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Deprecated in Domain Access 8

Primary tabs

Examples: "before Drupal 9", "in Drupal 8.4"
Namesort descending Location Type Deprecation Direct uses Namespaced uses Overrides Use statements
DomainNegotiator::DOMAIN_MATCH_NONE domain/src/DomainNegotiator.php constant These constant will be replaced in the final release by Drupal\domain\DomainNegotiatorInterface. Note that the new versions have been renamed to maintain beta compatibility.
DOMAIN_ACCESS_ALL_FIELD domain_access/domain_access.module constant This constant will be replaced in the final release by Drupal\domain\DomainAccessManagerInterface::DOMAIN_ACCESS_ALL_FIELD.
DOMAIN_ACCESS_FIELD domain_access/domain_access.module constant This constant will be replaced in the final release by Drupal\domain\DomainAccessManagerInterface::DOMAIN_ACCESS_FIELD.
DOMAIN_ADMIN_FIELD domain/domain.module constant This constant will be replaced in the final release by Drupal\domain\DomainInterface::DOMAIN_ADMIN_FIELD.
DOMAIN_SOURCE_FIELD domain_source/domain_source.module constant This constant will be replaced in the final release by Drupal\domain\DomainSourceElementManagerInterface::DOMAIN_SOURCE_FIELD.

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