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Views integration with the Disqus module.

View source

 * @file
 * Views integration with the Disqus module.

 * Implements hook_views_data_alter().
function disqus_views_data_alter(&$data) {

  // Number of Disqus comments made on the given node.
  $data['node']['disqus_comment_count'] = array(
    'field' => array(
      'title' => t('Disqus Comment Count'),
      'help' => t('The number of Disqus comments made on the post. Note that this will not work in the preview.'),
      'handler' => 'views_handler_field_node_disqus_comment_count',

 * Field handler to present the number of Disqus comments on a node.
class views_handler_field_node_disqus_comment_count extends views_handler_field {
  function init(&$view, &$options) {
    parent::init($view, $options);
  function query() {

    // Override parent::query() without altering query.

   * When rendering the field.
  function render($values) {

    // Ensure Disqus comments are available on the node user has access to edit this node.
    $node = node_load($values->nid);
    if (user_access('view disqus comments') && isset($node->disqus)) {

      // Extract the Disqus values.
      $disqus = $node->disqus;

      // Build a renderable array for the link.
      $content = array(
        '#theme' => 'link',
        '#text' => t('Comments'),
        '#path' => $disqus['identifier'],
        '#options' => array(
          'fragment' => 'disqus_thread',
          'attributes' => array(
            // Identify the node for Disqus with the unique identifier:
            'data-disqus-identifier' => $disqus['identifier'],
          'html' => FALSE,

       * This attaches disqus.js, which will look for the DOM variable
       * disqusComments which is set below. When found, the disqus javascript
       * api replaces the html element with the attribute:
       * "data-disqus-identifier" and replaces the element with the number of
       * comments on the node.
      $content['#attached'] = array(
        'js' => array(
            'data' => drupal_get_path('module', 'disqus') . '/js/disqus.js',
            'data' => array(
              'disqusComments' => $disqus['domain'],
            'type' => 'setting',
      return drupal_render($content);




Namesort descending Description
views_handler_field_node_disqus_comment_count Field handler to present the number of Disqus comments on a node.