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function claro_preprocess_table in Drupal 10

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 core/themes/claro/claro.theme \claro_preprocess_table()
  2. 9 core/themes/claro/claro.theme \claro_preprocess_table()

Implements template_preprocess_HOOK() for table.

1 call to claro_preprocess_table()
claro_preprocess_field_ui_table in core/themes/claro/claro.theme
Implements template_preprocess_HOOK() for field_ui_table.


core/themes/claro/claro.theme, line 1009
Functions to support theming in the Claro theme.


function claro_preprocess_table(&$variables) {

  // Adding table sort indicator CSS class for inactive sort link.
  // @todo Revisit after or
  // is in.
  if (!empty($variables['header'])) {
    foreach ($variables['header'] as &$header_cell) {
      if ($header_cell['content'] instanceof Link) {
        $query = $header_cell['content']
          ->getOption('query') ?: [];
        if (isset($query['order']) && isset($query['sort'])) {

  // Mark the whole table and the first cells if rows are draggable.
  if (!empty($variables['rows'])) {
    $draggable_row_found = FALSE;
    foreach ($variables['rows'] as &$row) {

      /** @var \Drupal\Core\Template\Attribute $row['attributes'] */
      if (!empty($row['attributes']) && $row['attributes']
        ->hasClass('draggable')) {
        if (!$draggable_row_found) {
          $variables['attributes']['class'][] = 'draggable-table';
          $draggable_row_found = TRUE;
        $first_cell_key = key($row['cells']);

        // The 'attributes' key is always here and it is an
        // \Drupal\Core\Template\Attribute.
        // @see template_preprocess_table();

        // Check that the first cell is empty or not.
        if (empty($row['cells'][$first_cell_key]) || empty($row['cells'][$first_cell_key]['content'])) {