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class AdminUiTest in Drupal 10

Tests for CKEditor 5 in the admin UI.

@group ckeditor5 @internal


  • class \Drupal\Tests\ckeditor5\FunctionalJavascript\AdminUiTest extends \Drupal\Tests\ckeditor5\FunctionalJavascript\CKEditor5TestBase

Expanded class hierarchy of AdminUiTest


core/modules/ckeditor5/tests/src/FunctionalJavascript/AdminUiTest.php, line 13


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class AdminUiTest extends CKEditor5TestBase {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected static $modules = [

   * Confirm settings only trigger AJAX when select value is CKEditor 5.
  public function testSettingsOnlyFireAjaxWithCkeditor5() {
    $page = $this
    $assert_session = $this
      ->addNewTextFormat($page, $assert_session);
      ->addNewTextFormat($page, $assert_session, 'ckeditor');
    $number_ajax_instances_before = $this

    // Enable media embed to trigger an AJAX rebuild.
      ->waitForElement('css', '.ajax-progress-throbber'));
      ->responseContains('Media types selectable in the Media Library');
    $number_ajax_instances_after = $this

    // After the rebuild, there should be more AJAX instances.
      ->assertGreaterThan($number_ajax_instances_before, $number_ajax_instances_after);

    // Perform the same steps as above with CKEditor, and confirm AJAX callbacks
    // are not triggered on settings changes.
    $number_ajax_instances_before = $this

    // Enable media embed to confirm a format not using CKEditor 5 will not
    // trigger an AJAX rebuild.
      ->waitForElement('css', '.ajax-progress-throbber'));
      ->responseContains('Media types selectable in the Media Library');
    $number_ajax_instances_after = $this
      ->assertSame($number_ajax_instances_before, $number_ajax_instances_after);

    // Confirm that AJAX updates happen when attempting to switch to CKEditor 5,
    // even if prevented from doing so by validation.
      ->fillField('name', 'trigger validator');
      ->waitForText('Machine name');

    // Enable a filter that is incompatible with CKEditor 5, so validation is
    // triggered when attempting to switch.
    $incompatible_filter_name = 'filters[filter_incompatible][status]';
    $number_ajax_instances_before = $this
      ->waitForElement('css', '.ajax-progress-throbber'));
    $number_ajax_instances_after = $this
      ->assertSame($number_ajax_instances_before, $number_ajax_instances_after);
      ->selectFieldOption('editor[editor]', 'ckeditor5');
    $filter_warning = 'CKEditor 5 only works with HTML-based text formats. The "A TYPE_MARKUP_LANGUAGE filter incompatible with CKEditor 5" (filter_incompatible) filter implies this text format is not HTML anymore.';

    // The presence of this validation error message confirms the AJAX callback
    // was invoked.

    // Disable the incompatible filter. This should trigger another AJAX rebuild
    // which will include the removal of the validation error as the issue has
    // been corrected.
      ->waitForElement('css', '.ajax-progress-throbber'));

   * CKEditor5's filter UI modifications should not break it for other editors.
  public function testUnavailableFiltersHiddenWhenSwitching() {
    $page = $this
    $assert_session = $this
      ->createNewTextFormat($page, $assert_session, 'ckeditor');
      ->pageTextNotContains('Filter settings');

    // Switching to CKEditor 5 should keep the filter settings hidden.
      ->selectFieldOption('editor[editor]', 'ckeditor5');
      ->pageTextNotContains('Filter settings');

   * Test that filter settings are only visible when the filter is enabled.
  public function testFilterCheckboxesToggleSettings() {
    $page = $this
    $assert_session = $this
      ->createNewTextFormat($page, $assert_session);
    $media_tab = $page
      ->find('css', '[href^="#edit-filters-media-embed-settings"]');
      ->isVisible(), 'Media filter settings should not be present because media filter is not enabled');
    $media_tab = $assert_session
      ->waitForElementVisible('css', '[href^="#edit-filters-media-embed-settings"]');
      ->isVisible(), 'Media settings should appear when media filter enabled');
    $media_tab = $page
      ->find('css', '[href^="#edit-filters-media-embed-settings"]');
      ->isVisible(), 'Media settings should be removed when media filter disabled');

   * Ensure CKEditor 5 admin UI's real-time validation errors do not accumulate.
  public function testMessagesDoNotAccumulate() : void {
    $page = $this
    $assert_session = $this
      ->addNewTextFormat($page, $assert_session);

    // Add the source editing plugin to the CKEditor 5 toolbar.
      ->waitForElement('css', '.ckeditor5-toolbar-item-sourceEditing'));
      ->triggerKeyUp('.ckeditor5-toolbar-item-sourceEditing', 'ArrowDown');
    $find_validation_error_messages = function () use ($page) : array {
      return $page
        ->findAll('css', '[role=alert]:contains("The following tag(s) are already supported by enabled plugins and should not be added to the Source Editing "Manually editable HTML tags" field: Bold (<strong>).")');

    // No validation errors when we start.
      ->assertCount(0, $find_validation_error_messages());

    // Configure Source Editing to allow editing `<strong>` to trigger
    // validation error.
      ->waitForText('Source editing');
      ->find('css', '[href^="#edit-editor-settings-plugins-ckeditor5-sourceediting"]')
      ->waitForText('Manually editable HTML tags');
    $source_edit_tags_field = $assert_session
      ->assertCount(1, $find_validation_error_messages());

    // Revert Source Editing it: validation messages should be gone.
      ->assertCount(0, $find_validation_error_messages());

    // Add `<strong>` again: validation messages should be back.
      ->assertCount(1, $find_validation_error_messages());

   * Tests the plugin settings form section.
  public function testPluginSettingsFormSection() {
    $page = $this
    $assert_session = $this
      ->createNewTextFormat($page, $assert_session);

    // The default toolbar only enables the configurable heading plugin and the
    // non-configurable bold and italic plugins.
      ->fieldValueEquals('editor[settings][toolbar][items]', '["heading","bold","italic"]');

    // The heading plugin config form should be present.
      ->elementExists('css', '[data-drupal-selector="edit-editor-settings-plugins-ckeditor5-heading"]');

    // Remove the heading plugin from the toolbar.
      ->triggerKeyUp('.ckeditor5-toolbar-item-heading', 'ArrowUp');

    // The heading plugin config form should no longer be present.
      ->elementNotExists('css', '[data-drupal-selector="edit-editor-settings-plugins-ckeditor5-heading"]');

    // The plugin settings wrapper should still be present, but empty.
      ->elementExists('css', '#plugin-settings-wrapper');
      ->elementNotContains('css', '#plugin-settings-wrapper', '<div');

    // Enable the source plugin.
      ->triggerKeyUp('.ckeditor5-toolbar-item-sourceEditing', 'ArrowDown');

    // The source plugin config form should be present.
      ->elementExists('css', '[data-drupal-selector="edit-editor-settings-plugins-ckeditor5-sourceediting"]');

    // The filter-dependent configurable plugin should not be present.
      ->elementNotExists('css', '[data-drupal-selector="edit-editor-settings-plugins-media-media"]');

    // Enable the filter that the configurable plugin depends on.

    // The filter-dependent configurable plugin should be present.
      ->elementExists('css', '[data-drupal-selector="edit-editor-settings-plugins-media-media"]');

   * Tests the language config form.
  public function testLanguageConfigForm() {
    $page = $this
    $assert_session = $this
      ->createNewTextFormat($page, $assert_session);

    // The language plugin config form should not be present.
      ->elementNotExists('css', '[data-drupal-selector="edit-editor-settings-plugins-ckeditor5-language"]');
      ->waitForElement('css', '.ckeditor5-toolbar-item-textPartLanguage'));
      ->triggerKeyUp('.ckeditor5-toolbar-item-textPartLanguage', 'ArrowDown');

    // The CKEditor 5 module should warn that `<span>` cannot be created.
      ->waitForElement('css', '[role=alert][data-drupal-message-type="warning"]:contains("The Language plugin needs another plugin to create <span>, for it to be able to create the following attributes: <span lang dir>. Enable a plugin that supports creating this tag. If none exists, you can configure the Source Editing plugin to support it.")');

    // Make `<span>` creatable.
      ->elementExists('css', '.ckeditor5-toolbar-item-sourceEditing'));
      ->triggerKeyUp('.ckeditor5-toolbar-item-sourceEditing', 'ArrowDown');

    // The Source Editing plugin settings form should now be present and should
    // have no allowed tags configured.
      ->clickLink('Source editing');
      ->waitForElementVisible('css', '[data-drupal-selector="edit-editor-settings-plugins-ckeditor5-sourceediting-allowed-tags"]'));
    $javascript = <<<JS
      const allowedTags = document.querySelector('[data-drupal-selector="edit-editor-settings-plugins-ckeditor5-sourceediting-allowed-tags"]');
      allowedTags.value = '<span>';
      allowedTags.dispatchEvent(new Event('input'));

    // Dispatching an `input` event does not work in WebDriver. Enabling another
    // toolbar item which has no associated HTML elements forces it.
      ->triggerKeyUp('.ckeditor5-toolbar-item-undo', 'ArrowDown');

    // Confirm there are no longer any warnings.
      ->waitForElementRemoved('css', '[data-drupal-messages] [role="alert"]');

    // The language plugin config form should now be present.
      ->elementExists('css', '[data-drupal-selector="edit-editor-settings-plugins-ckeditor5-language"]');

    // It must also be possible to remove the language plugin again.
      ->triggerKeyUp('.ckeditor5-toolbar-item-textPartLanguage', 'ArrowUp');

    // The language plugin config form should not be present anymore.
      ->elementNotExists('css', '[data-drupal-selector="edit-editor-settings-plugins-ckeditor5-language"]');

