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function db_is_active in Drupal 6

Returns a boolean depending on the availability of the database.

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4 calls to db_is_active()
drupal_get_filename in includes/
Returns and optionally sets the filename for a system item (module, theme, etc.). The filename, whether provided, cached, or retrieved from the database, is only returned if the file exists.
list_themes in includes/
Provides a list of currently available themes.
template_preprocess in includes/
Adds a default set of helper variables for preprocess functions and templates. This comes in before any other preprocess function which makes it possible to be used in default theme implementations (non-overriden theme functions).
_drupal_maintenance_theme in includes/
Sets up the theming system for site installs, updates and when the site is in off-line mode. It also applies when the database is unavailable.


includes/, line 194
Wrapper for database interface code.


function db_is_active() {
  global $active_db;
  return !empty($active_db);