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function drupal_notify in Drupal 4

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 5 modules/drupal/drupal.module \drupal_notify()

Sends a ping to the Drupal directory server.

1 call to drupal_notify()
drupal_cron in modules/drupal.module
Implementation of hook_cron(); handles pings to and from the site.


modules/drupal.module, line 264
Lets users log in using a Drupal ID and can notify a central server about your site.


function drupal_notify($server) {
  global $base_url;
  $client = array(
    'link' => $base_url,
    'name' => variable_get('site_name', ''),
    'mail' => variable_get('site_mail', ''),
    'slogan' => variable_get('site_slogan', ''),
    'mission' => variable_get('site_mission', ''),
    'version' => VERSION,
  if (variable_get('drupal_system', 0)) {
    $system = array();
    $result = db_query("SELECT name, type FROM {system} WHERE status = 1");
    while ($item = db_fetch_array($result)) {
      $system[] = $item;
  if (variable_get('drupal_statistics', 0)) {
    $users = db_fetch_object(db_query("SELECT COUNT(uid) AS count FROM {users}"));
    $client['users'] = $users->count;
    $nodes = db_fetch_object(db_query("SELECT COUNT(nid) AS count FROM {node}"));
    $client['nodes'] = $nodes->count;
  $result = xmlrpc($server, '', $client, $system);
  if ($result === FALSE) {
    watchdog('server ping', t('Failed to notify %server; error code: %errno; error message: %error_msg.', array(
      '%server' => theme('placeholder', $server),
      '%errno' => theme('placeholder', xmlrpc_errno()),
      '%error_msg' => theme('placeholder', xmlrpc_error_msg()),