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README.txt in Drupal 10

Same filename in this branch
  1. 10 themes/README.txt
  2. 10 sites/README.txt
  3. 10 profiles/README.txt
  4. 10 modules/README.txt
  5. 10 composer/Template/README.txt
  6. 10 composer/Metapackage/README.txt
  7. 10 core/lib/README.txt
  8. 10 composer/Plugin/VendorHardening/README.txt
  9. 10 core/themes/stark/README.txt
  10. 10 core/themes/classy/README.txt
  11. 10 core/themes/seven/README.txt
  12. 10 core/themes/stable9/README.txt
  13. 10 core/themes/stable/README.txt
  14. 10 core/themes/bartik/README.txt
  15. 10 core/assets/scaffold/README.txt
  16. 10 core/lib/Drupal/Core/README.txt
  17. 10 core/lib/Drupal/Component/README.txt
  18. 10 core/themes/stable9/images/README.txt
  19. 10 core/tests/fixtures/files/README.txt
  20. 10 core/assets/vendor/tabbable/README.txt
  21. 10 core/lib/Drupal/Component/Datetime/README.txt
  22. 10 core/lib/Drupal/Component/DependencyInjection/README.txt
  23. 10 core/lib/Drupal/Component/Transliteration/README.txt
  24. 10 core/lib/Drupal/Component/FileSystem/README.txt
  25. 10 core/lib/Drupal/Component/Utility/README.txt
  26. 10 core/lib/Drupal/Component/Assertion/README.txt
  27. 10 core/lib/Drupal/Component/HttpFoundation/README.txt
  28. 10 core/lib/Drupal/Component/Annotation/README.txt
  29. 10 core/lib/Drupal/Component/Diff/README.txt
  30. 10 core/lib/Drupal/Component/FileSecurity/README.txt
  31. 10 core/lib/Drupal/Component/ProxyBuilder/README.txt
  32. 10 core/lib/Drupal/Component/Discovery/README.txt
  33. 10 core/lib/Drupal/Component/Serialization/README.txt
  34. 10 core/lib/Drupal/Component/EventDispatcher/README.txt
  35. 10 core/lib/Drupal/Component/FileCache/README.txt
  36. 10 core/lib/Drupal/Component/ClassFinder/README.txt
  37. 10 core/lib/Drupal/Component/Plugin/README.txt
  38. 10 core/lib/Drupal/Component/Gettext/README.txt
  39. 10 core/lib/Drupal/Component/PhpStorage/README.txt
  40. 10 core/lib/Drupal/Component/Graph/README.txt
  41. 10 core/lib/Drupal/Component/Render/README.txt
  42. 10 core/lib/Drupal/Component/FrontMatter/README.txt
  43. 10 core/lib/Drupal/Component/Uuid/README.txt
  44. 10 core/lib/Drupal/Component/Version/README.txt
  45. 10 core/themes/claro/css/classy/README.txt
  46. 10 core/themes/claro/templates/classy/README.txt
  47. 10 core/themes/claro/images/classy/README.txt
  48. 10 core/themes/claro/js/classy/README.txt
  49. 10 core/themes/seven/css/classy/README.txt
  50. 10 core/themes/seven/templates/classy/README.txt
  51. 10 core/themes/seven/images/classy/README.txt
  52. 10 core/themes/seven/js/classy/README.txt
  53. 10 core/themes/bartik/css/classy/README.txt
  54. 10 core/themes/bartik/templates/classy/README.txt
  55. 10 core/themes/bartik/images/classy/README.txt
  56. 10 core/themes/bartik/js/classy/README.txt
  57. 10 core/profiles/demo_umami/themes/umami/README.txt
  58. 10 core/profiles/demo_umami/themes/umami/css/classy/README.txt
  59. 10 core/profiles/demo_umami/themes/umami/templates/classy/README.txt
  60. 10 core/profiles/demo_umami/themes/umami/images/classy/README.txt
  61. 10 core/profiles/demo_umami/themes/umami/js/classy/README.txt
  62. 10 core/modules/system/tests/src/Functional/UpdateSystem/README.txt
  63. 10 core/modules/system/tests/src/Functional/Update/README.txt
  64. 10 core/modules/system/tests/modules/plugin_test/src/Plugin/plugin_test/fruit/README.txt
Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 8 composer/Template/README.txt
  2. 9 composer/Template/README.txt
Composer-Ready Project Templates

Thanks for using these Drupal project templates.

You can participate in its development on, through our issue system:

You can get the full Drupal repo here:

You can browse the full Drupal repo here:

What does it do?

These project templates serve as a starting point for creating a
Composer-managed Drupal site. Once you have selected a template project and
created your own site, you will take ownership of your new project files.
Thereafter, future updates will be done with Composer.

There are two project templates to choose from:

1) drupal/recommended-project: The recommended project creates a new Drupal site
with a "relocated document root". This means that the files "index.php" and the
"core" directory and so on are placed inside a subfolder named "web" rather than
being placed next to "composer.json" and the "vendor" directory at the project
root. This layout is recommended because it allows you to configure your web
server to only provide access to files inside the "web" directory. Keeping the
vendor directory outside of the web server's document root is better for

2) drupal/legacy-project: The legacy project creates a new Drupal site that has
the same layout used in Drupal 8.7.x and earlier. The files "index.php", the
"core" directory and so on are placed directly at the project root next to
"composer.json" and the "vendor" directory. The Vendor Hardening plugin is used
to ensure the security of this configuration for the Apache and Microsoft IIS
web servers. Use the legacy project layout only if there is some reason why you
cannot use the recommended project layout.

How do I set it up?

Use Composer to create a new project using the desired starter template:

    composer -n create-project drupal/recommended-project my-project

Add new modules and themes with `composer require`:

    composer require drupal/devel:^1

All of your modules and themes can be updated along with Drupal core via:

    composer update

To update only Drupal core without any modules or themes, use:

    composer update drupal/core-recommended --with-dependencies

These template projects use drupal/core-composer-scaffold to place the scaffold
files. This plugin allows the top-level composer.json file for a Drupal site to
transform the scaffold files in different ways, e.g. to append new entries to
the end of robots.txt and so on. For documentation on how scaffolding works, see


View source
  1. Composer-Ready Project Templates
  2. ================================
  3. Thanks for using these Drupal project templates.
  4. You can participate in its development on, through our issue system:
  6. You can get the full Drupal repo here:
  8. You can browse the full Drupal repo here:
  10. What does it do?
  11. ----------------
  12. These project templates serve as a starting point for creating a
  13. Composer-managed Drupal site. Once you have selected a template project and
  14. created your own site, you will take ownership of your new project files.
  15. Thereafter, future updates will be done with Composer.
  16. There are two project templates to choose from:
  17. 1) drupal/recommended-project: The recommended project creates a new Drupal site
  18. with a "relocated document root". This means that the files "index.php" and the
  19. "core" directory and so on are placed inside a subfolder named "web" rather than
  20. being placed next to "composer.json" and the "vendor" directory at the project
  21. root. This layout is recommended because it allows you to configure your web
  22. server to only provide access to files inside the "web" directory. Keeping the
  23. vendor directory outside of the web server's document root is better for
  24. security.
  25. 2) drupal/legacy-project: The legacy project creates a new Drupal site that has
  26. the same layout used in Drupal 8.7.x and earlier. The files "index.php", the
  27. "core" directory and so on are placed directly at the project root next to
  28. "composer.json" and the "vendor" directory. The Vendor Hardening plugin is used
  29. to ensure the security of this configuration for the Apache and Microsoft IIS
  30. web servers. Use the legacy project layout only if there is some reason why you
  31. cannot use the recommended project layout.
  32. How do I set it up?
  33. -------------------
  34. Use Composer to create a new project using the desired starter template:
  35. composer -n create-project drupal/recommended-project my-project
  36. Add new modules and themes with `composer require`:
  37. composer require drupal/devel:^1
  38. All of your modules and themes can be updated along with Drupal core via:
  39. composer update
  40. To update only Drupal core without any modules or themes, use:
  41. composer update drupal/core-recommended --with-dependencies
  42. These template projects use drupal/core-composer-scaffold to place the scaffold
  43. files. This plugin allows the top-level composer.json file for a Drupal site to
  44. transform the scaffold files in different ways, e.g. to append new entries to
  45. the end of robots.txt and so on. For documentation on how scaffolding works, see