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Functions in Disqus 7

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
disqus ./disqus.module Creates an instance of the Disqus PHP API. 13
disqus_admin_settings ./ Menu callback; Displays the administration settings for Disqus. 1
disqus_admin_settings_submit ./ Form callback; Make sure we process the sso logo and set it to a permanent status. 1
disqus_api ./disqus.module Creates an instance of the Disqus PHP API. 2
disqus_block_configure ./disqus.module Implements hook_block_configure().
disqus_block_info ./disqus.module Implements hook_block_info().
disqus_block_save ./disqus.module Implements hook_block_save().
disqus_block_view ./disqus.module Implements hook_block_view().
disqus_closewindow ./disqus.module Menu callback; Automatically closes the window after the user logs in. 1
disqus_ds_ds_fields_info disqus_ds/disqus_ds.module Implementation of hook_ds_fields_info().
disqus_element_info ./disqus.module Implements hook_element_info().
disqus_element_post_render ./disqus.module Post render function of the Disqus element to inject the Disqus JavaScript. 1
disqus_entitycache_node_load ./disqus.module Implements hook_entitycache_node_load().
disqus_feeds_processor_targets_alter ./disqus.module Implements hook_feeds_processor_targets_alter().
disqus_feeds_set_target ./disqus.module Mapping target callback. 1
disqus_field_extra_fields ./disqus.module Implements hook_field_extra_fields().
disqus_form_alter ./disqus.module Implementation of hook_form_alter().
disqus_help ./disqus.module Implements hook_help().
disqus_libraries_info ./disqus.module Implements hook_libraries_info().
disqus_menu ./disqus.module Implements hook_menu().
disqus_node_delete ./disqus.module Implements hook_node_delete().
disqus_node_insert ./disqus.module Implements hook_node_insert(). 1
disqus_node_load ./disqus.module Implements hook_node_load().
disqus_node_update ./disqus.module Implements hook_node_update().
disqus_node_view ./disqus.module Implements hook_node_view().
disqus_permission ./disqus.module Implements hook_permission().
disqus_schema ./disqus.install Implementation of hook_schema().
disqus_sso_disqus_settings ./disqus.module Computes the full settings associated with Disqus SSO. 1
disqus_sso_key_encode ./disqus.module Assembles the full private key for use in SSO authentication. 1
disqus_sso_user_data ./disqus.module Assembles user-specific data used by Disqus SSO. 1
disqus_theme ./disqus.module Implements hook_theme().
disqus_uninstall ./disqus.install Implements hook_uninstall().
disqus_update_7000 ./disqus.install Updates from Drupal 6 to 7.
disqus_update_7001 ./disqus.install Updates Disqus with support for toggling comments per node.
disqus_update_7002 ./disqus.install Remove deprecated variable.
disqus_user_load ./disqus.module Implements hook_user_load().
disqus_user_view ./disqus.module Implements hook_user_view().
disqus_variable_group_info ./ Implements hook_variable_group_info().
disqus_variable_info ./ Implements hook_variable_info().
disqus_views_api ./disqus.module Implementation of hook_views_api().
disqus_views_data_alter ./ Implements hook_views_data_alter().
hook_disqus_user_data_alter ./disqus.api.php Modify user data prepared for use with Disqus SSO.
theme_disqus_noscript ./disqus.module Prepares the noscript tag which is used when JavaScript is not available.
_disqus_block_content ./disqus.module Helper function for disqus widget blocks content. 1
_disqus_ds_comment disqus_ds/disqus_ds.module Display the DS comments for a node 1
_disqus_ds_comment_count disqus_ds/disqus_ds.module Display the DS comment count for a node 1
_disqus_node_load ./disqus.module Load Disqus details. 2
_disqus_node_types_options ./disqus.module Gets array of node type machine names. 3

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