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class NodeTypeTranslationTest in Drupal 10

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 core/modules/node/tests/src/Functional/NodeTypeTranslationTest.php \Drupal\Tests\node\Functional\NodeTypeTranslationTest
  2. 9 core/modules/node/tests/src/Functional/NodeTypeTranslationTest.php \Drupal\Tests\node\Functional\NodeTypeTranslationTest

Ensures that node types translation work correctly.

Note that the child site is installed in French; therefore, when making assertions on translated text it is important to provide a langcode. This ensures the asserts pass regardless of the Drupal version.

@group node


Expanded class hierarchy of NodeTypeTranslationTest


core/modules/node/tests/src/Functional/NodeTypeTranslationTest.php, line 17


View source
class NodeTypeTranslationTest extends BrowserTestBase {

   * Modules to enable.
   * @var array
  protected static $modules = [

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected $defaultTheme = 'stark';

   * The default language code to use in this test.
   * @var array
  protected $defaultLangcode = 'fr';

   * Languages to enable.
   * @var array
  protected $additionalLangcodes = [

   * Administrator user for tests.
   * @var \Drupal\user\UserInterface
  protected $adminUser;
  protected function setUp() : void {
    $admin_permissions = [
      'administer content types',
      'bypass node access',
      'administer node fields',
      'administer languages',
      'administer site configuration',
      'administer themes',
      'translate configuration',

    // Create and log in user.
    $this->adminUser = $this

    // Add languages.
    foreach ($this->additionalLangcodes as $langcode) {

   * {@inheritdoc}
   * Install Drupal in a language other than English for this test. This is not
   * needed to test the node type translation itself but acts as a regression
   * test.
   * @see
  protected function installParameters() {
    $parameters = parent::installParameters();
    $parameters['parameters']['langcode'] = $this->defaultLangcode;

    // Create an empty po file so we don't attempt to download one from
    // It does not need to match the version exactly as the
    // multi-lingual system will fallback.
      ->mkdir($this->publicFilesDirectory . '/translations', NULL, TRUE);
    file_put_contents($this->publicFilesDirectory . "/translations/drupal-8.0.0.{$this->defaultLangcode}.po", '');
    return $parameters;

   * Tests the node type translation.
  public function testNodeTypeTranslation() {
    $type = mb_strtolower($this
    $name = $this
      'type' => $type,
      'name' => $name,

    // Translate the node type name.
    $langcode = $this->additionalLangcodes[0];
    $translated_name = $langcode . '-' . $name;
    $edit = [
      "translation[config_names][node.type.{$type}][name]" => $translated_name,

    // Edit the title label to avoid having an exception when we save the translation.
      ->submitForm($edit, 'Save translation');

    // Check the name is translated without admin theme for editing.
      'use_admin_theme' => '0',
    ], 'Save configuration');

    // This is a Spanish page, so ensure the text asserted is translated in
    // Spanish and not French by adding the langcode option.
      ->responseContains(t('Create @name', [
      '@name' => $translated_name,
    ], [
      'langcode' => $langcode,

    // Check the name is translated with admin theme for editing.
      'use_admin_theme' => '1',
    ], 'Save configuration');

    // This is a Spanish page, so ensure the text asserted is translated in
    // Spanish and not French by adding the langcode option.
      ->responseContains(t('Create @name', [
      '@name' => $translated_name,
    ], [
      'langcode' => $langcode,

   * Tests the node type title label translation.
  public function testNodeTypeTitleLabelTranslation() {
    $type = mb_strtolower($this
    $name = $this
      'type' => $type,
      'name' => $name,
    $langcode = $this->additionalLangcodes[0];

    // Edit the title label for it to be displayed on the translation form.
      'title_label' => 'Edited title',
    ], 'Save content type');

    // Assert that the title label is displayed on the translation form with the right value.
      ->pageTextContains('Edited title');

    // Translate the title label.
      "translation[config_names][core.base_field_override.node.{$type}.title][label]" => 'Translated title',
    ], 'Save translation');

    // Assert that the right title label is displayed on the node add form. The
    // translations are created in this test; therefore, the assertions do not
    // use t(). If t() were used then the correct langcodes would need to be
    // provided.
      ->pageTextContains('Edited title');
      ->pageTextContains('Translated title');

    // Add an e-mail field.
      'new_storage_type' => 'email',
      'label' => 'Email',
      'field_name' => 'email',
    ], 'Save and continue');
      ->submitForm([], 'Save field settings');
      ->submitForm([], 'Save settings');
    $type = mb_strtolower($this
    $name = $this
      'type' => $type,
      'name' => $name,

    // Set tabs.
      ->drupalPlaceBlock('local_tasks_block', [
      'primary' => TRUE,

    // Change default language.
      'site_default_language' => 'es',
    ], 'Save configuration');

    // Try re-using the email field.
      'existing_storage_name' => 'field_email',
      'existing_storage_label' => 'Email',
    ], 'Save and continue');
      ->pageTextContains("The configuration objects have different language codes so they cannot be translated");

