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function forum_submit in Drupal 4

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 5 modules/forum/forum.module \forum_submit()

Implementation of hook_submit().

Check in particular that only a "leaf" term in the associated taxonomy vocabulary is selected, not a "container" term.


modules/forum.module, line 323
Enable threaded discussions about general topics.


function forum_submit(&$node) {

  // Make sure all fields are set properly:
  $node->icon = $node->icon ? $node->icon : '';
  if ($node->taxonomy) {

    // Get the forum terms from the (cached) tree
    $tree = taxonomy_get_tree(_forum_get_vid());
    if ($tree) {
      foreach ($tree as $term) {
        $forum_terms[] = $term->tid;
    foreach ($node->taxonomy as $term) {
      if (in_array($term, $forum_terms)) {
        $node->tid = $term;
    $old_tid = db_result(db_query_range("SELECT tid FROM {forum} WHERE nid = %d ORDER BY vid DESC", $node->nid, 0, 1));
    if ($old_tid) {
      if ($node->tid != $old_tid && $node->shadow) {

        // A shadow copy needs to be created. Retain new term and add old term.
        $node->taxonomy[] = $old_tid;