class BookTest in Drupal 9
Same name in this branch
- 9 core/modules/book/tests/src/Functional/BookTest.php \Drupal\Tests\book\Functional\BookTest
- 9 core/modules/book/tests/src/Kernel/Plugin/migrate/source/BookTest.php \Drupal\Tests\book\Kernel\Plugin\migrate\source\BookTest
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 8 core/modules/book/tests/src/Functional/BookTest.php \Drupal\Tests\book\Functional\BookTest
Create a book, add pages, and test book interface.
@group book
- class \Drupal\Tests\BrowserTestBase extends \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase uses \Symfony\Bridge\PhpUnit\ExpectDeprecationTrait, FunctionalTestSetupTrait, TestSetupTrait, AssertLegacyTrait, BlockCreationTrait, ConfigTestTrait, ExtensionListTestTrait, ContentTypeCreationTrait, NodeCreationTrait, PhpUnitCompatibilityTrait, RandomGeneratorTrait, TestRequirementsTrait, PhpUnitWarnings, UiHelperTrait, UserCreationTrait, XdebugRequestTrait
- class \Drupal\Tests\book\Functional\BookTest uses BookTestTrait
Expanded class hierarchy of BookTest
- core/
modules/ book/ tests/ src/ Functional/ BookTest.php, line 15
Drupal\Tests\book\FunctionalView source
class BookTest extends BrowserTestBase {
use BookTestTrait;
* Modules to install.
* @var array
protected static $modules = [
* {@inheritdoc}
protected $defaultTheme = 'classy';
* A user with permission to view a book and access printer-friendly version.
* @var \Drupal\user\UserInterface
protected $webUser;
* A user with permission to create and edit books and to administer blocks.
* @var \Drupal\user\UserInterface
protected $adminUser;
* A user without the 'node test view' permission.
* @var \Drupal\user\UserInterface
protected $webUserWithoutNodeAccess;
* {@inheritdoc}
protected function setUp() : void {
// node_access_test requires a node_access_rebuild().
// Create users.
$this->bookAuthor = $this
'create new books',
'create book content',
'edit own book content',
'add content to books',
'view own unpublished content',
$this->webUser = $this
'access printer-friendly version',
'node test view',
$this->webUserWithoutNodeAccess = $this
'access printer-friendly version',
$this->adminUser = $this
'create new books',
'create book content',
'edit any book content',
'delete any book content',
'add content to books',
'administer blocks',
'administer permissions',
'administer book outlines',
'node test view',
'administer content types',
'administer site configuration',
'view any unpublished content',
* Test the book navigation cache context argument deprecation.
* @group legacy
public function testBookNavigationCacheContextDeprecatedParameter() {
->expectDeprecation('Passing the request_stack service to Drupal\\book\\Cache\\BookNavigationCacheContext::__construct() is deprecated in drupal:9.2.0 and will be removed before drupal:10.0.0. The parameter should be an instance of \\Drupal\\Core\\Routing\\RouteMatchInterface instead.');
$request_stack = $this->container
$book_navigation_cache_context = new BookNavigationCacheContext($request_stack);
* Tests the book navigation cache context.
* @see \Drupal\book\Cache\BookNavigationCacheContext
public function testBookNavigationCacheContext() {
// Create a page node.
'type' => 'page',
$page = $this
// Create a book, consisting of book nodes.
$book_nodes = $this
// Enable the debug output.
->set('book_test.debug_book_navigation_cache_context', TRUE);
// On non-node route.
// On non-book node route.
// On book node route.
* Tests saving the book outline on an empty book.
public function testEmptyBook() {
// Create a new empty book.
$book = $this
// Log in as a user with access to the book outline and save the form.
->drupalGet('admin/structure/book/' . $book
->submitForm([], 'Save book pages');
->pageTextContains('Updated book ' . $book
->label() . '.');
* Tests book functionality through node interfaces.
public function testBook() {
// Create new book.
$nodes = $this
$book = $this->book;
// Check that book pages display along with the correct outlines and
// previous/next links.
->checkBookNode($book, [
], FALSE, FALSE, $nodes[0], []);
->checkBookNode($nodes[0], [
], $book, $book, $nodes[1], [
->checkBookNode($nodes[1], NULL, $nodes[0], $nodes[0], $nodes[2], [
->checkBookNode($nodes[2], NULL, $nodes[1], $nodes[0], $nodes[3], [
->checkBookNode($nodes[3], NULL, $nodes[2], $book, $nodes[4], [
->checkBookNode($nodes[4], NULL, $nodes[3], $book, FALSE, [
// Check the presence of expected cache tags.
->responseHeaderContains('X-Drupal-Cache-Tags', 'config:book.settings');
* Add Node 5 under Node 3.
* Book
* |- Node 0
* |- Node 1
* |- Node 2
* |- Node 3
* |- Node 5
* |- Node 4
// Node 5.
$nodes[] = $this
->id(), $nodes[3]->book['nid']);
// Verify the new outline - make sure we don't get stale cached data.
->checkBookNode($nodes[3], [
], $nodes[2], $book, $nodes[5], [
->checkBookNode($nodes[4], NULL, $nodes[5], $book, FALSE, [
// Create a second book, and move an existing book page into it.
$other_book = $this
$node = $this
$edit = [
'book[bid]' => $other_book
->drupalGet('node/' . $node
->id() . '/edit');
->submitForm($edit, 'Save');
// Check that the nodes in the second book are displayed correctly.
// First we must set $this->book to the second book, so that the
// correct regex will be generated for testing the outline.
$this->book = $other_book;
->checkBookNode($other_book, [
], FALSE, FALSE, $node, []);
->checkBookNode($node, NULL, $other_book, $other_book, FALSE, [
// Test that we can save a book programmatically.
$book = $this
// Confirm that an unpublished book page has the 'Add child page' link.
->drupalGet('node/' . $nodes[4]
->linkExists('Add child page');
->drupalGet('node/' . $nodes[4]
->linkExists('Add child page');
* Tests book export ("printer-friendly version") functionality.
public function testBookExport() {
// Create a book.
$nodes = $this
// Log in as web user and view printer-friendly version.
->drupalGet('node/' . $this->book
->clickLink('Printer-friendly version');
// Make sure each part of the book is there.
foreach ($nodes as $node) {
// Make sure we can't export an unsupported format.
->drupalGet('book/export/foobar/' . $this->book
// Make sure we get a 404 on a non-existent book node.
// Make sure an anonymous user cannot view printer-friendly version.
// Load the book and verify there is no printer-friendly version link.
->drupalGet('node/' . $this->book
->linkNotExists('Printer-friendly version', 'Anonymous user is not shown link to printer-friendly version.');
// Try getting the URL directly, and verify it fails.
->drupalGet('book/export/html/' . $this->book
// Now grant anonymous users permission to view the printer-friendly
// version and verify that node access restrictions still prevent them from
// seeing it.
user_role_grant_permissions(RoleInterface::ANONYMOUS_ID, [
'access printer-friendly version',
->drupalGet('book/export/html/' . $this->book
* Tests the functionality of the book navigation block.
public function testBookNavigationBlock() {
// Enable the block.
$block = $this
// Give anonymous users the permission 'node test view'.
$edit = [];
$edit[RoleInterface::ANONYMOUS_ID . '[node test view]'] = TRUE;
->drupalGet('admin/people/permissions/' . RoleInterface::ANONYMOUS_ID);
->submitForm($edit, 'Save permissions');
->pageTextContains('The changes have been saved.');
// Test correct display of the block.
$nodes = $this
// Book navigation block.
// Link to book root.
// No links to individual book pages.
// Ensure that an unpublished node does not appear in the navigation for a
// user without access. By unpublishing a parent page, child pages should
// not appear in the navigation. The node_access_test module is disabled
// since it interferes with this logic.
/** @var \Drupal\Core\Extension\ModuleInstaller $installer */
$installer = \Drupal::service('module_installer');
// Verify the user does not have access to the unpublished node.
->access('view', $this->webUser));
// Verify the unpublished book page does not appear in the navigation.
* Tests BookManager::getTableOfContents().
public function testGetTableOfContents() {
// Create new book.
$nodes = $this
$book = $this->book;
* Add Node 5 under Node 2.
* Add Node 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 under Node 3.
* Book
* |- Node 0
* |- Node 1
* |- Node 2
* |- Node 5
* |- Node 3
* |- Node 6
* |- Node 7
* |- Node 8
* |- Node 9
* |- Node 10
* |- Node 11
* |- Node 4
foreach ([
5 => 2,
6 => 3,
7 => 6,
8 => 7,
9 => 8,
10 => 9,
11 => 10,
] as $child => $parent) {
$nodes[$child] = $this
->id(), $nodes[$parent]
// Since Node 0 has children 2 levels deep, nodes 10 and 11 should not
// appear in the selector.
->optionNotExists('edit-book-pid', $nodes[10]
->optionNotExists('edit-book-pid', $nodes[11]
// Node 9 should be available as an option.
->optionExists('edit-book-pid', $nodes[9]
// Get a shallow set of options.
/** @var \Drupal\book\BookManagerInterface $manager */
$manager = $this->container
$options = $manager
->id(), 3);
// Verify that all expected option keys are present.
$expected_nids = [
->assertEquals($expected_nids, array_keys($options));
// Exclude Node 3.
$options = $manager
->id(), 3, [
// Verify that expected option keys are present after excluding Node 3.
$expected_nids = [
->assertEquals($expected_nids, array_keys($options));
* Tests the book navigation block when an access module is installed.
public function testNavigationBlockOnAccessModuleInstalled() {
$block = $this
->drupalPlaceBlock('book_navigation', [
'block_mode' => 'book pages',
// Give anonymous users the permission 'node test view'.
$edit = [];
$edit[RoleInterface::ANONYMOUS_ID . '[node test view]'] = TRUE;
->drupalGet('admin/people/permissions/' . RoleInterface::ANONYMOUS_ID);
->submitForm($edit, 'Save permissions');
->pageTextContains('The changes have been saved.');
// Create a book.
// Test correct display of the block to registered users.
->drupalGet('node/' . $this->book
// Test correct display of the block to anonymous users.
->drupalGet('node/' . $this->book
// Test the 'book pages' block_mode setting.
* Tests the access for deleting top-level book nodes.
public function testBookDelete() {
$node_storage = $this->container
$nodes = $this
$edit = [];
// Ensure that the top-level book node cannot be deleted.
->drupalGet('node/' . $this->book
->id() . '/outline/remove');
// Ensure that a child book node can be deleted.
->drupalGet('node/' . $nodes[4]
->id() . '/outline/remove');
->submitForm($edit, 'Remove');
$node4 = $node_storage
->assertTrue(empty($node4->book), 'Deleting child book node properly allowed.');
// $nodes[4] is stale, trying to delete it directly will cause an error.
// Delete all child book nodes and retest top-level node deletion.
->drupalGet('node/' . $this->book
->id() . '/outline/remove');
->submitForm($edit, 'Remove');
$node = $node_storage
->assertTrue(empty($node->book), 'Deleting childless top-level book node properly allowed.');
// Tests directly deleting a book parent.
$nodes = $this
->label() . ' is part of a book outline, and has associated child pages. If you proceed with deletion, the child pages will be relocated automatically.');
// Delete parent, and visit a child page.
->submitForm([], 'Delete');
// The book parents should be updated.
$node_storage = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()
$child = $node_storage
->id(), $child->book['bid'], 'Child node book ID updated when parent is deleted.');
// 3rd-level children should now be 2nd-level.
$second = $node_storage
->id(), $second->book['bid'], '3rd-level child node is now second level when top-level node is deleted.');
* Tests outline of a book.
public function testBookOutline() {
// Create new node not yet a book.
$empty_book = $this
'type' => 'book',
->drupalGet('node/' . $empty_book
->id() . '/outline');
->linkNotExists('Book outline', 'Book Author is not allowed to outline');
->drupalGet('node/' . $empty_book
->id() . '/outline');
->pageTextContains('Book outline');
// Verify that the node does not belong to a book.
->optionExists('edit-book-bid', 0)
->linkNotExists('Remove from book outline');
$edit = [];
$edit['book[bid]'] = '1';
->drupalGet('node/' . $empty_book
->id() . '/outline');
->submitForm($edit, 'Add to book outline');
$node = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()
// Test the book array.
->id(), $node->book['nid']);
->id(), $node->book['bid']);
->assertEquals(1, $node->book['depth']);
->id(), $node->book['p1']);
->assertEquals('0', $node->book['pid']);
// Create new book.
$book = $this
->drupalGet('node/' . $book
->id() . '/outline');
->pageTextContains('Book outline');
->clickLink('Remove from book outline');
->pageTextContains('Are you sure you want to remove ' . $book
->label() . ' from the book hierarchy?');
// Create a new node and set the book after the node was created.
$node = $this
'type' => 'book',
$edit = [];
$edit['book[bid]'] = $node
->drupalGet('node/' . $node
->id() . '/edit');
->submitForm($edit, 'Save');
$node = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()
// Test the book array.
->id(), $node->book['nid']);
->id(), $node->book['bid']);
->assertEquals(1, $node->book['depth']);
->id(), $node->book['p1']);
->assertEquals('0', $node->book['pid']);
// Test the form itself.
->drupalGet('node/' . $node
->id() . '/edit');
->optionExists('edit-book-bid', $node
* Tests that saveBookLink() returns something.
public function testSaveBookLink() {
$book_manager = \Drupal::service('book.manager');
// Mock a link for a new book.
$link = [
'nid' => 1,
'has_children' => 0,
'original_bid' => 0,
'pid' => 0,
'weight' => 0,
'bid' => 0,
$new = TRUE;
// Save the link.
$return = $book_manager
->saveBookLink($link, $new);
// Add the link defaults to $link so we have something to compare to the return from saveBookLink().
$link = $book_manager
// Test the return from saveBookLink.
->assertEquals($return, $link);
* Tests the listing of all books.
public function testBookListing() {
// Uninstall 'node_access_test' as this interferes with the test.
// Create a new book.
$nodes = $this
// Load the book page and assert the created book title is displayed.
// Unpublish the top book page and confirm that the created book title is
// not displayed for anonymous.
// Publish the top book page and unpublish a page in the book and confirm
// that the created book title is displayed for anonymous.
// Unpublish the top book page and confirm that the created book title is
// displayed for user which has 'view own unpublished content' permission.
// Ensure the user doesn't see the book if they don't own it.
// Confirm that the created book title is displayed for user which has
// 'view any unpublished content' permission.
* Tests the administrative listing of all books.
public function testAdminBookListing() {
// Create a new book.
$nodes = $this
// Load the book page and assert the created book title is displayed.
* Tests the administrative listing of all book pages in a book.
public function testAdminBookNodeListing() {
// Create a new book.
$nodes = $this
// Load the book page list and assert the created book title is displayed
// and action links are shown on list items.
->drupalGet('admin/structure/book/' . $this->book
// Test that the view link is found from the list.
->elementTextEquals('xpath', '//table//ul[@class="dropbutton"]/li/a', 'View');
// Test that all the book pages are displayed on the book outline page.
->elementsCount('xpath', '//table//ul[@class="dropbutton"]/li/a', count($nodes));
// Unpublish a book in the hierarchy.
// Node should still appear on the outline for admins.
->drupalGet('admin/structure/book/' . $this->book
->elementsCount('xpath', '//table//ul[@class="dropbutton"]/li/a', count($nodes));
// Saving a book page not as the current version shouldn't effect the book.
$old_title = $nodes[1]
$new_title = $this->randomGenerator
->drupalGet('admin/structure/book/' . $this->book
->elementsCount('xpath', '//table//ul[@class="dropbutton"]/li/a', count($nodes));
* Ensure the loaded book in hook_node_load() does not depend on the user.
public function testHookNodeLoadAccess() {
// Ensure that the loaded book in hook_node_load() does NOT depend on the
// current user.
$this->book = $this
// Reset any internal static caching.
$node_storage = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()
// Log in as user without access to the book node, so no 'node test view'
// permission.
// @see node_access_test_node_grants().
$book_node = $node_storage
->id(), $book_node->book['bid']);
// Reset the internal cache to retrigger the hook_node_load() call.
$book_node = $node_storage
->id(), $book_node->book['bid']);
* Tests the book navigation block when book is unpublished.
* There was a fatal error with "Show block only on book pages" block mode.
public function testBookNavigationBlockOnUnpublishedBook() {
// Create a new book.
// Create administrator user.
$administratorUser = $this
'administer blocks',
'administer nodes',
'bypass node access',
// Enable the block with "Show block only on book pages" mode.
->drupalPlaceBlock('book_navigation', [
'block_mode' => 'book pages',
// Unpublish book node.
$edit = [
'status[value]' => FALSE,
->drupalGet('node/' . $this->book
->id() . '/edit');
->submitForm($edit, 'Save');
// Test node page.
->drupalGet('node/' . $this->book
// Unpublished book with "Show block only on book pages" book navigation
// settings.
* Tests that the book settings form can be saved without error.
public function testSettingsForm() {
->submitForm([], 'Save configuration');
Name![]() |
Modifiers | Type | Description | Overrides |
AssertLegacyTrait:: |
protected | function | ||
AssertLegacyTrait:: |
protected | function | Asserts whether an expected cache tag was present in the last response. | |
AssertLegacyTrait:: |
protected | function | Asserts that the element with the given CSS selector is not present. | |
AssertLegacyTrait:: |
protected | function | Asserts that the element with the given CSS selector is present. | |
AssertLegacyTrait:: |
protected | function | ||
AssertLegacyTrait:: |
protected | function | Passes if the raw text IS found escaped on the loaded page, fail otherwise. | |
AssertLegacyTrait:: |
protected | function | Asserts that a field exists with the given name or ID. | |
AssertLegacyTrait:: |
protected | function | Asserts that a field exists with the given ID and value. | |
AssertLegacyTrait:: |
protected | function | Asserts that a field exists with the given name and value. | |
AssertLegacyTrait:: |
protected | function | Asserts that a field exists in the current page by the given XPath. | |
AssertLegacyTrait:: |
protected | function | Asserts that a checkbox field in the current page is checked. | |
AssertLegacyTrait:: |
protected | function | Asserts that a field exists in the current page with a given Xpath result. | |
AssertLegacyTrait:: |
protected | function | Checks that current response header equals value. | |
AssertLegacyTrait:: |
protected | function | ||
AssertLegacyTrait:: |
protected | function | ||
AssertLegacyTrait:: |
protected | function | Passes if a link with the specified label is found. | |
AssertLegacyTrait:: |
protected | function | Passes if a link containing a given href (part) is found. | |
AssertLegacyTrait:: |
protected | function | Asserts whether an expected cache tag was absent in the last response. | |
AssertLegacyTrait:: |
protected | function | Passes if the raw text is not found escaped on the loaded page. | |
AssertLegacyTrait:: |
protected | function | Asserts that a field does NOT exist with the given name or ID. | |
AssertLegacyTrait:: |
protected | function | Asserts that a field does not exist with the given ID and value. | |
AssertLegacyTrait:: |
protected | function | Asserts that a field does not exist with the given name and value. | |
AssertLegacyTrait:: |
protected | function | Asserts that a field does not exist or its value does not match, by XPath. | |
AssertLegacyTrait:: |
protected | function | Asserts that a checkbox field in the current page is not checked. | |
AssertLegacyTrait:: |
protected | function | Passes if a link with the specified label is not found. | |
AssertLegacyTrait:: |
protected | function | Passes if a link containing a given href (part) is not found. | |
AssertLegacyTrait:: |
protected | function | Asserts that a select option does NOT exist in the current page. | |
AssertLegacyTrait:: |
protected | function | Triggers a pass if the Perl regex pattern is not found in the raw content. | |
AssertLegacyTrait:: |
protected | function | Passes if the raw text IS not found on the loaded page, fail otherwise. | |
AssertLegacyTrait:: |
protected | function | ||
AssertLegacyTrait:: |
protected | function | Passes if the page (with HTML stripped) does not contains the text. | |
AssertLegacyTrait:: |
protected | function | ||
AssertLegacyTrait:: |
protected | function | Passes if the text is found MORE THAN ONCE on the text version of the page. | |
AssertLegacyTrait:: |
protected | function | Asserts that a select option in the current page exists. | |
AssertLegacyTrait:: |
protected | function | Asserts that a select option with the visible text exists. | |
AssertLegacyTrait:: |
protected | function | Asserts that a select option in the current page is checked. | |
AssertLegacyTrait:: |
protected | function | Triggers a pass if the Perl regex pattern is found in the raw content. | |
AssertLegacyTrait:: |
protected | function | Passes if the raw text IS found on the loaded page, fail otherwise. | |
AssertLegacyTrait:: |
protected | function | Asserts the page responds with the specified response code. | |
AssertLegacyTrait:: |
protected | function | Passes if the page (with HTML stripped) contains the text. | |
AssertLegacyTrait:: |
protected | function | Helper for assertText and assertNoText. | |
AssertLegacyTrait:: |
protected | function | Pass if the page title is the given string. | |
AssertLegacyTrait:: |
protected | function | Passes if the text is found ONLY ONCE on the text version of the page. | |
AssertLegacyTrait:: |
protected | function | Passes if the internal browser's URL matches the given path. | |
AssertLegacyTrait:: |
protected | function | Builds an XPath query. | |
AssertLegacyTrait:: |
protected | function | Helper: Constructs an XPath for the given set of attributes and value. | |
AssertLegacyTrait:: |
protected | function | Get all option elements, including nested options, in a select. | |
AssertLegacyTrait:: |
protected | function | Gets the current raw content. | |
AssertLegacyTrait:: |
protected | function | ||
AssertLegacyTrait:: |
protected | function | ||
BlockCreationTrait:: |
protected | function | Creates a block instance based on default settings. Aliased as: drupalPlaceBlock | |
BookTest:: |
protected | property | A user with permission to create and edit books and to administer blocks. | |
BookTest:: |
protected | property |
The theme to install as the default for testing. Overrides BrowserTestBase:: |
BookTest:: |
protected static | property |
Modules to install. Overrides BrowserTestBase:: |
BookTest:: |
protected | property | A user with permission to view a book and access printer-friendly version. | |
BookTest:: |
protected | property | A user without the 'node test view' permission. | |
BookTest:: |
protected | function |
Overrides BrowserTestBase:: |
BookTest:: |
public | function | Tests the administrative listing of all books. | |
BookTest:: |
public | function | Tests the administrative listing of all book pages in a book. | |
BookTest:: |
public | function | Tests book functionality through node interfaces. | |
BookTest:: |
public | function | Tests the access for deleting top-level book nodes. | |
BookTest:: |
public | function | Tests book export ("printer-friendly version") functionality. | |
BookTest:: |
public | function | Tests the listing of all books. | |
BookTest:: |
public | function | Tests the functionality of the book navigation block. | |
BookTest:: |
public | function | Tests the book navigation block when book is unpublished. | |
BookTest:: |
public | function | Tests the book navigation cache context. | |
BookTest:: |
public | function | Test the book navigation cache context argument deprecation. | |
BookTest:: |
public | function | Tests outline of a book. | |
BookTest:: |
public | function | Tests saving the book outline on an empty book. | |
BookTest:: |
public | function | Tests BookManager::getTableOfContents(). | |
BookTest:: |
public | function | Ensure the loaded book in hook_node_load() does not depend on the user. | |
BookTest:: |
public | function | Tests the book navigation block when an access module is installed. | |
BookTest:: |
public | function | Tests that saveBookLink() returns something. | |
BookTest:: |
public | function | Tests that the book settings form can be saved without error. | |
BookTestTrait:: |
protected | property | A book node. | |
BookTestTrait:: |
protected | property | A user with permission to create and edit books. | |
BookTestTrait:: |
public | function | Checks the outline of sub-pages; previous, up, and next. | |
BookTestTrait:: |
public | function | Creates a new book with a page hierarchy. | |
BookTestTrait:: |
public | function | Creates a book node. | |
BookTestTrait:: |
public | function | Creates a regular expression to check for the sub-nodes in the outline. | |
BrowserHtmlDebugTrait:: |
protected | property | The Base URI to use for links to the output files. | |
BrowserHtmlDebugTrait:: |
protected | property | Class name for HTML output logging. | |
BrowserHtmlDebugTrait:: |
protected | property | Counter for HTML output logging. | |
BrowserHtmlDebugTrait:: |
protected | property | Counter storage for HTML output logging. | |
BrowserHtmlDebugTrait:: |
protected | property | Directory name for HTML output logging. | |
BrowserHtmlDebugTrait:: |
protected | property | HTML output output enabled. | |
BrowserHtmlDebugTrait:: |
protected | property | The file name to write the list of URLs to. | |
BrowserHtmlDebugTrait:: |
protected | property | HTML output test ID. | |
BrowserHtmlDebugTrait:: |
protected | function | Formats HTTP headers as string for HTML output logging. | |
BrowserHtmlDebugTrait:: |
protected | function | Returns headers in HTML output format. | 1 |
BrowserHtmlDebugTrait:: |
protected | function | Provides a Guzzle middleware handler to log every response received. | |
BrowserHtmlDebugTrait:: |
protected | function | Logs a HTML output message in a text file. | |
BrowserHtmlDebugTrait:: |
protected | function | Creates the directory to store browser output. | |
BrowserTestBase:: |
protected | property | The base URL. | |
BrowserTestBase:: |
protected | property | The config importer that can be used in a test. | |
BrowserTestBase:: |
protected | property | An array of custom translations suitable for drupal_rewrite_settings(). | |
BrowserTestBase:: |
protected | property | The database prefix of this test run. | |
BrowserTestBase:: |
protected | property | Mink session manager. | |
BrowserTestBase:: |
protected | property | Mink default driver params. | |
BrowserTestBase:: |
protected | property | Mink class for the default driver to use. | 1 |
BrowserTestBase:: |
protected | property | The original container. | |
BrowserTestBase:: |
protected | property | The original array of shutdown function callbacks. | |
BrowserTestBase:: |
protected | property | ||
BrowserTestBase:: |
protected | property | The profile to install as a basis for testing. | 39 |
BrowserTestBase:: |
protected | property | The app root. | |
BrowserTestBase:: |
protected | property | Browser tests are run in separate processes to prevent collisions between code that may be loaded by tests. | |
BrowserTestBase:: |
protected | property | Time limit in seconds for the test. | |
BrowserTestBase:: |
protected | property | The translation file directory for the test environment. | |
BrowserTestBase:: |
protected | function | Clean up the Simpletest environment. | |
BrowserTestBase:: |
protected | function | Configuration accessor for tests. Returns non-overridden configuration. | |
BrowserTestBase:: |
protected | function | Gets the value of an HTTP response header. | |
BrowserTestBase:: |
public static | function | Ensures test files are deletable. | |
BrowserTestBase:: |
protected | function | Gets an instance of the default Mink driver. | |
BrowserTestBase:: |
protected | function | Gets the JavaScript drupalSettings variable for the currently-loaded page. | 1 |
BrowserTestBase:: |
protected | function | Obtain the HTTP client for the system under test. | |
BrowserTestBase:: |
protected | function | Get the Mink driver args from an environment variable, if it is set. Can be overridden in a derived class so it is possible to use a different value for a subset of tests, e.g. the JavaScript tests. | 1 |
BrowserTestBase:: |
protected | function | Helper function to get the options of select field. | |
BrowserTestBase:: |
public | function | Returns Mink session. | |
BrowserTestBase:: |
protected | function | Get session cookies from current session. | |
BrowserTestBase:: |
protected | function |
Retrieves the current calling line in the class under test. Overrides BrowserHtmlDebugTrait:: |
BrowserTestBase:: |
protected | function | Visits the front page when initializing Mink. | 3 |
BrowserTestBase:: |
protected | function | Initializes Mink sessions. | 1 |
BrowserTestBase:: |
public | function | Installs Drupal into the Simpletest site. | 1 |
BrowserTestBase:: |
protected | function | Registers additional Mink sessions. | |
BrowserTestBase:: |
protected | function | Sets up the root application path. | |
BrowserTestBase:: |
public static | function | 1 | |
BrowserTestBase:: |
protected | function | 3 | |
BrowserTestBase:: |
protected | function | Transforms a nested array into a flat array suitable for submitForm(). | |
BrowserTestBase:: |
protected | function | Performs an xpath search on the contents of the internal browser. | |
BrowserTestBase:: |
public | function | Prevents serializing any properties. | |
ConfigTestTrait:: |
protected | function | Returns a ConfigImporter object to import test configuration. | |
ConfigTestTrait:: |
protected | function | Copies configuration objects from source storage to target storage. | |
ContentTypeCreationTrait:: |
protected | function | Creates a custom content type based on default settings. Aliased as: drupalCreateContentType | 1 |
ExtensionListTestTrait:: |
protected | function | Gets the path for the specified module. | |
ExtensionListTestTrait:: |
protected | function | Gets the path for the specified theme. | |
FunctionalTestSetupTrait:: |
protected | property | The flag to set 'apcu_ensure_unique_prefix' setting. | 1 |
FunctionalTestSetupTrait:: |
protected | property | The class loader to use for installation and initialization of setup. | |
FunctionalTestSetupTrait:: |
protected | property | The "#1" admin user. | |
FunctionalTestSetupTrait:: |
protected | function | Execute the non-interactive installer. | 1 |
FunctionalTestSetupTrait:: |
protected | function | Returns all supported database driver installer objects. | |
FunctionalTestSetupTrait:: |
protected | function | Initialize various configurations post-installation. | 1 |
FunctionalTestSetupTrait:: |
protected | function | Initializes the kernel after installation. | |
FunctionalTestSetupTrait:: |
protected | function | Initialize settings created during install. | |
FunctionalTestSetupTrait:: |
protected | function | Initializes user 1 for the site to be installed. | |
FunctionalTestSetupTrait:: |
protected | function | Installs the default theme defined by `static::$defaultTheme` when needed. | |
FunctionalTestSetupTrait:: |
protected | function | Install modules defined by `static::$modules`. | 1 |
FunctionalTestSetupTrait:: |
protected | function | Returns the parameters that will be used when Simpletest installs Drupal. | 9 |
FunctionalTestSetupTrait:: |
protected | function | Prepares the current environment for running the test. | 20 |
FunctionalTestSetupTrait:: |
protected | function | Creates a mock request and sets it on the generator. | |
FunctionalTestSetupTrait:: |
protected | function | Prepares site settings and services before installation. | 2 |
FunctionalTestSetupTrait:: |
protected | function | Resets and rebuilds the environment after setup. | |
FunctionalTestSetupTrait:: |
protected | function | Rebuilds \Drupal::getContainer(). | |
FunctionalTestSetupTrait:: |
protected | function | Resets all data structures after having enabled new modules. | |
FunctionalTestSetupTrait:: |
protected | function | Changes parameters in the services.yml file. | |
FunctionalTestSetupTrait:: |
protected | function | Sets up the base URL based upon the environment variable. | |
FunctionalTestSetupTrait:: |
protected | function | Rewrites the settings.php file of the test site. | 1 |
NodeCreationTrait:: |
protected | function | Creates a node based on default settings. Aliased as: drupalCreateNode | |
NodeCreationTrait:: |
public | function | Get a node from the database based on its title. Aliased as: drupalGetNodeByTitle | |
PhpUnitWarnings:: |
private static | property | Deprecation warnings from PHPUnit to raise with @trigger_error(). | |
PhpUnitWarnings:: |
public | function | Converts PHPUnit deprecation warnings to E_USER_DEPRECATED. | |
RandomGeneratorTrait:: |
protected | property | The random generator. | |
RandomGeneratorTrait:: |
protected | function | Gets the random generator for the utility methods. | |
RandomGeneratorTrait:: |
protected | function | Generates a unique random string containing letters and numbers. | 1 |
RandomGeneratorTrait:: |
public | function | Generates a random PHP object. | |
RandomGeneratorTrait:: |
public | function | Generates a pseudo-random string of ASCII characters of codes 32 to 126. | |
RandomGeneratorTrait:: |
public | function | Callback for random string validation. | |
RefreshVariablesTrait:: |
protected | function | Refreshes in-memory configuration and state information. | 1 |
SessionTestTrait:: |
protected | property | The name of the session cookie. | |
SessionTestTrait:: |
protected | function | Generates a session cookie name. | |
SessionTestTrait:: |
protected | function | Returns the session name in use on the child site. | |
StorageCopyTrait:: |
protected static | function | Copy the configuration from one storage to another and remove stale items. | |
TestRequirementsTrait:: |
private | function | Checks missing module requirements. | |
TestRequirementsTrait:: |
protected | function | Check module requirements for the Drupal use case. | 1 |
TestRequirementsTrait:: |
protected static | function | Returns the Drupal root directory. | |
TestSetupTrait:: |
protected static | property | An array of config object names that are excluded from schema checking. | |
TestSetupTrait:: |
protected | property | The dependency injection container used in the test. | |
TestSetupTrait:: |
protected | property | The DrupalKernel instance used in the test. | |
TestSetupTrait:: |
protected | property | The site directory of the original parent site. | |
TestSetupTrait:: |
protected | property | The private file directory for the test environment. | |
TestSetupTrait:: |
protected | property | The public file directory for the test environment. | |
TestSetupTrait:: |
protected | property | The site directory of this test run. | |
TestSetupTrait:: |
protected | property | Set to TRUE to strict check all configuration saved. | 1 |
TestSetupTrait:: |
protected | property | The temporary file directory for the test environment. | |
TestSetupTrait:: |
protected | property | The test run ID. | |
TestSetupTrait:: |
protected | function | Changes the database connection to the prefixed one. | |
TestSetupTrait:: |
protected | function | Gets the config schema exclusions for this test. | |
TestSetupTrait:: |
public static | function | Returns the database connection to the site running Simpletest. | |
TestSetupTrait:: |
protected | function | Generates a database prefix for running tests. | 1 |
UiHelperTrait:: |
protected | property | The current user logged in using the Mink controlled browser. | |
UiHelperTrait:: |
protected | property | The number of meta refresh redirects to follow, or NULL if unlimited. | |
UiHelperTrait:: |
protected | property | The number of meta refresh redirects followed during ::drupalGet(). | |
UiHelperTrait:: |
public | function | Returns WebAssert object. | 1 |
UiHelperTrait:: |
protected | function | Builds an absolute URL from a system path or a URL object. | |
UiHelperTrait:: |
protected | function | Checks for meta refresh tag and if found call drupalGet() recursively. | |
UiHelperTrait:: |
protected | function | Clicks the element with the given CSS selector. | |
UiHelperTrait:: |
protected | function | Follows a link by complete name. | |
UiHelperTrait:: |
protected | function | Searches elements using a CSS selector in the raw content. | |
UiHelperTrait:: |
protected | function | Translates a CSS expression to its XPath equivalent. | |
UiHelperTrait:: |
protected | function | Retrieves a Drupal path or an absolute path. | 2 |
UiHelperTrait:: |
protected | function | Logs in a user using the Mink controlled browser. | |
UiHelperTrait:: |
protected | function | Logs a user out of the Mink controlled browser and confirms. | |
UiHelperTrait:: |
protected | function | Executes a form submission. | |
UiHelperTrait:: |
protected | function | Returns whether a given user account is logged in. | |
UiHelperTrait:: |
protected | function | Takes a path and returns an absolute path. | |
UiHelperTrait:: |
protected | function | Retrieves the plain-text content from the current page. | |
UiHelperTrait:: |
protected | function | Get the current URL from the browser. | |
UiHelperTrait:: |
protected | function | Determines if test is using DrupalTestBrowser. | |
UiHelperTrait:: |
protected | function | Prepare for a request to testing site. | 1 |
UiHelperTrait:: |
protected | function | Fills and submits a form. | |
UserCreationTrait:: |
protected | function | Checks whether a given list of permission names is valid. | |
UserCreationTrait:: |
protected | function | Creates an administrative role. | |
UserCreationTrait:: |
protected | function | Creates a role with specified permissions. Aliased as: drupalCreateRole | |
UserCreationTrait:: |
protected | function | Create a user with a given set of permissions. Aliased as: drupalCreateUser | |
UserCreationTrait:: |
protected | function | Grant permissions to a user role. | |
UserCreationTrait:: |
protected | function | Switch the current logged in user. | |
UserCreationTrait:: |
protected | function | Creates a random user account and sets it as current user. | |
XdebugRequestTrait:: |
protected | function | Adds xdebug cookies, from request setup. |