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function _draggableviews_quick_check_structure in DraggableViews 6.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7 \_draggableviews_quick_check_structure()
2 calls to _draggableviews_quick_check_structure()
draggableviews_views_pre_render in ./draggableviews.module
Imlpementing hook_views_pre_render
_draggableviews_rebuild_hierarchy in ./
Rebuild hierarchy


./, line 208
Draggableviews processing functions. Rough summary of what functions in this file do:


function _draggableviews_quick_check_structure($info) {

  // Calculate views page offset.
  $pager = $info['view']->pager;
  $offset = $pager['items_per_page'] * $pager['current_page'] + $pager['offset'];

  // Call function in checking mode (renumber = FALSE). The order value must begin with $offset.
  return _draggableviews_ascending_numbers($info, $offset, FALSE);