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function _draggableviews_rebuild_hierarchy in DraggableViews 6.3

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  1. 7 \_draggableviews_rebuild_hierarchy()

Rebuild hierarchy

This function is called when the structure is broken.


$info: The structured information array. Look at _draggableviews_info(..) to learn more.

1 call to _draggableviews_rebuild_hierarchy()
draggableviews_views_pre_render in ./draggableviews.module
Imlpementing hook_views_pre_render


./, line 328
Draggableviews processing functions. Rough summary of what functions in this file do:


function _draggableviews_rebuild_hierarchy(&$info) {

  // We backup the page settings and restore them after completing all operations.
  $pager = $info['view']->pager;
  if ($pager['items_per_page'] > 0) {

    // We have to make sure that there's no hidden node with an order value that refers to the current page.
    // If the items to display per page are limitated we load the entire view.

    //@todo: We reduce the fields to a minimum because of performance issues.
    _draggableviews_reload_info($info, DRAGGABLEVIEWS_DBQUERY_LIMIT, 0, $pager['offset']);

  // Calculate depth values.
  // Nodes with broken parents will be brought down to the root level.
  // These depth values will be used for both theming and repairing broken structures.

  // Detect and repair ordering errors.
  // The child node order values on the parent's level have to equal
  // with the parent's order values. If they don't equal they will be set properly.
  // In order to avoid ambiguous values we add unique float
  // values ($safe_offset < 1) to all order values. This assures that
  // child nodes always appear right after their parents even if there
  // are other nodes with the same order value on the parents level.
  $safe_offset = 0;
  foreach ($info['nodes'] as $nid => $values) {
    $info['nodes'][$nid]['order'][$values['depth']] += $safe_offset;

  // The last issue we have to deal with is the order itself.
  // We just sort the nodes by their current order values and
  // then we subsequently assign ascending numbers.
  _draggableviews_ascending_numbers($info, $pager['offset'], TRUE);

  // Save hierarchy.

  // The structure should be valid now.
  // Nonetheless let's make a final check for debugging reasons.
  if (!_draggableviews_quick_check_structure($info)) {
    drupal_set_message(t('Draggableviews: Rebuilding structure did not work. The structure is broken.'), "error");