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function theme_table in Drupal 4

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 5 includes/ \theme_table()
  2. 6 includes/ \theme_table()
  3. 7 includes/ \theme_table()

Return a themed table.


$header: An array containing the table headers. Each element of the array can be either a localized string or an associative array with the following keys:

  • "data": The localized title of the table column.
  • "field": The database field represented in the table column (required if user is to be able to sort on this column).
  • "sort": A default sort order for this column ("asc" or "desc").
  • Any HTML attributes, such as "colspan", to apply to the column header cell.

$rows: An array of table rows. Every row is an array of cells, or an associative array with the following keys:

  • "data": an array of cells
  • Any HTML attributes, such as "class", to apply to the table row.

Each cell can be either a string or an associative array with the following keys:

  • "data": The string to display in the table cell.
  • Any HTML attributes, such as "colspan", to apply to the table cell.

Here's an example for $rows: @verbatim $rows = array( // Simple row array( 'Cell 1', 'Cell 2', 'Cell 3' ), // Row with attributes on the row and some of its cells. array( 'data' => array('Cell 1', array('data' => 'Cell 2', 'colspan' => 2)), 'class' => 'funky' ) ); @endverbatim

$attributes: An array of HTML attributes to apply to the table tag.

$caption: A localized string to use for the <caption> tag.

Return value

An HTML string representing the table.

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includes/, line 698
The theme system, which controls the output of Drupal.


function theme_table($header, $rows, $attributes = array(), $caption = NULL) {
  $output = '<table' . drupal_attributes($attributes) . ">\n";
  if (isset($caption)) {
    $output .= '<caption>' . $caption . "</caption>\n";

  // Format the table header:
  if (count($header)) {
    $ts = tablesort_init($header);
    $output .= ' <thead><tr>';
    foreach ($header as $cell) {
      $cell = tablesort_header($cell, $header, $ts);
      $output .= _theme_table_cell($cell, 1);
    $output .= " </tr></thead>\n";

  // Format the table rows:
  $output .= "<tbody>\n";
  if (count($rows)) {
    foreach ($rows as $number => $row) {
      $attributes = array();

      // Check if we're dealing with a simple or complex row
      if (isset($row['data'])) {
        foreach ($row as $key => $value) {
          if ($key == 'data') {
            $cells = $value;
          else {
            $attributes[$key] = $value;
      else {
        $cells = $row;

      // Add odd/even class
      $class = $number % 2 == 1 ? 'even' : 'odd';
      if (isset($attributes['class'])) {
        $attributes['class'] .= ' ' . $class;
      else {
        $attributes['class'] = $class;

      // Build row
      $output .= ' <tr' . drupal_attributes($attributes) . '>';
      $i = 0;
      foreach ($cells as $cell) {
        $cell = tablesort_cell($cell, $header, $ts, $i++);
        $output .= _theme_table_cell($cell, 0);
      $output .= " </tr>\n";
  $output .= "</tbody></table>\n";
  return $output;