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public function BookTest::testBookListing in Drupal 9

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 core/modules/book/tests/src/Functional/BookTest.php \Drupal\Tests\book\Functional\BookTest::testBookListing()
  2. 10 core/modules/book/tests/src/Functional/BookTest.php \Drupal\Tests\book\Functional\BookTest::testBookListing()

Tests the listing of all books.


core/modules/book/tests/src/Functional/BookTest.php, line 562


Create a book, add pages, and test book interface.




public function testBookListing() {

  // Uninstall 'node_access_test' as this interferes with the test.

  // Create a new book.
  $nodes = $this

  // Load the book page and assert the created book title is displayed.

  // Unpublish the top book page and confirm that the created book title is
  // not displayed for anonymous.

  // Publish the top book page and unpublish a page in the book and confirm
  // that the created book title is displayed for anonymous.

  // Unpublish the top book page and confirm that the created book title is
  // displayed for user which has 'view own unpublished content' permission.

  // Ensure the user doesn't see the book if they don't own it.

  // Confirm that the created book title is displayed for user which has
  // 'view any unpublished content' permission.