class DatabaseSchema_sqlite in Drupal 7
- class \DatabaseSchema implements QueryPlaceholderInterface
- class \DatabaseSchema_sqlite
Expanded class hierarchy of DatabaseSchema_sqlite
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- includes/
database/ sqlite/, line 14 - Database schema code for SQLite databases.
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class DatabaseSchema_sqlite extends DatabaseSchema {
* Override DatabaseSchema::$defaultSchema
protected $defaultSchema = 'main';
public function tableExists($table) {
$info = $this
// Don't use {} around sqlite_master table.
return (bool) $this->connection
->query('SELECT 1 FROM ' . $info['schema'] . '.sqlite_master WHERE type = :type AND name = :name', array(
':type' => 'table',
':name' => $info['table'],
public function fieldExists($table, $column) {
$schema = $this
return !empty($schema['fields'][$column]);
* Generate SQL to create a new table from a Drupal schema definition.
* @param $name
* The name of the table to create.
* @param $table
* A Schema API table definition array.
* @return
* An array of SQL statements to create the table.
public function createTableSql($name, $table) {
$sql = array();
$sql[] = "CREATE TABLE {" . $name . "} (\n" . $this
->createColumsSql($name, $table) . "\n);\n";
return array_merge($sql, $this
->createIndexSql($name, $table));
* Build the SQL expression for indexes.
protected function createIndexSql($tablename, $schema) {
$sql = array();
$info = $this
if (!empty($schema['unique keys'])) {
foreach ($schema['unique keys'] as $key => $fields) {
$sql[] = 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ' . $info['schema'] . '.' . $info['table'] . '_' . $key . ' ON ' . $info['table'] . ' (' . $this
->createKeySql($fields) . "); \n";
if (!empty($schema['indexes'])) {
foreach ($schema['indexes'] as $key => $fields) {
$sql[] = 'CREATE INDEX ' . $info['schema'] . '.' . $info['table'] . '_' . $key . ' ON ' . $info['table'] . ' (' . $this
->createKeySql($fields) . "); \n";
return $sql;
* Build the SQL expression for creating columns.
protected function createColumsSql($tablename, $schema) {
$sql_array = array();
// Add the SQL statement for each field.
foreach ($schema['fields'] as $name => $field) {
if (isset($field['type']) && $field['type'] == 'serial') {
if (isset($schema['primary key']) && ($key = array_search($name, $schema['primary key'])) !== FALSE) {
unset($schema['primary key'][$key]);
$sql_array[] = $this
->createFieldSql($name, $this
// Process keys.
if (!empty($schema['primary key'])) {
$sql_array[] = " PRIMARY KEY (" . $this
->createKeySql($schema['primary key']) . ")";
return implode(", \n", $sql_array);
* Build the SQL expression for keys.
protected function createKeySql($fields) {
$return = array();
foreach ($fields as $field) {
if (is_array($field)) {
$return[] = $field[0];
else {
$return[] = $field;
return implode(', ', $return);
* Set database-engine specific properties for a field.
* @param $field
* A field description array, as specified in the schema documentation.
protected function processField($field) {
if (!isset($field['size'])) {
$field['size'] = 'normal';
// Set the correct database-engine specific datatype.
// In case one is already provided, force it to uppercase.
if (isset($field['sqlite_type'])) {
$field['sqlite_type'] = drupal_strtoupper($field['sqlite_type']);
else {
$map = $this
$field['sqlite_type'] = $map[$field['type'] . ':' . $field['size']];
if (isset($field['type']) && $field['type'] == 'serial') {
$field['auto_increment'] = TRUE;
return $field;
* Create an SQL string for a field to be used in table creation or alteration.
* Before passing a field out of a schema definition into this function it has
* to be processed by db_processField().
* @param $name
* Name of the field.
* @param $spec
* The field specification, as per the schema data structure format.
protected function createFieldSql($name, $spec) {
if (!empty($spec['auto_increment'])) {
if (!empty($spec['unsigned'])) {
$sql .= ' CHECK (' . $name . '>= 0)';
else {
$sql = $name . ' ' . $spec['sqlite_type'];
if (in_array($spec['sqlite_type'], array(
)) && isset($spec['length'])) {
$sql .= '(' . $spec['length'] . ')';
if (isset($spec['not null'])) {
if ($spec['not null']) {
$sql .= ' NOT NULL';
else {
$sql .= ' NULL';
if (!empty($spec['unsigned'])) {
$sql .= ' CHECK (' . $name . '>= 0)';
if (isset($spec['default'])) {
if (is_string($spec['default'])) {
$spec['default'] = "'" . $spec['default'] . "'";
$sql .= ' DEFAULT ' . $spec['default'];
if (empty($spec['not null']) && !isset($spec['default'])) {
$sql .= ' DEFAULT NULL';
return $sql;
* This maps a generic data type in combination with its data size
* to the engine-specific data type.
public function getFieldTypeMap() {
// Put :normal last so it gets preserved by array_flip. This makes
// it much easier for modules (such as schema.module) to map
// database types back into schema types.
// $map does not use drupal_static as its value never changes.
static $map = array(
'varchar:normal' => 'VARCHAR',
'char:normal' => 'CHAR',
'text:tiny' => 'TEXT',
'text:small' => 'TEXT',
'text:medium' => 'TEXT',
'text:big' => 'TEXT',
'text:normal' => 'TEXT',
'serial:tiny' => 'INTEGER',
'serial:small' => 'INTEGER',
'serial:medium' => 'INTEGER',
'serial:big' => 'INTEGER',
'serial:normal' => 'INTEGER',
'int:tiny' => 'INTEGER',
'int:small' => 'INTEGER',
'int:medium' => 'INTEGER',
'int:big' => 'INTEGER',
'int:normal' => 'INTEGER',
'float:tiny' => 'FLOAT',
'float:small' => 'FLOAT',
'float:medium' => 'FLOAT',
'float:big' => 'FLOAT',
'float:normal' => 'FLOAT',
'numeric:normal' => 'NUMERIC',
'blob:big' => 'BLOB',
'blob:normal' => 'BLOB',
return $map;
public function renameTable($table, $new_name) {
if (!$this
->tableExists($table)) {
throw new DatabaseSchemaObjectDoesNotExistException(t("Cannot rename @table to @table_new: table @table doesn't exist.", array(
'@table' => $table,
'@table_new' => $new_name,
if ($this
->tableExists($new_name)) {
throw new DatabaseSchemaObjectExistsException(t("Cannot rename @table to @table_new: table @table_new already exists.", array(
'@table' => $table,
'@table_new' => $new_name,
$schema = $this
// SQLite doesn't allow you to rename tables outside of the current
// database. So the syntax '...RENAME TO database.table' would fail.
// So we must determine the full table name here rather than surrounding
// the table with curly braces incase the db_prefix contains a reference
// to a database outside of our existing database.
$info = $this
->query('ALTER TABLE {' . $table . '} RENAME TO ' . $info['table']);
// Drop the indexes, there is no RENAME INDEX command in SQLite.
if (!empty($schema['unique keys'])) {
foreach ($schema['unique keys'] as $key => $fields) {
->dropIndex($table, $key);
if (!empty($schema['indexes'])) {
foreach ($schema['indexes'] as $index => $fields) {
->dropIndex($table, $index);
// Recreate the indexes.
$statements = $this
->createIndexSql($new_name, $schema);
foreach ($statements as $statement) {
public function dropTable($table) {
if (!$this
->tableExists($table)) {
return FALSE;
$this->connection->tableDropped = TRUE;
->query('DROP TABLE {' . $table . '}');
return TRUE;
public function addField($table, $field, $specification, $keys_new = array()) {
if (!$this
->tableExists($table)) {
throw new DatabaseSchemaObjectDoesNotExistException(t("Cannot add field @table.@field: table doesn't exist.", array(
'@field' => $field,
'@table' => $table,
if ($this
->fieldExists($table, $field)) {
throw new DatabaseSchemaObjectExistsException(t("Cannot add field @table.@field: field already exists.", array(
'@field' => $field,
'@table' => $table,
// SQLite doesn't have a full-featured ALTER TABLE statement. It only
// supports adding new fields to a table, in some simple cases. In most
// cases, we have to create a new table and copy the data over.
if (empty($keys_new) && (empty($specification['not null']) || isset($specification['default']))) {
// When we don't have to create new keys and we are not creating a
// NOT NULL column without a default value, we can use the quicker version.
$query = 'ALTER TABLE {' . $table . '} ADD ' . $this
->createFieldSql($field, $this
// Apply the initial value if set.
if (isset($specification['initial'])) {
$field => $specification['initial'],
else {
// We cannot add the field directly. Use the slower table alteration
// method, starting from the old schema.
$old_schema = $this
$new_schema = $old_schema;
// Add the new field.
$new_schema['fields'][$field] = $specification;
// Build the mapping between the old fields and the new fields.
$mapping = array();
if (isset($specification['initial'])) {
// If we have a initial value, copy it over.
$mapping[$field] = array(
'expression' => ':newfieldinitial',
'arguments' => array(
':newfieldinitial' => $specification['initial'],
else {
// Else use the default of the field.
$mapping[$field] = NULL;
// Add the new indexes.
$new_schema += $keys_new;
->alterTable($table, $old_schema, $new_schema, $mapping);
* Create a table with a new schema containing the old content.
* As SQLite does not support ALTER TABLE (with a few exceptions) it is
* necessary to create a new table and copy over the old content.
* @param $table
* Name of the table to be altered.
* @param $old_schema
* The old schema array for the table.
* @param $new_schema
* The new schema array for the table.
* @param $mapping
* An optional mapping between the fields of the old specification and the
* fields of the new specification. An associative array, whose keys are
* the fields of the new table, and values can take two possible forms:
* - a simple string, which is interpreted as the name of a field of the
* old table,
* - an associative array with two keys 'expression' and 'arguments',
* that will be used as an expression field.
protected function alterTable($table, $old_schema, $new_schema, array $mapping = array()) {
$i = 0;
do {
$new_table = $table . '_' . $i++;
} while ($this
->createTable($new_table, $new_schema);
// Build a SQL query to migrate the data from the old table to the new.
$select = $this->connection
// Complete the mapping.
$possible_keys = array_keys($new_schema['fields']);
$mapping += array_combine($possible_keys, $possible_keys);
// Now add the fields.
foreach ($mapping as $field_alias => $field_source) {
// Just ignore this field (ie. use it's default value).
if (!isset($field_source)) {
if (is_array($field_source)) {
->addExpression($field_source['expression'], $field_alias, $field_source['arguments']);
else {
->addField($table, $field_source, $field_alias);
// Execute the data migration query.
$old_count = $this->connection
->query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {' . $table . '}')
$new_count = $this->connection
->query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {' . $new_table . '}')
if ($old_count == $new_count) {
->renameTable($new_table, $table);
* Find out the schema of a table.
* This function uses introspection methods provided by the database to
* create a schema array. This is useful, for example, during update when
* the old schema is not available.
* @param $table
* Name of the table.
* @return
* An array representing the schema, from drupal_get_schema().
* @see drupal_get_schema()
protected function introspectSchema($table) {
$mapped_fields = array_flip($this
$schema = array(
'fields' => array(),
'primary key' => array(),
'unique keys' => array(),
'indexes' => array(),
$info = $this
$result = $this->connection
->query('PRAGMA ' . $info['schema'] . '.table_info(' . $info['table'] . ')');
foreach ($result as $row) {
if (preg_match('/^([^(]+)\\((.*)\\)$/', $row->type, $matches)) {
$type = $matches[1];
$length = $matches[2];
else {
$type = $row->type;
$length = NULL;
if (isset($mapped_fields[$type])) {
list($type, $size) = explode(':', $mapped_fields[$type]);
$schema['fields'][$row->name] = array(
'type' => $type,
'size' => $size,
'not null' => !empty($row->notnull),
'default' => trim($row->dflt_value, "'"),
if ($length) {
$schema['fields'][$row->name]['length'] = $length;
if ($row->pk) {
$schema['primary key'][] = $row->name;
else {
new Exception("Unable to parse the column type " . $row->type);
$indexes = array();
$result = $this->connection
->query('PRAGMA ' . $info['schema'] . '.index_list(' . $info['table'] . ')');
foreach ($result as $row) {
if (strpos($row->name, 'sqlite_autoindex_') !== 0) {
$indexes[] = array(
'schema_key' => $row->unique ? 'unique keys' : 'indexes',
'name' => $row->name,
foreach ($indexes as $index) {
$name = $index['name'];
// Get index name without prefix.
$index_name = substr($name, strlen($info['table']) + 1);
$result = $this->connection
->query('PRAGMA ' . $info['schema'] . '.index_info(' . $name . ')');
foreach ($result as $row) {
$schema[$index['schema_key']][$index_name][] = $row->name;
return $schema;
public function dropField($table, $field) {
if (!$this
->fieldExists($table, $field)) {
return FALSE;
$old_schema = $this
$new_schema = $old_schema;
foreach ($new_schema['indexes'] as $index => $fields) {
foreach ($fields as $key => $field_name) {
if ($field_name == $field) {
// If this index has no more fields then remove it.
if (empty($new_schema['indexes'][$index])) {
->alterTable($table, $old_schema, $new_schema);
return TRUE;
public function changeField($table, $field, $field_new, $spec, $keys_new = array()) {
if (!$this
->fieldExists($table, $field)) {
throw new DatabaseSchemaObjectDoesNotExistException(t("Cannot change the definition of field @table.@name: field doesn't exist.", array(
'@table' => $table,
'@name' => $field,
if ($field != $field_new && $this
->fieldExists($table, $field_new)) {
throw new DatabaseSchemaObjectExistsException(t("Cannot rename field @table.@name to @name_new: target field already exists.", array(
'@table' => $table,
'@name' => $field,
'@name_new' => $field_new,
$old_schema = $this
$new_schema = $old_schema;
// Map the old field to the new field.
if ($field != $field_new) {
$mapping[$field_new] = $field;
else {
$mapping = array();
// Remove the previous definition and swap in the new one.
$new_schema['fields'][$field_new] = $spec;
// Map the former indexes to the new column name.
$new_schema['primary key'] = $this
->mapKeyDefinition($new_schema['primary key'], $mapping);
foreach (array(
'unique keys',
) as $k) {
foreach ($new_schema[$k] as &$key_definition) {
$key_definition = $this
->mapKeyDefinition($key_definition, $mapping);
// Add in the keys from $keys_new.
if (isset($keys_new['primary key'])) {
$new_schema['primary key'] = $keys_new['primary key'];
foreach (array(
'unique keys',
) as $k) {
if (!empty($keys_new[$k])) {
$new_schema[$k] = $keys_new[$k] + $new_schema[$k];
->alterTable($table, $old_schema, $new_schema, $mapping);
* Utility method: rename columns in an index definition according to a new mapping.
* @param $key_definition
* The key definition.
* @param $mapping
* The new mapping.
protected function mapKeyDefinition(array $key_definition, array $mapping) {
foreach ($key_definition as &$field) {
// The key definition can be an array($field, $length).
if (is_array($field)) {
$field =& $field[0];
if (isset($mapping[$field])) {
$field = $mapping[$field];
return $key_definition;
public function addIndex($table, $name, $fields) {
if (!$this
->tableExists($table)) {
throw new DatabaseSchemaObjectDoesNotExistException(t("Cannot add index @name to table @table: table doesn't exist.", array(
'@table' => $table,
'@name' => $name,
if ($this
->indexExists($table, $name)) {
throw new DatabaseSchemaObjectExistsException(t("Cannot add index @name to table @table: index already exists.", array(
'@table' => $table,
'@name' => $name,
$schema['indexes'][$name] = $fields;
$statements = $this
->createIndexSql($table, $schema);
foreach ($statements as $statement) {
public function indexExists($table, $name) {
$info = $this
return $this->connection
->query('PRAGMA ' . $info['schema'] . '.index_info(' . $info['table'] . '_' . $name . ')')
->fetchField() != '';
public function dropIndex($table, $name) {
if (!$this
->indexExists($table, $name)) {
return FALSE;
$info = $this
->query('DROP INDEX ' . $info['schema'] . '.' . $info['table'] . '_' . $name);
return TRUE;
public function addUniqueKey($table, $name, $fields) {
if (!$this
->tableExists($table)) {
throw new DatabaseSchemaObjectDoesNotExistException(t("Cannot add unique key @name to table @table: table doesn't exist.", array(
'@table' => $table,
'@name' => $name,
if ($this
->indexExists($table, $name)) {
throw new DatabaseSchemaObjectExistsException(t("Cannot add unique key @name to table @table: unique key already exists.", array(
'@table' => $table,
'@name' => $name,
$schema['unique keys'][$name] = $fields;
$statements = $this
->createIndexSql($table, $schema);
foreach ($statements as $statement) {
public function dropUniqueKey($table, $name) {
if (!$this
->indexExists($table, $name)) {
return FALSE;
$info = $this
->query('DROP INDEX ' . $info['schema'] . '.' . $info['table'] . '_' . $name);
return TRUE;
public function addPrimaryKey($table, $fields) {
if (!$this
->tableExists($table)) {
throw new DatabaseSchemaObjectDoesNotExistException(t("Cannot add primary key to table @table: table doesn't exist.", array(
'@table' => $table,
$old_schema = $this
$new_schema = $old_schema;
if (!empty($new_schema['primary key'])) {
throw new DatabaseSchemaObjectExistsException(t("Cannot add primary key to table @table: primary key already exists.", array(
'@table' => $table,
$new_schema['primary key'] = $fields;
->alterTable($table, $old_schema, $new_schema);
public function dropPrimaryKey($table) {
$old_schema = $this
$new_schema = $old_schema;
if (empty($new_schema['primary key'])) {
return FALSE;
unset($new_schema['primary key']);
->alterTable($table, $old_schema, $new_schema);
return TRUE;
public function fieldSetDefault($table, $field, $default) {
if (!$this
->fieldExists($table, $field)) {
throw new DatabaseSchemaObjectDoesNotExistException(t("Cannot set default value of field @table.@field: field doesn't exist.", array(
'@table' => $table,
'@field' => $field,
$old_schema = $this
$new_schema = $old_schema;
$new_schema['fields'][$field]['default'] = $default;
->alterTable($table, $old_schema, $new_schema);
public function fieldSetNoDefault($table, $field) {
if (!$this
->fieldExists($table, $field)) {
throw new DatabaseSchemaObjectDoesNotExistException(t("Cannot remove default value of field @table.@field: field doesn't exist.", array(
'@table' => $table,
'@field' => $field,
$old_schema = $this
$new_schema = $old_schema;
->alterTable($table, $old_schema, $new_schema);
* {@inheritdoc}
public function findTables($table_expression) {
// Don't add the prefix, $table_expression already includes the prefix.
$info = $this
->getPrefixInfo($table_expression, FALSE);
// Can't use query placeholders for the schema because the query would have
// to be :prefixsqlite_master, which does not work.
$result = db_query("SELECT name FROM " . $info['schema'] . ".sqlite_master WHERE type = :type AND name LIKE :table_name", array(
':type' => 'table',
':table_name' => $info['table'],
return $result
->fetchAllKeyed(0, 0);
* {@inheritdoc}
public function findTablesD8($table_expression) {
$tables = array();
// The SQLite implementation doesn't need to use the same filtering strategy
// as the parent one because individually prefixed tables live in their own
// schema (database), which means that neither the main database nor any
// attached one will contain a prefixed table name, so we just need to loop
// over all known schemas and filter by the user-supplied table expression.
$attached_dbs = $this->connection
foreach ($attached_dbs as $schema) {
// Can't use query placeholders for the schema because the query would
// have to be :prefixsqlite_master, which does not work. We also need to
// ignore the internal SQLite tables.
$result = db_query("SELECT name FROM " . $schema . ".sqlite_master WHERE type = :type AND name LIKE :table_name AND name NOT LIKE :pattern", array(
':type' => 'table',
':table_name' => $table_expression,
':pattern' => 'sqlite_%',
$tables += $result
->fetchAllKeyed(0, 0);
return $tables;
Name | Modifiers | Type | Description | Overrides |
DatabaseSchema:: |
protected | property | The database connection. | |
DatabaseSchema:: |
protected | property | The placeholder counter. | |
DatabaseSchema:: |
protected | property | A unique identifier for this query object. | |
DatabaseSchema:: |
protected | function | Build a condition to match a table name against a standard information_schema. | 1 |
DatabaseSchema:: |
public | function | Create a new table from a Drupal table definition. | |
DatabaseSchema:: |
public | function | Return an array of field names from an array of key/index column specifiers. | |
DatabaseSchema:: |
protected | function | Get information about the table name and schema from the prefix. | 1 |
DatabaseSchema:: |
public | function |
Implements QueryPlaceHolderInterface::nextPlaceholder(). Overrides QueryPlaceholderInterface:: |
DatabaseSchema:: |
function | Create names for indexes, primary keys and constraints. | ||
DatabaseSchema:: |
public | function | Prepare a table or column comment for database query. | 1 |
DatabaseSchema:: |
public | function |
Implements QueryPlaceHolderInterface::uniqueIdentifier(). Overrides QueryPlaceholderInterface:: |
DatabaseSchema:: |
public | function | Implements the magic __clone function. | |
DatabaseSchema:: |
public | function | ||
DatabaseSchema_sqlite:: |
protected | property |
Override DatabaseSchema::$defaultSchema Overrides DatabaseSchema:: |
DatabaseSchema_sqlite:: |
public | function |
Add a new field to a table. Overrides DatabaseSchema:: |
DatabaseSchema_sqlite:: |
public | function |
Add an index. Overrides DatabaseSchema:: |
DatabaseSchema_sqlite:: |
public | function |
Add a primary key. Overrides DatabaseSchema:: |
DatabaseSchema_sqlite:: |
public | function |
Add a unique key. Overrides DatabaseSchema:: |
DatabaseSchema_sqlite:: |
protected | function | Create a table with a new schema containing the old content. | |
DatabaseSchema_sqlite:: |
public | function |
Change a field definition. Overrides DatabaseSchema:: |
DatabaseSchema_sqlite:: |
protected | function | Build the SQL expression for creating columns. | |
DatabaseSchema_sqlite:: |
protected | function | Create an SQL string for a field to be used in table creation or alteration. | |
DatabaseSchema_sqlite:: |
protected | function | Build the SQL expression for indexes. | |
DatabaseSchema_sqlite:: |
protected | function | Build the SQL expression for keys. | |
DatabaseSchema_sqlite:: |
public | function | Generate SQL to create a new table from a Drupal schema definition. | |
DatabaseSchema_sqlite:: |
public | function |
Drop a field. Overrides DatabaseSchema:: |
DatabaseSchema_sqlite:: |
public | function |
Drop an index. Overrides DatabaseSchema:: |
DatabaseSchema_sqlite:: |
public | function |
Drop the primary key. Overrides DatabaseSchema:: |
DatabaseSchema_sqlite:: |
public | function |
Drop a table. Overrides DatabaseSchema:: |
DatabaseSchema_sqlite:: |
public | function |
Drop a unique key. Overrides DatabaseSchema:: |
DatabaseSchema_sqlite:: |
public | function |
Check if a column exists in the given table. Overrides DatabaseSchema:: |
DatabaseSchema_sqlite:: |
public | function |
Set the default value for a field. Overrides DatabaseSchema:: |
DatabaseSchema_sqlite:: |
public | function |
Set a field to have no default value. Overrides DatabaseSchema:: |
DatabaseSchema_sqlite:: |
public | function |
Find all tables that are like the specified base table name. Overrides DatabaseSchema:: |
DatabaseSchema_sqlite:: |
public | function |
Finds all tables that are like the specified base table name. This is a
backport of the change made to findTables in Drupal 8 to work with virtual,
un-prefixed table names. The original function is retained for Backwards
Compatibility. Overrides DatabaseSchema:: |
DatabaseSchema_sqlite:: |
public | function |
This maps a generic data type in combination with its data size
to the engine-specific data type. Overrides DatabaseSchema:: |
DatabaseSchema_sqlite:: |
public | function |
Checks if an index exists in the given table. Overrides DatabaseSchema:: |
DatabaseSchema_sqlite:: |
protected | function | Find out the schema of a table. | |
DatabaseSchema_sqlite:: |
protected | function | Utility method: rename columns in an index definition according to a new mapping. | |
DatabaseSchema_sqlite:: |
protected | function | Set database-engine specific properties for a field. | |
DatabaseSchema_sqlite:: |
public | function |
Rename a table. Overrides DatabaseSchema:: |
DatabaseSchema_sqlite:: |
public | function |
Check if a table exists. Overrides DatabaseSchema:: |