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class PhpTransliterationTest in Drupal 10

Same name in this branch
  1. 10 core/tests/Drupal/Tests/Core/Transliteration/PhpTransliterationTest.php \Drupal\Tests\Core\Transliteration\PhpTransliterationTest
  2. 10 core/tests/Drupal/Tests/Component/Transliteration/PhpTransliterationTest.php \Drupal\Tests\Component\Transliteration\PhpTransliterationTest
Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 core/tests/Drupal/Tests/Component/Transliteration/PhpTransliterationTest.php \Drupal\Tests\Component\Transliteration\PhpTransliterationTest
  2. 9 core/tests/Drupal/Tests/Component/Transliteration/PhpTransliterationTest.php \Drupal\Tests\Component\Transliteration\PhpTransliterationTest

Tests Transliteration component functionality.

@group Transliteration

@coversDefaultClass \Drupal\Component\Transliteration\PhpTransliteration


Expanded class hierarchy of PhpTransliterationTest


core/tests/Drupal/Tests/Component/Transliteration/PhpTransliterationTest.php, line 17


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class PhpTransliterationTest extends TestCase {

   * Tests the PhpTransliteration::removeDiacritics() function.
   * @param string $original
   *   The language code to test.
   * @param string $expected
   *   The expected return from PhpTransliteration::removeDiacritics().
   * @dataProvider providerTestPhpTransliterationRemoveDiacritics
  public function testRemoveDiacritics($original, $expected) {
    $transliterator_class = new PhpTransliteration();
    $result = $transliterator_class
      ->assertEquals($expected, $result);

   * Provides data for self::testRemoveDiacritics().
   * @return array
   *   An array of arrays, each containing the parameters for
   *   self::testRemoveDiacritics().
  public function providerTestPhpTransliterationRemoveDiacritics() {

    // cSpell:disable
    return [
      // Test all characters in the Unicode range 0x00bf to 0x017f.
      // Test all characters in the Unicode range 0x01CD to 0x024F.

    // cSpell:enable

   * Tests the PhpTransliteration class.
   * @param string $langcode
   *   The language code to test.
   * @param string $original
   *   The original string.
   * @param string $expected
   *   The expected return from PhpTransliteration::transliterate().
   * @param string $unknown_character
   *   (optional) The character to substitute for characters in $string without
   *   transliterated equivalents. Defaults to '?'.
   * @param int $max_length
   *   (optional) If provided, return at most this many characters, ensuring
   *   that the transliteration does not split in the middle of an input
   *   character's transliteration.
   * @dataProvider providerTestPhpTransliteration
  public function testPhpTransliteration($langcode, $original, $expected, $unknown_character = '?', $max_length = NULL) {
    $transliterator_class = new PhpTransliteration();
    $actual = $transliterator_class
      ->transliterate($original, $langcode, $unknown_character, $max_length);
      ->assertSame($expected, $actual);

   * Provides data for self::testPhpTransliteration().
   * @return array
   *   An array of arrays, each containing the parameters for
   *   self::testPhpTransliteration().
  public function providerTestPhpTransliteration() {
    $random_generator = new Random();
    $random = $random_generator

    // Make some strings with two, three, and four-byte characters for testing.
    // Note that the 3-byte character is overridden by the 'kg' language.
    // cSpell:disable-next-line
    $two_byte = 'Ä Ö Ü Å Ø äöüåøhello';

    // This is a Cyrillic character that looks something like a "u". See
    $three_byte = html_entity_decode('ц', ENT_NOQUOTES, 'UTF-8');

    // This is a Canadian Aboriginal character like a triangle. See
    $four_byte = html_entity_decode('ᐑ', ENT_NOQUOTES, 'UTF-8');

    // These are two Gothic alphabet letters. See
    // They are not in our tables, but should at least give us '?' (unknown).
    $five_byte = html_entity_decode('𐌰𐌸', ENT_NOQUOTES, 'UTF-8');

    // cSpell:disable
    return [
      // Each test case is language code, input, output, unknown character, max
      // length.
      'Test ASCII in English' => [
      'Test ASCII in some other language with no overrides' => [
      'Test 3-byte characters from data table in a language without overrides' => [
      'Test 4-byte characters from data table in a language without overrides' => [
      'Test 5-byte characters not existing in the data table' => [
      'Test a language with no overrides' => [
        'A O U A O aouaohello',
      'Test language overrides in German' => [
        'Ae Oe Ue A O aeoeueaohello',
      'Test ASCII in German language with overrides' => [
      'Test language overrides in Danish' => [
        'A O U Aa Oe aouaaoehello',
      'Test ASCII in Danish language with overrides' => [
      'Test language overrides in Kyrgyz' => [
      'Test language overrides in Turkish' => [
        'Abayı serdiler bize. Söyleyeceğim yüzlerine. Sanırım hepimiz aynı şeyi düşünüyoruz.',
        'Abayi serdiler bize. Soyleyecegim yuzlerine. Sanirim hepimiz ayni seyi dusunuyoruz.',
      'Test language overrides in Ukrainian' => [
        'На подушечці форми любої є й ґудзик щоб пірʼя геть жовте сховати.',
        'Na podushechtsi formy lyuboyi ye y gudzyk shchob pirya het zhovte skhovaty.',
      'Max length' => [
        'Ae Oe Ue A O aeoe',
      'Do not split up the transliteration of a single character' => [
        'Ae Oe Ue A O aeoe',
      'Illegal/unknown unicode' => [
        chr(0xf8) . chr(0x80) . chr(0x80) . chr(0x80) . chr(0x80),
      'Illegal/unknown unicode with non default replacement' => [
        chr(0xf8) . chr(0x80) . chr(0x80) . chr(0x80) . chr(0x80),
      'Contains Illegal/unknown unicode' => [
        'Hel' . chr(0x80) . 'o World',
        'Hel?o World',
      'Illegal/unknown unicode at end' => [
        'Hell' . chr(0x80) . ' World',
        'Hell? World',
      'Non default replacement' => [
        chr(0x80) . 'ello World',
        '_ello World',
      'Keep the original question marks' => [
        chr(0xf8) . '?' . chr(0x80),
      'Keep the original question marks when non default replacement' => [
        chr(0x80) . 'ello ? World?',
        '_ello ? World?',
      'Keep the original question marks in some other language' => [
        'aąeę' . chr(0x80) . 'oółżźz ?',
        'aaee?oolzzz ?',
      'Non-US-ASCII replacement in English' => [
        chr(0x80) . 'ello World?',
        'Oello World?',
      'Non-US-ASCII replacement in some other language' => [
        chr(0x80) . 'óóść',
      'Ensure question marks are replaced when max length used' => [
        chr(0x80) . 'ello ? World?',
        '_ello ?',
      'Empty replacement' => [
        chr(0x80) . 'ello World' . chr(0xf8),
        'ello World',
      'Not affecting spacing from the beginning and end of a string' => [
        ' Hello Abventor! ',
        ' Hello Abventor! ',
      'Not affecting spacing from the beginning and end of a string when max length used' => [
        ' Drupal Kraków Community',
        ' Drupal Krakow ',
      'Keep many spaces between words' => [
        'Too    many    spaces between words !',
        'Too    many    spaces between words !',

    // cSpell:enable

   * Tests inclusion is safe.
   * @covers ::readLanguageOverrides
  public function testSafeInclude() {

    // The overrides in the transliteration data directory transliterates 0x82
    // into "safe" but the overrides one directory higher transliterates the
    // same character into "security hole". So by using "../index" as the
    // language code we can test the ../ is stripped from the langcode.
    vfsStream::setup('transliteration', NULL, [
      'index.php' => '<?php $overrides = ["../index" => [0x82 => "security hole"]];',
      'dir' => [
        'index.php' => '<?php $overrides = ["../index" => [0x82 => "safe"]];',
    $transliteration = new PhpTransliteration(vfsStream::url('transliteration/dir'));
    $transliterated = $transliteration
      ->transliterate(chr(0xc2) . chr(0x82), '../index');
      ->assertSame('safe', $transliterated);



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
PhpTransliterationTest::providerTestPhpTransliteration public function Provides data for self::testPhpTransliteration().
PhpTransliterationTest::providerTestPhpTransliterationRemoveDiacritics public function Provides data for self::testRemoveDiacritics().
PhpTransliterationTest::testPhpTransliteration public function Tests the PhpTransliteration class.
PhpTransliterationTest::testRemoveDiacritics public function Tests the PhpTransliteration::removeDiacritics() function.
PhpTransliterationTest::testSafeInclude public function Tests inclusion is safe.