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Functions in Drupal 4

Primary tabs

Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
theme_node_filter_form modules/node.module Theme node administration filter form.
theme_node_form modules/node.module
theme_node_list modules/node.module Format a listing of links to nodes.
theme_node_preview modules/node.module Display a node preview for display during node creation and editing.
theme_node_search_admin modules/node.module
theme_page includes/ Return an entire Drupal page displaying the supplied content.
theme_pager includes/ Format a query pager.
theme_pager_first includes/ Format a "first page" link.
theme_pager_last includes/ Format a "last page" link.
theme_pager_link includes/ Format a link to a specific query result page.
theme_pager_list includes/ Format a list of nearby pages with additional query results.
theme_pager_next includes/ Format a "next page" link.
theme_pager_previous includes/ Format a "previous page" link.
theme_password includes/ Format a password field.
theme_password_confirm includes/ Format a password_confirm item.
theme_placeholder includes/ Format a dynamic text string for emphasized display in a placeholder.
theme_poll_bar modules/poll.module
theme_poll_results modules/poll.module
theme_poll_view_voting modules/poll.module Themes the voting form for a poll.
theme_profile_block modules/profile.module
theme_profile_listing modules/profile.module
theme_progress_bar includes/
theme_radio includes/ Format a radio button.
theme_radios includes/ Format a set of radio buttons.
theme_search_block_form modules/search.module Theme the block search form.
theme_search_item modules/search.module Format a single result entry of a search query. This function is normally called by theme_search_page() or hook_search_page().
theme_search_page modules/search.module Format the result page of a search query.
theme_search_theme_form modules/search.module Theme the theme search form.
theme_select includes/ Format a dropdown menu or scrolling selection box.
theme_status_messages includes/ Returns themed set of status and/or error messages. The messages are grouped by type.
theme_stylesheet_import includes/ Import a stylesheet using @import.
theme_submenu includes/ Return a themed submenu, typically displayed under the tabs.
theme_submit includes/
theme_system_modules modules/system.module
theme_system_themes modules/system.module
theme_system_theme_select_form modules/system.module
theme_table includes/ Return a themed table.
theme_tablesort_indicator includes/ Return a themed sort icon.
theme_taxonomy_term_select modules/taxonomy.module
theme_textarea includes/ Format a textarea.
theme_textfield includes/ Format a textfield.
theme_token includes/
theme_upload_attachments modules/upload.module Displays file attachments in table
theme_upload_form_current modules/upload.module Theme the attachments list.
theme_upload_form_new modules/upload.module Theme the attachment form. Note: required to output prefix/suffix.
theme_username includes/ Format a username.
theme_user_admin_new_role modules/user.module
theme_user_admin_perm modules/user.module
theme_user_list modules/user.module Make a list of users.
theme_user_pass modules/user.module


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