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function _db_error_page in Drupal 6

Helper function to show fatal database errors.

Prints a themed maintenance page with the 'Site off-line' text, adding the provided error message in the case of 'display_errors' set to on. Ends the page request; no return.


$error: The error message to be appended if 'display_errors' is on.

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function _db_error_page($error = '') {
  global $db_type;
  drupal_set_header($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] . ' 503 Service Unavailable');
  drupal_set_title('Site off-line');
  $message = '<p>The site is currently not available due to technical problems. Please try again later. Thank you for your understanding.</p>';
  $message .= '<hr /><p><small>If you are the maintainer of this site, please check your database settings in the <code>settings.php</code> file and ensure that your hosting provider\'s database server is running. For more help, see the <a href="">handbook</a>, or contact your hosting provider.</small></p>';
  if ($error && ini_get('display_errors')) {
    $message .= '<p><small>The ' . theme('placeholder', $db_type) . ' error was: ' . theme('placeholder', $error) . '.</small></p>';
  print theme('maintenance_page', $message);