class Kint_Parsers_Color in Devel 8
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 8.2 kint/kint/parsers/custom/color.php \Kint_Parsers_Color
- class \kintVariableData
- class \kintParser
- class \Kint_Parsers_Color
- class \kintParser
Expanded class hierarchy of Kint_Parsers_Color
- kint/
kint/ parsers/ custom/ color.php, line 2
View source
class Kint_Parsers_Color extends kintParser {
private static $_css3Named = array(
'aliceblue' => '#f0f8ff',
'antiquewhite' => '#faebd7',
'aqua' => '#00ffff',
'aquamarine' => '#7fffd4',
'azure' => '#f0ffff',
'beige' => '#f5f5dc',
'bisque' => '#ffe4c4',
'black' => '#000000',
'blanchedalmond' => '#ffebcd',
'blue' => '#0000ff',
'blueviolet' => '#8a2be2',
'brown' => '#a52a2a',
'burlywood' => '#deb887',
'cadetblue' => '#5f9ea0',
'chartreuse' => '#7fff00',
'chocolate' => '#d2691e',
'coral' => '#ff7f50',
'cornflowerblue' => '#6495ed',
'cornsilk' => '#fff8dc',
'crimson' => '#dc143c',
'cyan' => '#00ffff',
'darkblue' => '#00008b',
'darkcyan' => '#008b8b',
'darkgoldenrod' => '#b8860b',
'darkgray' => '#a9a9a9',
'darkgrey' => '#a9a9a9',
'darkgreen' => '#006400',
'darkkhaki' => '#bdb76b',
'darkmagenta' => '#8b008b',
'darkolivegreen' => '#556b2f',
'darkorange' => '#ff8c00',
'darkorchid' => '#9932cc',
'darkred' => '#8b0000',
'darksalmon' => '#e9967a',
'darkseagreen' => '#8fbc8f',
'darkslateblue' => '#483d8b',
'darkslategray' => '#2f4f4f',
'darkslategrey' => '#2f4f4f',
'darkturquoise' => '#00ced1',
'darkviolet' => '#9400d3',
'deeppink' => '#ff1493',
'deepskyblue' => '#00bfff',
'dimgray' => '#696969',
'dimgrey' => '#696969',
'dodgerblue' => '#1e90ff',
'firebrick' => '#b22222',
'floralwhite' => '#fffaf0',
'forestgreen' => '#228b22',
'fuchsia' => '#ff00ff',
'gainsboro' => '#dcdcdc',
'ghostwhite' => '#f8f8ff',
'gold' => '#ffd700',
'goldenrod' => '#daa520',
'gray' => '#808080',
'grey' => '#808080',
'green' => '#008000',
'greenyellow' => '#adff2f',
'honeydew' => '#f0fff0',
'hotpink' => '#ff69b4',
'indianred' => '#cd5c5c',
'indigo' => '#4b0082',
'ivory' => '#fffff0',
'khaki' => '#f0e68c',
'lavender' => '#e6e6fa',
'lavenderblush' => '#fff0f5',
'lawngreen' => '#7cfc00',
'lemonchiffon' => '#fffacd',
'lightblue' => '#add8e6',
'lightcoral' => '#f08080',
'lightcyan' => '#e0ffff',
'lightgoldenrodyellow' => '#fafad2',
'lightgray' => '#d3d3d3',
'lightgrey' => '#d3d3d3',
'lightgreen' => '#90ee90',
'lightpink' => '#ffb6c1',
'lightsalmon' => '#ffa07a',
'lightseagreen' => '#20b2aa',
'lightskyblue' => '#87cefa',
'lightslategray' => '#778899',
'lightslategrey' => '#778899',
'lightsteelblue' => '#b0c4de',
'lightyellow' => '#ffffe0',
'lime' => '#00ff00',
'limegreen' => '#32cd32',
'linen' => '#faf0e6',
'magenta' => '#ff00ff',
'maroon' => '#800000',
'mediumaquamarine' => '#66cdaa',
'mediumblue' => '#0000cd',
'mediumorchid' => '#ba55d3',
'mediumpurple' => '#9370d8',
'mediumseagreen' => '#3cb371',
'mediumslateblue' => '#7b68ee',
'mediumspringgreen' => '#00fa9a',
'mediumturquoise' => '#48d1cc',
'mediumvioletred' => '#c71585',
'midnightblue' => '#191970',
'mintcream' => '#f5fffa',
'mistyrose' => '#ffe4e1',
'moccasin' => '#ffe4b5',
'navajowhite' => '#ffdead',
'navy' => '#000080',
'oldlace' => '#fdf5e6',
'olive' => '#808000',
'olivedrab' => '#6b8e23',
'orange' => '#ffa500',
'orangered' => '#ff4500',
'orchid' => '#da70d6',
'palegoldenrod' => '#eee8aa',
'palegreen' => '#98fb98',
'paleturquoise' => '#afeeee',
'palevioletred' => '#d87093',
'papayawhip' => '#ffefd5',
'peachpuff' => '#ffdab9',
'peru' => '#cd853f',
'pink' => '#ffc0cb',
'plum' => '#dda0dd',
'powderblue' => '#b0e0e6',
'purple' => '#800080',
'red' => '#ff0000',
'rosybrown' => '#bc8f8f',
'royalblue' => '#4169e1',
'saddlebrown' => '#8b4513',
'salmon' => '#fa8072',
'sandybrown' => '#f4a460',
'seagreen' => '#2e8b57',
'seashell' => '#fff5ee',
'sienna' => '#a0522d',
'silver' => '#c0c0c0',
'skyblue' => '#87ceeb',
'slateblue' => '#6a5acd',
'slategray' => '#708090',
'slategrey' => '#708090',
'snow' => '#fffafa',
'springgreen' => '#00ff7f',
'steelblue' => '#4682b4',
'tan' => '#d2b48c',
'teal' => '#008080',
'thistle' => '#d8bfd8',
'tomato' => '#ff6347',
'turquoise' => '#40e0d0',
'violet' => '#ee82ee',
'wheat' => '#f5deb3',
'white' => '#ffffff',
'whitesmoke' => '#f5f5f5',
'yellow' => '#ffff00',
'yellowgreen' => '#9acd32',
protected function _parse(&$variable) {
if (!self::_fits($variable)) {
return false;
$this->type = 'CSS color';
$variants = self::_convert($variable);
$this->value = "<div style=\"background:{$variable}\" class=\"kint-color-preview\">{$variable}</div>" . "<strong>hex :</strong> {$variants['hex']}\n" . "<strong>rgb :</strong> {$variants['rgb']}\n" . (isset($variants['name']) ? "<strong>name:</strong> {$variants['name']}\n" : '') . "<strong>hsl :</strong> {$variants['hsl']}";
private static function _fits($variable) {
if (!is_string($variable)) {
return false;
$var = strtolower(trim($variable));
return isset(self::$_css3Named[$var]) || preg_match('/^(?:#[0-9A-Fa-f]{3}|#[0-9A-Fa-f]{6}|(?:rgb|hsl)a?\\s*\\((?:\\s*[0-9.%]+\\s*,?){3,4}\\))$/', $var);
private static function _convert($color) {
$color = strtolower($color);
$decimalColors = array();
$variants = array(
'hex' => null,
'rgb' => null,
'name' => null,
'hsl' => null,
if (isset(self::$_css3Named[$color])) {
$variants['name'] = $color;
$color = self::$_css3Named[$color];
if ($color[0] === '#') {
$variants['hex'] = $color;
$color = substr($color, 1);
if (strlen($color) === 6) {
$colors = str_split($color, 2);
else {
$colors = array(
$color[0] . $color[0],
$color[1] . $color[1],
$color[2] . $color[2],
$decimalColors = array_map('hexdec', $colors);
elseif (substr($color, 0, 3) === 'rgb') {
$variants['rgb'] = $color;
preg_match_all('#([0-9.%]+)#', $color, $matches);
$decimalColors = $matches[1];
foreach ($decimalColors as &$color) {
if (strpos($color, '%') !== false) {
$color = str_replace('%', '', $color) * 2.55;
elseif (substr($color, 0, 3) === 'hsl') {
$variants['hsl'] = $color;
preg_match_all('#([0-9.%]+)#', $color, $matches);
$colors = $matches[1];
$colors[0] /= 360;
$colors[1] = str_replace('%', '', $colors[1]) / 100;
$colors[2] = str_replace('%', '', $colors[2]) / 100;
$decimalColors = self::_HSLtoRGB($colors);
if (isset($colors[3])) {
$decimalColors[] = $colors[3];
if (isset($decimalColors[3])) {
$alpha = $decimalColors[3];
else {
$alpha = null;
foreach ($variants as $type => &$variant) {
if (isset($variant)) {
switch ($type) {
case 'hex':
$variant = '#';
foreach ($decimalColors as &$color) {
$variant .= str_pad(dechex($color), 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
$variant .= isset($alpha) ? ' (alpha omitted)' : '';
case 'rgb':
$rgb = $decimalColors;
if (isset($alpha)) {
$rgb[] = $alpha;
$a = 'a';
else {
$a = '';
$variant = "rgb{$a}( " . implode(', ', $rgb) . " )";
case 'hsl':
$rgb = self::_RGBtoHSL($decimalColors);
if ($rgb === null) {
if (isset($alpha)) {
$rgb[] = $alpha;
$a = 'a';
else {
$a = '';
$variant = "hsl{$a}( " . implode(', ', $rgb) . " )";
case 'name':
// [!] name in initial variants array must go after hex
if (($key = array_search($variants['hex'], self::$_css3Named, true)) !== false) {
$variant = $key;
else {
return $variants;
private static function _HSLtoRGB(array $hsl) {
list($h, $s, $l) = $hsl;
$m2 = $l <= 0.5 ? $l * ($s + 1) : $l + $s - $l * $s;
$m1 = $l * 2 - $m2;
return array(
round(self::_hue2rgb($m1, $m2, $h + 0.33333) * 255),
round(self::_hue2rgb($m1, $m2, $h) * 255),
round(self::_hue2rgb($m1, $m2, $h - 0.33333) * 255),
* Helper function for _color_hsl2rgb().
private static function _hue2rgb($m1, $m2, $h) {
$h = $h < 0 ? $h + 1 : ($h > 1 ? $h - 1 : $h);
if ($h * 6 < 1) {
return $m1 + ($m2 - $m1) * $h * 6;
if ($h * 2 < 1) {
return $m2;
if ($h * 3 < 2) {
return $m1 + ($m2 - $m1) * (0.66666 - $h) * 6;
return $m1;
private static function _RGBtoHSL(array $rgb) {
list($clrR, $clrG, $clrB) = $rgb;
$clrMin = min($clrR, $clrG, $clrB);
$clrMax = max($clrR, $clrG, $clrB);
$deltaMax = $clrMax - $clrMin;
$L = ($clrMax + $clrMin) / 510;
if (0 == $deltaMax) {
$H = 0;
$S = 0;
else {
if (0.5 > $L) {
$S = $deltaMax / ($clrMax + $clrMin);
else {
$S = $deltaMax / (510 - $clrMax - $clrMin);
if ($clrMax == $clrR) {
$H = ($clrG - $clrB) / (6.0 * $deltaMax);
else {
if ($clrMax == $clrG) {
$H = 1 / 3 + ($clrB - $clrR) / (6.0 * $deltaMax);
else {
$H = 2 / 3 + ($clrR - $clrG) / (6.0 * $deltaMax);
if (0 > $H) {
$H += 1;
if (1 < $H) {
$H -= 1;
return array(
round($H * 360),
round($S * 100) . '%',
round($L * 100) . '%',
Name![]() |
Modifiers | Type | Description | Overrides |
kintParser:: |
private static | property | ||
kintParser:: |
private static | property | ||
kintParser:: |
private static | property | ||
kintParser:: |
private static | property | ||
kintParser:: |
private static | property | ||
kintParser:: |
private static | property | ||
kintParser:: |
private static | property | ||
kintParser:: |
private static | property | ||
kintParser:: |
public static | function | ||
kintParser:: |
final public static | function | * the only public entry point to return a parsed representation of a variable * * @static * * | |
kintParser:: |
public static | function | ||
kintParser:: |
private static | function | ||
kintParser:: |
private static | function | ||
kintParser:: |
private static | function | ||
kintParser:: |
private static | function | ||
kintParser:: |
private static | function | ||
kintParser:: |
private static | function | ||
kintParser:: |
private static | function | ||
kintParser:: |
private static | function | ||
kintParser:: |
private static | function | ||
kintParser:: |
private static | function | ||
kintParser:: |
private static | function | ||
kintParser:: |
private static | function | ||
kintParser:: |
private static | function | ||
kintVariableData:: |
public | property | @var string | |
kintVariableData:: |
public | property | * * the array is a separate possible representation of the dumped var | |
kintVariableData:: |
public | property | @var string | |
kintVariableData:: |
public | property | @var string | |
kintVariableData:: |
public | property | @var int | |
kintVariableData:: |
public | property | @var string | |
kintVariableData:: |
public | property | @var string inline value | |
kintVariableData:: |
public | property | @var kintVariableData[] array of alternative representations for same variable, don't use in custom parsers | |
kintVariableData:: |
private static | property | ||
kintVariableData:: |
protected static | function | ||
kintVariableData:: |
protected static | function | * returns whether the array: * 1) is numeric and * 2) in sequence starting from zero * * | |
kintVariableData:: |
protected static | function | ||
kintVariableData:: |
protected static | function | ||
Kint_Parsers_Color:: |
private static | property | ||
Kint_Parsers_Color:: |
private static | function | ||
Kint_Parsers_Color:: |
private static | function | ||
Kint_Parsers_Color:: |
private static | function | ||
Kint_Parsers_Color:: |
private static | function | * Helper function for _color_hsl2rgb(). | |
Kint_Parsers_Color:: |
protected | function |
* main and usually single method a custom parser must implement
* Overrides kintParser:: |
Kint_Parsers_Color:: |
private static | function |