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Functions in Drupal 4

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
taxonomy_get_synonym_root modules/taxonomy.module Return the term object that has the given string as a synonym.
taxonomy_get_term modules/taxonomy.module Return the term object matching a term ID. 10
taxonomy_get_term_by_name modules/taxonomy.module Try to map a string to an existing term, as for glossary use. 1
taxonomy_get_tree modules/taxonomy.module Create a hierarchical representation of a vocabulary. 9
taxonomy_get_vocabularies modules/taxonomy.module Return an array of all vocabulary objects. 2
taxonomy_get_vocabulary modules/taxonomy.module Return the vocabulary object matching a vocabulary ID. 10
taxonomy_help modules/taxonomy.module Implementation of hook_help().
taxonomy_link modules/taxonomy.module Implementation of hook_link(). 3
taxonomy_menu modules/taxonomy.module Implementation of hook_menu().
taxonomy_nodeapi modules/taxonomy.module Implementation of hook_nodeapi().
taxonomy_node_delete modules/taxonomy.module Remove associations of a node to its terms. 2
taxonomy_node_get_terms modules/taxonomy.module Find all terms associated to the given node, ordered by vocabulary and term weight. 2
taxonomy_node_get_terms_by_vocabulary modules/taxonomy.module Find all terms associated to the given node, within one vocabulary. 1
taxonomy_node_save modules/taxonomy.module Save term associations for a given node. 1
taxonomy_node_update_index modules/taxonomy.module Implementation of hook_nodeapi('update_index'). 1
taxonomy_node_validate modules/taxonomy.module Make sure incoming vids are free tagging enabled. 1
taxonomy_overview_terms modules/taxonomy.module Display a tree of all the terms in a vocabulary, with options to edit each one. 1
taxonomy_overview_vocabularies modules/taxonomy.module List and manage vocabularies. 1
taxonomy_perm modules/taxonomy.module Implementation of hook_perm().
taxonomy_render_nodes modules/taxonomy.module Accepts the result of a pager_query() call, such as that performed by taxonomy_select_nodes(), and formats each node along with a pager. 1
taxonomy_rss_item modules/taxonomy.module Provides category information for rss feeds 1
taxonomy_save_term modules/taxonomy.module 3
taxonomy_save_vocabulary modules/taxonomy.module 2
taxonomy_select_nodes modules/taxonomy.module Finds all nodes that match selected taxonomy conditions. 1
taxonomy_term_confirm_delete_submit modules/taxonomy.module
taxonomy_term_count_nodes modules/taxonomy.module Given a term id, count the number of published nodes in it.
taxonomy_term_page modules/taxonomy.module Menu callback; displays all nodes associated with a term. 1
taxonomy_term_path modules/taxonomy.module 1
taxonomy_vocabulary_confirm_delete_submit modules/taxonomy.module
theme includes/ Generate the themed representation of a Drupal object. 272 3
theme_add_style includes/ Add a theme stylesheet to be included later. This is handled separately from drupal_set_html_head() to enforce the correct CSS cascading order. 2
theme_aggregator_block_item modules/aggregator.module Format an individual feed item for display in the block.
theme_aggregator_feed modules/aggregator.module Format a news feed.
theme_aggregator_page_item modules/aggregator.module Format an individual feed item for display on the aggregator page.
theme_aggregator_page_list modules/aggregator.module
theme_aggregator_summary_item modules/aggregator.module Return a themed item heading for summary pages located at "aggregator/sources" and "aggregator/categories".
theme_archive_browse_form modules/archive.module Form theme function; displays the archive date navigation form inline.
theme_block includes/ Return a themed block.
theme_blocks includes/ Return a set of blocks available for the current user. 1
theme_block_admin_display modules/block.module Theme main block administration form submission.
theme_book_admin_table modules/book.module
theme_book_export_html modules/book.module How the book's HTML export should be themed
theme_book_navigation modules/book.module Prepares the links to children (TOC) and forward/backward navigation for a node presented as a book page.
theme_box includes/ Return a themed box.
theme_breadcrumb includes/ Return a themed breadcrumb trail.
theme_button includes/
theme_checkbox includes/ Format a checkbox.
theme_checkboxes includes/ Format a set of checkboxes.
theme_client_list modules/drupal.module Theme a client list.
theme_closure includes/ Execute hook_footer() which is run at the end of the page right before the close of the body tag. 1


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