set_error includes/ File an error against a form element.
form_set_value includes/ Change submitted form values during the form processing cycle.
form_type_checkboxes_value includes/ Helper function to determine the value for a checkboxes form element.
form_type_checkbox_value includes/ Helper function to determine the value for a checkbox form element.
form_type_image_button_value includes/ Helper function to determine the value for an image button form element.
form_type_password_confirm_value includes/ Helper function to determine the value for a password_confirm form element.
form_type_select_value includes/ Helper function to determine the value for a select form element.
form_type_textfield_value includes/ Helper function to determine the value for a textfield form element.
form_type_token_value includes/ Helper function to determine the value for form's token value.
map_month includes/ Helper function for usage with drupal_map_assoc to display month names.
password_confirm_validate includes/ Validate password_confirm element.
process_weight includes/ Expand weight elements into selects.
theme_button includes/ Theme a form button.
theme_checkbox includes/ Format a checkbox.
theme_checkboxes includes/ Format a set of checkboxes.
theme_date includes/ Format a date selection element.
theme_fieldset includes/ Format a group of form items.
theme_file includes/ Format a file upload field.
theme_form includes/ Format a form.
theme_form_element includes/ Return a themed form element.
theme_hidden includes/ Format a hidden form field.
theme_image_button includes/ Theme a form image button.
theme_item includes/ Format a form item.
theme_markup includes/ Format HTML markup for use in forms.
theme_password includes/ Format a password field.
theme_password_confirm includes/ Format a password_confirm item.
theme_radio includes/ Format a radio button.
theme_radios includes/ Format a set of radio buttons.
theme_select includes/ Format a dropdown menu or scrolling selection box.
theme_submit includes/ Theme a form submit button.
theme_textarea includes/ Format a textarea.
theme_textfield includes/ Format a textfield.
theme_token includes/ Format a form token.
weight_value includes/ If no default value is set for weight select boxes, use 0.
_element_info includes/ Retrieve the default properties for the defined element type.
_form_builder_handle_input_element includes/ Populate the #value and #name properties of input elements so they can be processed and rendered. Also, execute any #process handlers attached to a specific element.
_form_builder_ie_cleanup includes/ In IE, if only one submit button is present, AND the enter key is used to submit the form, no form value is sent for it and our normal button detection code will never detect a match. We call this function after all other button-detection is complete…
_form_button_was_clicked includes/ Helper function to handle the sometimes-convoluted logic of button click detection.
_form_set_class includes/ Sets a form element's class attribute.
_form_set_value includes/ Helper function for form_set_value().
_form_validate includes/ Performs validation on form elements. First ensures required fields are completed, #maxlength is not exceeded, and selected options were in the list of options given to the user. Then calls user-defined validators.