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function _install_config_locale_overrides in Drupal 10

Creates a batch to process config translations after installing from config.

This ensures that the logic from LocaleConfigSubscriber::onConfigSave() is run on sites after installing from configuration so updating translations from PO files does not result in overwriting customizations.

Return value

array The batch definition.

See also


1 call to _install_config_locale_overrides()
install_finish_translations in core/includes/
Finishes importing files at end of installation.


core/includes/, line 2468
API functions for installing Drupal.


function _install_config_locale_overrides() {

  // @todo Somehow the
  //   config cache gets filled up with junk after installing from
  //   configuration.

  // Get the services we need.
  $language_manager = \Drupal::languageManager();

  /** @var \Drupal\locale\LocaleConfigManager $locale_config_manager */
  $locale_config_manager = \Drupal::service('locale.config_manager');
  $langcodes = array_keys($language_manager
  if (count($langcodes) > 1 && !$language_manager instanceof ConfigurableLanguageManagerInterface) {
    throw new \LogicException('There are multiple languages and the language manager is not an instance of ConfigurableLanguageManagerInterface');
  $batch_builder = (new BatchBuilder())
    ->setTitle(t('Updating configuration translations'))
    ->setInitMessage(t('Starting configuration update'))
    ->setErrorMessage(t('Error updating configuration translations'));
  $i = 0;
  $batch_names = [];
  foreach ($locale_config_manager
    ->getComponentNames() as $name) {
    $batch_names[] = $name;

    // During installation the caching of configuration objects is disabled so
    // it is very expensive to initialize the \Drupal::config() object on each
    // request. We batch a small number of configuration object upgrades
    // together to improve the overall performance of the process.
    if ($i % 20 == 0) {
        ->addOperation('_install_config_locale_overrides_process_batch', [
      $batch_names = [];
  if (!empty($batch_names)) {
      ->addOperation('_install_config_locale_overrides_process_batch', [
  return $batch_builder