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class Status in Drupal 10

Same name in this branch
  1. 10 core/modules/node/src/Plugin/views/filter/Status.php \Drupal\node\Plugin\views\filter\Status
  2. 10 core/modules/file/src/Plugin/views/filter/Status.php \Drupal\file\Plugin\views\filter\Status
  3. 10 core/modules/media/src/Plugin/views/filter/Status.php \Drupal\media\Plugin\views\filter\Status
Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 core/modules/node/src/Plugin/views/filter/Status.php \Drupal\node\Plugin\views\filter\Status
  2. 9 core/modules/node/src/Plugin/views/filter/Status.php \Drupal\node\Plugin\views\filter\Status

Filter by published status.

Plugin annotation



Expanded class hierarchy of Status

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core/modules/node/src/Plugin/views/filter/Status.php, line 15


View source
class Status extends FilterPluginBase {
  public function adminSummary() {
  protected function operatorForm(&$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
  public function canExpose() {
    return FALSE;
  public function query() {
    $table = $this
    $snippet = "{$table}.status = 1 OR ({$table}.uid = ***CURRENT_USER*** AND ***CURRENT_USER*** <> 0 AND ***VIEW_OWN_UNPUBLISHED_NODES*** = 1) OR ***BYPASS_NODE_ACCESS*** = 1";
    if ($this->moduleHandler
      ->moduleExists('content_moderation')) {
      $snippet .= ' OR ***VIEW_ANY_UNPUBLISHED_NODES*** = 1';
      ->addWhereExpression($this->options['group'], $snippet);

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getCacheContexts() {
    $contexts = parent::getCacheContexts();
    $contexts[] = 'user';
    return $contexts;



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
FilterPluginBase::$alwaysMultiple protected property Disable the possibility to force a single value. 4
FilterPluginBase::$always_required public property Disable the possibility to allow an exposed input to be optional.
FilterPluginBase::$group_info public property Contains the information of the selected item in a grouped filter.
FilterPluginBase::$no_operator public property Disable the possibility to use operators. 1
FilterPluginBase::$operator public property Contains the operator which is used on the query.
FilterPluginBase::$value public property Contains the actual value of the field,either configured in the views ui or entered in the exposed filters.
FilterPluginBase::acceptExposedInput public function Determines if the input from a filter should change the generated query. 2
FilterPluginBase::addGroupForm public function Add a new group to the exposed filter groups.
FilterPluginBase::arrayFilterZero protected static function Filter by no empty values, though allow the use of (string) "0".
FilterPluginBase::buildExposedFiltersGroupForm protected function Build the form to let users create the group of exposed filters.
FilterPluginBase::buildExposedForm public function Render our chunk of the exposed filter form when selecting.
FilterPluginBase::buildExposeForm public function Options form subform for exposed filter options. 4
FilterPluginBase::buildGroupForm public function Displays the Build Group form.
FilterPluginBase::buildGroupOptions protected function Provide default options for exposed filters.
FilterPluginBase::buildGroupSubmit protected function Save new group items, re-enumerates and remove groups marked to delete.
FilterPluginBase::buildGroupValidate protected function Validate the build group options form.
FilterPluginBase::buildOptionsForm public function Provide the basic form which calls through to subforms. 2
FilterPluginBase::buildValueWrapper protected function Builds wrapper for value and operator forms.
FilterPluginBase::canBuildGroup protected function Determine if a filter can be converted into a group.
FilterPluginBase::canGroup public function Can this filter be used in OR groups? 1
FilterPluginBase::convertExposedInput public function Transform the input from a grouped filter into a standard filter.
FilterPluginBase::defaultExposeOptions public function Provide default options for exposed filters. 3
FilterPluginBase::defineOptions protected function 4
FilterPluginBase::exposedInfo public function Tell the renderer about our exposed form. This only needs to be overridden for particularly complex forms. And maybe not even then.
FilterPluginBase::exposedTranslate protected function Make some translations to a form item to make it more suitable to exposing.
FilterPluginBase::getCacheMaxAge public function The maximum age for which this object may be cached. Overrides CacheableDependencyInterface::getCacheMaxAge
FilterPluginBase::getCacheTags public function The cache tags associated with this object. Overrides CacheableDependencyInterface::getCacheTags 1
FilterPluginBase::groupForm public function Build a form containing a group of operator | values to apply as a single filter.
FilterPluginBase::groupMultipleExposedInput public function Returns the options available for a grouped filter that users checkboxes as widget, and therefore has to be applied several times, one per item selected.
FilterPluginBase::hasValidGroupedValue protected function Determines if the given grouped filter entry has a valid value. 1
FilterPluginBase::init public function Overrides \Drupal\views\Plugin\views\HandlerBase::init(). 2
FilterPluginBase::isAGroup public function Returns TRUE if the exposed filter works like a grouped filter.
FilterPluginBase::multipleExposedInput public function Returns TRUE if users can select multiple groups items of a grouped exposed filter.
FilterPluginBase::operatorOptions public function Provide a list of options for the default operator form. 4
FilterPluginBase::operatorSubmit public function Perform any necessary changes to the form values prior to storage.
FilterPluginBase::operatorValidate protected function Validate the operator form.
FilterPluginBase::prepareFilterSelectOptions protected function Sanitizes the HTML select element's options.
FilterPluginBase::showBuildGroupButton protected function Shortcut to display the build_group/hide button.
FilterPluginBase::showBuildGroupForm public function Shortcut to display the exposed options form.
FilterPluginBase::showExposeButton public function Shortcut to display the expose/hide button.
FilterPluginBase::showOperatorForm public function Shortcut to display the operator form.
FilterPluginBase::showValueForm protected function Shortcut to display the value form.
FilterPluginBase::storeExposedInput public function
FilterPluginBase::storeGroupInput public function If set to remember exposed input in the session, store it there.
FilterPluginBase::submitOptionsForm public function Simple submit handler.
FilterPluginBase::trustedCallbacks public static function
FilterPluginBase::validate public function 2
FilterPluginBase::validateExposeForm public function Validate the options form.
FilterPluginBase::validateIdentifier protected function Validates a filter identifier.
FilterPluginBase::validateOptionsForm public function Simple validate handler. 1
FilterPluginBase::valueForm protected function Options form subform for setting options. 5
FilterPluginBase::valueSubmit protected function Perform any necessary changes to the form values prior to storage. 1
FilterPluginBase::valueValidate protected function Validate the options form. 2
Status::adminSummary public function Display the filter on the administrative summary. Overrides FilterPluginBase::adminSummary
Status::canExpose public function Determine if a filter can be exposed. Overrides FilterPluginBase::canExpose
Status::getCacheContexts public function The cache contexts associated with this object. Overrides FilterPluginBase::getCacheContexts
Status::operatorForm protected function Options form subform for setting the operator. Overrides FilterPluginBase::operatorForm
Status::query public function Add this filter to the query. Overrides FilterPluginBase::query