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Functions in Drupal 4

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
filter_tips_long modules/filter.module Menu callback; show a page with long filter tips. 1
filter_xss modules/filter.module Filters XSS. Based on kses by Ulf Harnhammar, see 5
filter_xss_admin modules/filter.module Very permissive XSS/HTML filter for admin-only use. 9
filter_xss_bad_protocol modules/filter.module Processes an HTML attribute value and ensures it does not contain an URL with a disallowed protocol (e.g. javascript:) 3
fix_gpc_magic includes/ Correct double-escaping problems caused by "magic quotes" in some PHP installations. 1
flood_is_allowed includes/ Check if the current visitor (hostname/IP) is allowed to proceed with the specified event. The user is allowed to proceed if he did not trigger the specified event more than $threshold times per hour. 2
flood_register_event includes/ Register an event for the current visitor (hostname/IP) to the flood control mechanism. 2
format_date includes/ Format a date with the given configured format or a custom format string. 31
format_interval includes/ Format a time interval with the requested granularity. 13 6
format_plural includes/ Format a string containing a count of items. 18
format_rss_channel includes/ Formats an RSS channel. 2
format_rss_item includes/ Format a single RSS item. 2
format_size includes/ Generate a string representation for the given byte count. 3
format_xml_elements includes/ Format XML elements. 2
form_builder includes/ Adds some required properties to each form element, which are used internally in the form api. This function also automatically assigns the value property from the $edit array, provided the element doesn't already have an assigned value. 3
form_clean_id includes/ Remove invalid characters from an HTML ID attribute string. 2
form_error includes/ Flag an element as having an error. 5
form_get_error includes/ Return the error message filed against the form with the specified name. 12
form_get_errors includes/ Return an associative array of all errors. 12
form_options_flatten includes/ 2
form_render includes/ Renders a HTML form given a form tree. Recursively iterates over each of the form elements, generating HTML code. This function is usually called from within a theme. To render a form from within a module, use drupal_get_form(). 29
form_select_options includes/ 1
form_set_error includes/ File an error against a form element. If the name of the element is edit[foo][bar] then you may pass either foo or foo][bar as $name foo will set an error for all its children. 44
form_set_value includes/ Use this function to make changes to form values in the form validate phase, so they will be available in the submit phase in $form_values. 4
forum_access modules/forum.module Implementation of hook_access().
forum_admin_configure modules/forum.module Implementation of hook_settings 1
forum_block modules/forum.module Implementation of hook_block().
forum_confirm_delete_submit modules/forum.module Implementation of forms api _submit call. Deletes a forum after confirmation.
forum_delete modules/forum.module Implementation of hook_delete().
forum_form modules/forum.module Implementation of hook_form(). 2
forum_form_alter modules/forum.module Implementation of hook_form_alter().
forum_form_container modules/forum.module Returns a form for adding a container to the forum vocabulary 2
forum_form_forum modules/forum.module Returns a form for adding a forum to the forum vocabulary 1
forum_form_submit modules/forum.module Process forum form and container form submissions.
forum_get_forums modules/forum.module Returns a list of all forums for a given taxonomy id 1
forum_get_topics modules/forum.module 1
forum_help modules/forum.module Implementation of hook_help().
forum_insert modules/forum.module Implementation of hook_insert().
forum_load modules/forum.module Implementation of hook_load().
forum_menu modules/forum.module Implementation of hook_menu().
forum_nodeapi modules/forum.module Implementation of hook_nodeapi().
forum_node_info modules/forum.module Implementation of hook_node_info().
forum_overview modules/forum.module Returns an overview list of existing forums and containers 1
forum_page modules/forum.module Menu callback; prints a forum listing. 1
forum_perm modules/forum.module Implementation of hook_perm().
forum_prepare modules/forum.module Implementation of hook_prepare; assign forum taxonomy when adding a topic from within a forum.
forum_submit modules/forum.module Implementation of hook_submit().
forum_taxonomy modules/forum.module Implementation of hook_taxonomy().
forum_term_path modules/forum.module
forum_update modules/forum.module Implementation of hook_update().


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