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Functions in Drupal 4

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
drupal_get_normal_path includes/ Given a path alias, return the internal path it represents. 7
drupal_get_path includes/ Returns the path to a system item (module, theme, etc.). 1
drupal_get_path_alias includes/ Given an internal Drupal path, return the alias set by the administrator. 4
drupal_get_private_key includes/ Ensure the private key variable used to generate tokens is set. 1
drupal_get_schema_versions includes/ Returns an array of available schema versions for a module. 4
drupal_get_title includes/ Get the title of the current page, for display on the page and in the title bar. 5
drupal_get_token includes/ Generate a token based on $value, the current user session and private key. 1
drupal_goto includes/ Send the user to a different Drupal page. 29 2
drupal_help modules/drupal.module Implementation of hook_help(). 1
drupal_http_request includes/ Perform an HTTP request. 2
drupal_info modules/drupal.module Implementation of hook_info().
drupal_init_path includes/ Initialize the $_GET['q'] variable to the proper normal path. 1
drupal_is_denied includes/ Perform an access check for a given mask and rule type. Rules are usually created via admin/access/rules page. 4
drupal_is_front_page includes/ Check if the current page is the front page. 4
drupal_load includes/ Includes a file with the provided type and name. This prevents including a theme, engine, module, etc., more than once. 4
drupal_login modules/drupal.module Callback function from drupal_xmlrpc() for authenticating remote clients. 1
drupal_lookup_path includes/ Given an alias, return its Drupal system URL if one exists. Given a Drupal system URL return its alias if one exists. 3
drupal_maintenance_theme includes/ Enables use of the theme system without requiring database access. Since there is not database access no theme will be enabled and the default themeable functions will be called. Some themeable functions can not be used without the full Drupal API… 5
drupal_map_assoc includes/ Form an associative array from a linear array. 20
drupal_menu modules/drupal.module Implementation of hook_menu().
drupal_notify modules/drupal.module Sends a ping to the Drupal directory server. 1
drupal_not_found includes/ Generates a 404 error if the request can not be handled. 28
drupal_page_footer includes/ Perform end-of-request tasks. 1
drupal_page_header includes/ Set HTTP headers in preparation for a page response. 1
drupal_page_help modules/drupal.module Menu callback; print Drupal-authentication-specific information from user/help. 1
drupal_query_string_encode includes/ Parse an array into a valid urlencoded query string. 4
drupal_settings modules/drupal.module Implementation of hook_settings().
drupal_set_breadcrumb includes/ Set the breadcrumb trail for the current page. 3
drupal_set_content includes/ Set content for a specified region. 2
drupal_set_header includes/ Set an HTTP response header for the current page. 13
drupal_set_html_head includes/ Add output to the head tag of the HTML page. This function can be called as long the headers aren't sent. 7
drupal_set_installed_schema_version includes/ Update the installed version information for a module. 5
drupal_set_message includes/ Set a message which reflects the status of the performed operation. 105
drupal_set_title includes/ Set the title of the current page, for display on the page and in the title bar. 42
drupal_site_offline includes/ Generates a site off-line message 1
drupal_strlen includes/ Count the amount of characters in a UTF-8 string. This is less than or equal to the byte count. 4
drupal_strtolower includes/ Lowercase a UTF-8 string. 3
drupal_strtoupper includes/ Uppercase a UTF-8 string. 2
drupal_submit_form includes/ 1
drupal_substr includes/ Cut off a piece of a string based on character indices and counts. Follows the same behaviour as PHP's own substr() function. 3
drupal_to_js includes/ Converts a PHP variable into its Javascript equivalent. 5
drupal_ucfirst includes/ Capitalize the first letter of a UTF-8 string. 1
drupal_unpack includes/ Unserializes and appends elements from a serialized string. 6
drupal_unset_globals includes/ Unsets all disallowed global variables. See $allowed for what's allowed. 1
drupal_urlencode includes/ Wrapper around urlencode() which avoids Apache quirks. 3
drupal_validate_form includes/ 3
drupal_validate_utf8 includes/ Checks whether a string is valid UTF-8. 2
drupal_valid_token includes/ Validate a token based on $value, the current user session and private key. 7
drupal_xmlrpc modules/drupal.module Implementation of hook_xmlrpc().
drupal_xml_parser_create includes/ Prepare a new XML parser. 1


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