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function theme_aggregator_summary_item in Drupal 4

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 5 modules/aggregator/aggregator.module \theme_aggregator_summary_item()

Return a themed item heading for summary pages located at "aggregator/sources" and "aggregator/categories".


$item The item object from the aggregator module.:

Return value

A string containing the output.

Related topics

2 theme calls to theme_aggregator_summary_item()
aggregator_page_categories in modules/aggregator.module
Menu callback; displays all the categories used by the aggregator.
aggregator_page_sources in modules/aggregator.module
Menu callback; displays all the feeds used by the aggregator.


modules/aggregator.module, line 1339
Used to aggregate syndicated content (RSS, RDF, and Atom).


function theme_aggregator_summary_item($item) {
  $output = '<a href="' . check_url($item->link) . '">' . check_plain($item->title) . '</a> <span class="age">' . t('%age old', array(
    '%age' => format_interval(time() - $item->timestamp),
  )) . '</span>';
  if ($item->feed_link) {
    $output .= ', <span class="source"><a href="' . check_url($item->feed_link) . '">' . check_plain($item->feed_title) . '</a></span>';
  return $output . "\n";