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class BookMultilingualTest in Drupal 10

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  1. 9 core/modules/book/tests/src/Kernel/BookMultilingualTest.php \Drupal\Tests\book\Kernel\BookMultilingualTest

Tests multilingual books.

@group book


  • class \Drupal\Tests\book\Kernel\BookMultilingualTest extends \Drupal\KernelTests\KernelTestBase uses \Drupal\Tests\user\Traits\UserCreationTrait

Expanded class hierarchy of BookMultilingualTest


core/modules/book/tests/src/Kernel/BookMultilingualTest.php, line 24


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class BookMultilingualTest extends KernelTestBase {
  use UserCreationTrait;

   * The translation langcode.
  const LANGCODE = 'de';

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected static $modules = [

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function setUp() : void {

    // Create the translation language.
      'id' => self::LANGCODE,

    // Set up language negotiation.
    $config = $this
      ->set('configurable', [

    // The language being tested should only be available as the content
    // language so subsequent tests catch errors where the interface language
    // is used instead of the content language. For this, the interface
    // language is set to the user language and ::setCurrentLanguage() will
    // set the user language to the language not being tested.
      ->set('negotiation', [
      LanguageInterface::TYPE_INTERFACE => [
        'enabled' => [
          LanguageNegotiationUser::METHOD_ID => 0,
      LanguageInterface::TYPE_CONTENT => [
        'enabled' => [
          LanguageNegotiationUrl::METHOD_ID => 0,
    $config = $this
      ->set('url.source', LanguageNegotiationUrl::CONFIG_DOMAIN);
      ->set('', [
      'en' => '',
      self::LANGCODE => self::LANGCODE . '.book.test.domain',
      ->installSchema('book', [
      ->installSchema('node', [
      ->installSchema('system', [
    $node_type = NodeType::create([
      'type' => $this
      'name' => $this
      ->setEnabled('node', $node_type
      ->id(), TRUE);
    $book_config = $this
    $allowed_types = $book_config
    $allowed_types[] = $node_type
      ->set('allowed_types', $allowed_types)

    // To test every possible combination of root-child / child-child, two
    // trees are needed. The first level below the root needs to have two
    // leaves and similarly a second level is needed with two-two leaves each:
    //        1
    //      /   \
    //     /     \
    //    2       3
    //   / \     / \
    //  /   \   /   \
    // 4     5 6     7
    // These are the actual node IDs, these are enforced as auto increment is
    // not reliable.
    // Similarly, the second tree root is node 8, the first two leaves are
    // 9 and 10, the third level is 11, 12, 13, 14.
    for ($root = 1; $root <= 8; $root += 7) {
      for ($i = 0; $i <= 6; $i++) {

        /** @var \Drupal\node\NodeInterface $node */
        $node = Node::create([
          'title' => $this
          'type' => $node_type
          ->addTranslation(self::LANGCODE, [
          'title' => $this
        switch ($i) {
          case 0:
            $node->book['bid'] = 'new';
            $node->book['pid'] = 0;
            $node->book['depth'] = 1;
          case 1:
          case 2:
            $node->book['bid'] = $root;
            $node->book['pid'] = $root;
            $node->book['depth'] = 2;
          case 3:
          case 4:
            $node->book['bid'] = $root;
            $node->book['pid'] = $root + 1;
            $node->book['depth'] = 3;
          case 5:
          case 6:
            $node->book['bid'] = $root;
            $node->book['pid'] = $root + 2;
            $node->book['depth'] = 3;

        // This is necessary to make the table of contents consistent across
        // test runs.
        $node->book['weight'] = $i;
        $node->nid->value = $root + $i;
      'access content',

   * Tests various book manager methods return correct translations.
   * @dataProvider langcodesProvider
  public function testMultilingualBookManager(string $langcode) {

    /** @var \Drupal\book\BookManagerInterface $bm */
    $bm = $this->container
    $books = $bm
    foreach ($books as $book) {
      $bid = $book['bid'];
      $build = $bm
      $items = $build['#items'];
        ->assertBookItemIsCorrectlyTranslated($items[$bid], $langcode);
        ->assertBookItemIsCorrectlyTranslated($items[$bid]['below'][$bid + 1], $langcode);
        ->assertBookItemIsCorrectlyTranslated($items[$bid]['below'][$bid + 1]['below'][$bid + 3], $langcode);
        ->assertBookItemIsCorrectlyTranslated($items[$bid]['below'][$bid + 1]['below'][$bid + 4], $langcode);
        ->assertBookItemIsCorrectlyTranslated($items[$bid]['below'][$bid + 2], $langcode);
        ->assertBookItemIsCorrectlyTranslated($items[$bid]['below'][$bid + 2]['below'][$bid + 5], $langcode);
        ->assertBookItemIsCorrectlyTranslated($items[$bid]['below'][$bid + 2]['below'][$bid + 6], $langcode);
      $toc = $bm
        ->getTableOfContents($bid, 4);

      // Root entry does not have an indent.
        ->assertToCEntryIsCorrectlyTranslated($toc, $langcode, $bid, '');

      // The direct children of the root have one indent.
        ->assertToCEntryIsCorrectlyTranslated($toc, $langcode, $bid + 1, '--');
        ->assertToCEntryIsCorrectlyTranslated($toc, $langcode, $bid + 2, '--');

      // Their children have two indents.
        ->assertToCEntryIsCorrectlyTranslated($toc, $langcode, $bid + 3, '----');
        ->assertToCEntryIsCorrectlyTranslated($toc, $langcode, $bid + 4, '----');
        ->assertToCEntryIsCorrectlyTranslated($toc, $langcode, $bid + 5, '----');
        ->assertToCEntryIsCorrectlyTranslated($toc, $langcode, $bid + 6, '----');

      // $bid might be a string.
        $bid + 0,
        $bid + 1,
        $bid + 3,
        $bid + 4,
        $bid + 2,
        $bid + 5,
        $bid + 6,
      ], array_keys($toc));

   * Tests various book breadcrumb builder methods return correct translations.
   * @dataProvider langcodesProvider
  public function testMultilingualBookBreadcrumbBuilder(string $langcode) {

    // Test a level 3 node.
    $nid = 7;

    /** @var \Drupal\node\NodeInterface $node */
    $node = Node::load($nid);
    $route = new Route('/node/{node}');
    $route_match = new RouteMatch('entity.node.canonical', $route, [
      'node' => $node,
    ], [
      'node' => $nid,

    /** @var \Drupal\book\BookBreadcrumbBuilder $bbb */
    $bbb = $this->container
    $links = $bbb
    $link = array_shift($links);
    $rendered_link = Link::fromTextAndUrl($link
      ->getText(), $link
      ->assertStringContainsString("http://{$langcode}.book.test.domain/", $rendered_link);
    $link = array_shift($links);
      ->assertNodeLinkIsCorrectlyTranslated(1, $link
      ->getText(), $link
      ->getUrl(), $langcode);
    $link = array_shift($links);
      ->assertNodeLinkIsCorrectlyTranslated(3, $link
      ->getText(), $link
      ->getUrl(), $langcode);

   * Tests the book export returns correct translations.
   * @dataProvider langcodesProvider
  public function testMultilingualBookExport(string $langcode) {

    /** @var \Drupal\book\BookExport $be */
    $be = $this->container

    /** @var \Drupal\book\BookManagerInterface $bm */
    $bm = $this->container
    $books = $bm
    foreach ($books as $book) {
      $contents = $be
        ->getId(), $langcode);
        ->getId(), $langcode);
        ->getId(), $langcode);
        ->getId(), $langcode);
        ->getId(), $langcode);
        ->getId(), $langcode);
        ->getId(), $langcode);

   * Data provider for ::testMultilingualBooks().
  public function langcodesProvider() {
    return [

   * Sets the current language.
   * @param string $langcode
   *   The langcode. The content language will be set to this using the
   *   appropriate domain while the user language will be set to something
   *   else so subsequent tests catch errors where the interface language
   *   is used instead of the content language.
  protected function setCurrentLanguage(string $langcode) : void {
    $language_manager = $this->container
    $current_user = \Drupal::currentUser();
    $languages = $language_manager
      ->set('preferred_langcode', reset($languages)
      ->getPreferredLangcode(), $langcode);

   * Asserts a book item is correctly translated.
   * @param array $item
   *   A book tree item.
   * @param string $langcode
   *   The language code for the requested translation.
   * @internal
  protected function assertBookItemIsCorrectlyTranslated(array $item, string $langcode) : void {
      ->assertNodeLinkIsCorrectlyTranslated($item['original_link']['nid'], $item['title'], $item['url'], $langcode);

   * Asserts a node link is correctly translated.
   * @param int $nid
   *   The node id.
   * @param string $title
   *   The expected title.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Url $url
   *   The URL being tested.
   * @param string $langcode
   *   The language code.
   * @internal
  protected function assertNodeLinkIsCorrectlyTranslated(int $nid, string $title, Url $url, string $langcode) : void {
    $node = Node::load($nid);
      ->label(), $title);
    $rendered_link = Link::fromTextAndUrl($title, $url)
      ->assertStringContainsString("http://{$langcode}.book.test.domain/node/{$nid}", $rendered_link);

   * Asserts one entry in the table of contents is correct.
   * @param array $toc
   *   The entire table of contents array.
   * @param string $langcode
   *   The language code for the requested translation.
   * @param int $nid
   *   The node ID.
   * @param string $indent
   *   The indentation before the actual table of contents label.
   * @internal
  protected function assertToCEntryIsCorrectlyTranslated(array $toc, string $langcode, int $nid, string $indent) : void {
    $node = Node::load($nid);
    $node_label = $node
      ->assertSame($indent . ' ' . $node_label, $toc[$nid]);

