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function drupal_maintenance_theme in Drupal 6

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 core/includes/ \drupal_maintenance_theme()
  2. 4 includes/ \drupal_maintenance_theme()
  3. 5 includes/ \drupal_maintenance_theme()
  4. 7 includes/ \drupal_maintenance_theme()
  5. 9 core/includes/ \drupal_maintenance_theme()
  6. 10 core/includes/ \drupal_maintenance_theme()

Enables use of the theme system without requiring database access.

Loads and initializes the theme system for site installs, updates and when the site is in off-line mode. This also applies when the database fails.

See also


5 calls to drupal_maintenance_theme()
drupal_site_offline in includes/
Generates a site off-line message.
install_main in ./install.php
The Drupal installation happens in a series of steps. We begin by verifying that the current environment meets our minimum requirements. We then go on to verify that settings.php is properly configured. From there we connect to the configured database…
update.php in ./update.php
Administrative page for handling updates from one Drupal version to another.
_batch_progress_page_nojs in includes/
Batch processing page without JavaScript support.
_db_error_page in includes/
Helper function to show fatal database errors.


includes/, line 1263
Functions that need to be loaded on every Drupal request.


function drupal_maintenance_theme() {
  require_once './includes/';