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13 calls to Disqus::call() in Disqus 7

Disqus::create_post in ./disqus.php
Creates a new post.
Disqus::get_forum_api_key in ./disqus.php
Get a forum API key for a specific forum.
Disqus::get_forum_list in ./disqus.php
Returns an array of hashes representing all forums the user owns.
Disqus::get_forum_posts in ./disqus.php
Get a list of comments on a website.
Disqus::get_num_posts in ./disqus.php
Count a number of comments in articles.
Disqus::get_thread_by_url in ./disqus.php
Get thread by URL.
Disqus::get_thread_list in ./disqus.php
Get a list of threads on a website.
Disqus::get_thread_posts in ./disqus.php
Get a list of comments in a thread.
Disqus::get_updated_threads in ./disqus.php
Get a list of threads with new comments.
Disqus::get_user_name in ./disqus.php
Validate API key and get username.
Disqus::moderate_post in ./disqus.php
Delete a comment or mark it as spam (or not spam).
Disqus::thread_by_identifier in ./disqus.php
Get or create thread by identifier.
Disqus::update_thread in ./disqus.php
Updates thread.