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function Disqus::get_forum_posts in Disqus 7

Get a list of comments on a website.

Both filter and exclude are multivalue arguments with coma as a divider. That makes is possible to use combined requests. For example, if you want to get all deleted spam messages, your filter argument should contain 'spam,killed' string.


$forum_id: The forum ID.


  • limit: Number of entries that should be included in the response. Default is 25.
  • start: Starting point for the query. Default is 0.
  • filter: Type of entries that should be returned.
  • exclude: Type of entries that should be excluded from the response.

Return value

Returns posts from a forum specified by id.


./disqus.php, line 107
Provides the Disqus PHP API.


The Disqus PHP API.


function get_forum_posts($forum_id, array $options = array()) {
  $options['forum_id'] = $forum_id;
  return $this
    ->call('get_forum_posts', $options);