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function domain_config_ui_route_is_admin in Domain Access 8

Checks if route is admin.

Return value

bool TRUE if route is admin. Otherwise, FALSE.

1 call to domain_config_ui_route_is_admin()
domain_config_ui_preprocess_page in domain_config_ui/domain_config_ui.module
Implements hook_preprocess_page().


domain_config_ui/domain_config_ui.module, line 169
Allows saving of domain specific configuration through the UI.


function domain_config_ui_route_is_admin() {
  $route = \Drupal::routeMatch()

  // Never allow this module's form to be added.
  // @TODO: Allow modules to extend this list.
  $disallowed = [
  if (in_array($route
    ->getPath(), $disallowed, TRUE)) {
    return FALSE;
  return \Drupal::service('router.admin_context')