abstract class kintParser in Devel 8
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 8.2 kint/kint/inc/kintParser.class.php \kintParser
- class \kintVariableData
- class \kintParser
Expanded class hierarchy of kintParser
- kint/
kint/ inc/ kintParser.class.php, line 3
View source
abstract class kintParser extends kintVariableData {
private static $_level = 0;
private static $_customDataTypes;
private static $_objectParsers;
private static $_objects;
private static $_marker;
private static $_skipAlternatives = false;
private static $_placeFullStringInValue = false;
private static function _init() {
$fh = opendir(KINT_DIR . 'parsers/custom/');
while ($fileName = readdir($fh)) {
if (substr($fileName, -4) !== '.php') {
require KINT_DIR . 'parsers/custom/' . $fileName;
self::$_customDataTypes[] = substr($fileName, 0, -4);
$fh = opendir(KINT_DIR . 'parsers/objects/');
while ($fileName = readdir($fh)) {
if (substr($fileName, -4) !== '.php') {
require KINT_DIR . 'parsers/objects/' . $fileName;
self::$_objectParsers[] = substr($fileName, 0, -4);
public static function reset() {
self::$_level = 0;
self::$_objects = self::$_marker = null;
* main and usually single method a custom parser must implement
* @param mixed $variable
* @return mixed [!!!] false is returned if the variable is not of current type
protected abstract function _parse(&$variable);
* the only public entry point to return a parsed representation of a variable
* @static
* @param $variable
* @param null $name
* @throws Exception
* @return \kintParser
public static final function factory(&$variable, $name = null) {
isset(self::$_customDataTypes) or self::_init();
# save internal data to revert after dumping to properly handle recursions etc
$revert = array(
'level' => self::$_level,
'objects' => self::$_objects,
$varData = new kintVariableData();
$varData->name = $name;
# first parse the variable based on its type
$varType = gettype($variable);
$varType === 'unknown type' and $varType = 'unknown';
# PHP 5.4 inconsistency
$methodName = '_parse_' . $varType;
# objects can be presented in a different way altogether, INSTEAD, not ALONGSIDE the generic parser
if ($varType === 'object') {
foreach (self::$_objectParsers as $parserClass) {
$className = 'Kint_Objects_' . $parserClass;
/** @var $object KintObject */
$object = new $className();
if (($alternativeTabs = $object
->parse($variable)) !== false) {
self::$_skipAlternatives = true;
$alternativeDisplay = new kintVariableData();
$alternativeDisplay->type = $object->name;
$alternativeDisplay->value = $object->value;
$alternativeDisplay->name = $name;
foreach ($alternativeTabs as $name => $values) {
$alternative = kintParser::factory($values);
$alternative->type = $name;
if (Kint::enabled() === Kint::MODE_RICH) {
empty($alternative->value) and $alternative->value = $alternative->extendedValue;
$alternativeDisplay->_alternatives[] = $alternative;
else {
$alternativeDisplay->extendedValue[] = $alternative;
self::$_skipAlternatives = false;
self::$_level = $revert['level'];
self::$_objects = $revert['objects'];
return $alternativeDisplay;
# base type parser returning false means "stop processing further": e.g. recursion
if (self::$methodName($variable, $varData) === false) {
return $varData;
if (Kint::enabled() === Kint::MODE_RICH && !self::$_skipAlternatives) {
# if an alternative returns something that can be represented in an alternative way, don't :)
self::$_skipAlternatives = true;
# now check whether the variable can be represented in a different way
foreach (self::$_customDataTypes as $parserClass) {
$className = 'Kint_Parsers_' . $parserClass;
/** @var $parser kintParser */
$parser = new $className();
$parser->name = $name;
# the parser may overwrite the name value, so set it first
if ($parser
->_parse($variable) !== false) {
$varData->_alternatives[] = $parser;
# if alternatives exist, push extendedValue to their front and display it as one of alternatives
if (!empty($varData->_alternatives) && isset($varData->extendedValue)) {
$_ = new kintVariableData();
$_->value = $varData->extendedValue;
$_->type = 'contents';
$_->size = null;
array_unshift($varData->_alternatives, $_);
$varData->extendedValue = null;
self::$_skipAlternatives = false;
self::$_level = $revert['level'];
self::$_objects = $revert['objects'];
if (strlen($varData->name) > 80) {
$varData->name = self::_substr($varData->name, 0, 37) . '...' . self::_substr($varData->name, -38, null);
return $varData;
private static function _checkDepth() {
return Kint::$maxLevels != 0 && self::$_level >= Kint::$maxLevels;
private static function _isArrayTabular(array $variable) {
if (Kint::enabled() !== Kint::MODE_RICH) {
return false;
$arrayKeys = array();
$keys = null;
$closeEnough = false;
foreach ($variable as $row) {
if (!is_array($row) || empty($row)) {
return false;
foreach ($row as $col) {
if (!empty($col) && !is_scalar($col)) {
return false;
// todo add tabular "tolerance"
if (isset($keys) && !$closeEnough) {
# let's just see if the first two rows have same keys, that's faster and has the
# positive side effect of easily spotting missing keys in later rows
if ($keys !== array_keys($row)) {
return false;
$closeEnough = true;
else {
$keys = array_keys($row);
$arrayKeys = array_unique(array_merge($arrayKeys, $keys));
return $arrayKeys;
private static function _decorateCell(kintVariableData $kintVar) {
if ($kintVar->extendedValue !== null || !empty($kintVar->_alternatives)) {
return '<td>' . Kint_Decorators_Rich::decorate($kintVar) . '</td>';
$output = '<td';
if ($kintVar->value !== null) {
$output .= ' title="' . $kintVar->type;
if ($kintVar->size !== null) {
$output .= " (" . $kintVar->size . ")";
$output .= '">' . $kintVar->value;
else {
$output .= '>';
if ($kintVar->type !== 'NULL') {
$output .= '<u>' . $kintVar->type;
if ($kintVar->size !== null) {
$output .= "(" . $kintVar->size . ")";
$output .= '</u>';
else {
$output .= '<u>NULL</u>';
return $output . '</td>';
public static function escape($value, $encoding = null) {
if (empty($value)) {
return $value;
if (Kint::enabled() === Kint::MODE_CLI) {
$value = str_replace("\33", "\\x1b", $value);
if (Kint::enabled() === Kint::MODE_CLI || Kint::enabled() === Kint::MODE_WHITESPACE) {
return $value;
$encoding or $encoding = self::_detectEncoding($value);
$value = htmlspecialchars($value, ENT_NOQUOTES, $encoding === 'ASCII' ? 'UTF-8' : $encoding);
if ($encoding === 'UTF-8') {
// todo we could make the symbols hover-title show the code for the invisible symbol
# when possible force invisible characters to have some sort of display (experimental)
$value = preg_replace('/[\\x00-\\x08\\x0B\\x0C\\x0E-\\x1F\\x80-\\x9F]/u', '?', $value);
# this call converts all non-ASCII characters into html chars of format
if (function_exists('mb_encode_numericentity')) {
$value = mb_encode_numericentity($value, array(
), $encoding);
return $value;
private static $_dealingWithGlobals = false;
private static function _parse_array(&$variable, kintVariableData $variableData) {
isset(self::$_marker) or self::$_marker = "\0" . uniqid();
# naturally, $GLOBALS variable is an intertwined recursion nightmare, use black magic
$globalsDetector = false;
if (array_key_exists('GLOBALS', $variable) && is_array($variable['GLOBALS'])) {
$globalsDetector = "\1" . uniqid();
$variable['GLOBALS'][$globalsDetector] = true;
if (isset($variable[$globalsDetector])) {
self::$_dealingWithGlobals = true;
else {
$globalsDetector = false;
$variableData->type = 'array';
$variableData->size = count($variable);
if ($variableData->size === 0) {
if (isset($variable[self::$_marker])) {
# recursion; todo mayhaps show from where
if (self::$_dealingWithGlobals) {
$variableData->value = '*RECURSION*';
else {
$variableData->value = self::$_marker;
return false;
if (self::_checkDepth()) {
$variableData->extendedValue = "*DEPTH TOO GREAT*";
return false;
$isSequential = self::_isSequential($variable);
if ($variableData->size > 1 && ($arrayKeys = self::_isArrayTabular($variable)) !== false) {
$variable[self::$_marker] = true;
# this must be AFTER _isArrayTabular
$firstRow = true;
$extendedValue = '<table class="kint-report"><thead>';
foreach ($variable as $rowIndex => &$row) {
# display strings in their full length
self::$_placeFullStringInValue = true;
if ($rowIndex === self::$_marker) {
if (isset($row[self::$_marker])) {
$variableData->value = "*RECURSION*";
return false;
$extendedValue .= '<tr>';
if ($isSequential) {
$output = '<td>' . '#' . ($rowIndex + 1) . '</td>';
else {
$output = self::_decorateCell(kintParser::factory($rowIndex));
if ($firstRow) {
$extendedValue .= '<th> </th>';
# we iterate the known full set of keys from all rows in case some appeared at later rows,
# as we only check the first two to assume
foreach ($arrayKeys as $key) {
if ($firstRow) {
$extendedValue .= '<th>' . self::escape($key) . '</th>';
if (!array_key_exists($key, $row)) {
$output .= '<td class="kint-empty"></td>';
$var = kintParser::factory($row[$key]);
if ($var->value === self::$_marker) {
$variableData->value = '*RECURSION*';
return false;
elseif ($var->value === '*RECURSION*') {
$output .= '<td class="kint-empty"><u>*RECURSION*</u></td>';
else {
$output .= self::_decorateCell($var);
if ($firstRow) {
$extendedValue .= '</tr></thead><tr>';
$firstRow = false;
$extendedValue .= $output . '</tr>';
self::$_placeFullStringInValue = false;
$variableData->extendedValue = $extendedValue . '</table>';
else {
$variable[self::$_marker] = true;
$extendedValue = array();
foreach ($variable as $key => &$val) {
if ($key === self::$_marker) {
$output = kintParser::factory($val);
if ($output->value === self::$_marker) {
$variableData->value = "*RECURSION*";
// recursion occurred on a higher level, thus $this is recursion
return false;
if (!$isSequential) {
$output->operator = '=>';
$output->name = $isSequential ? null : "'" . $key . "'";
$extendedValue[] = $output;
$variableData->extendedValue = $extendedValue;
if ($globalsDetector) {
self::$_dealingWithGlobals = false;
private static function _parse_object(&$variable, kintVariableData $variableData) {
if (function_exists('spl_object_hash')) {
$hash = spl_object_hash($variable);
else {
preg_match('[#(\\d+)]', ob_get_clean(), $match);
$hash = $match[1];
$castedArray = (array) $variable;
$variableData->type = get_class($variable);
$variableData->size = count($castedArray);
if (isset(self::$_objects[$hash])) {
$variableData->value = '*RECURSION*';
return false;
if (self::_checkDepth()) {
$variableData->extendedValue = "*DEPTH TOO GREAT*";
return false;
# ArrayObject (and maybe ArrayIterator, did not try yet) unsurprisingly consist of mainly dark magic.
# What bothers me most, var_dump sees no problem with it, and ArrayObject also uses a custom,
# undocumented serialize function, so you can see the properties in internal functions, but
# can never iterate some of them if the flags are not STD_PROP_LIST. Fun stuff.
if ($variableData->type === 'ArrayObject' || is_subclass_of($variable, 'ArrayObject')) {
$arrayObjectFlags = $variable
self::$_objects[$hash] = true;
// todo store reflectorObject here for alternatives cache
$reflector = new ReflectionObject($variable);
# add link to definition of userland objects
if (Kint::enabled() === Kint::MODE_RICH && Kint::$fileLinkFormat && $reflector
->isUserDefined()) {
$url = Kint::getIdeLink($reflector
->getFileName(), $reflector
$class = strpos($url, 'http://') === 0 ? 'class="kint-ide-link" ' : '';
$variableData->type = "<a {$class}href=\"{$url}\">{$variableData->type}</a>";
$variableData->size = 0;
$extendedValue = array();
$encountered = array();
# copy the object as an array as it provides more info than Reflection (depends)
foreach ($castedArray as $key => $value) {
/* casting object to array:
* integer properties are inaccessible;
* private variables have the class name prepended to the variable name;
* protected variables have a '*' prepended to the variable name.
* These prepended values have null bytes on either side.
* http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.types.array.php#language.types.array.casting
if ($key[0] === "\0") {
$access = $key[1] === "*" ? "protected" : "private";
// Remove the access level from the variable name
$key = substr($key, strrpos($key, "\0") + 1);
else {
$access = "public";
$encountered[$key] = true;
$output = kintParser::factory($value, self::escape($key));
$output->access = $access;
$output->operator = '->';
$extendedValue[] = $output;
foreach ($reflector
->getProperties() as $property) {
$name = $property->name;
if ($property
->isStatic() || isset($encountered[$name])) {
if ($property
->isProtected()) {
$access = "protected";
elseif ($property
->isPrivate()) {
$access = "private";
else {
$access = "public";
$value = $property
$output = kintParser::factory($value, self::escape($name));
$output->access = $access;
$output->operator = '->';
$extendedValue[] = $output;
if (isset($arrayObjectFlags)) {
if ($variableData->size) {
$variableData->extendedValue = $extendedValue;
private static function _parse_boolean(&$variable, kintVariableData $variableData) {
$variableData->type = 'bool';
$variableData->value = $variable ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE';
private static function _parse_double(&$variable, kintVariableData $variableData) {
$variableData->type = 'float';
$variableData->value = $variable;
private static function _parse_integer(&$variable, kintVariableData $variableData) {
$variableData->type = 'integer';
$variableData->value = $variable;
private static function _parse_null(&$variable, kintVariableData $variableData) {
$variableData->type = 'NULL';
private static function _parse_resource(&$variable, kintVariableData $variableData) {
$resourceType = get_resource_type($variable);
$variableData->type = "resource ({$resourceType})";
if ($resourceType === 'stream' && ($meta = stream_get_meta_data($variable))) {
if (isset($meta['uri'])) {
$file = $meta['uri'];
if (function_exists('stream_is_local')) {
// Only exists on PHP >= 5.2.4
if (stream_is_local($file)) {
$file = Kint::shortenPath($file);
$variableData->value = $file;
private static function _parse_string(&$variable, kintVariableData $variableData) {
$variableData->type = 'string';
$encoding = self::_detectEncoding($variable);
if ($encoding !== 'ASCII') {
$variableData->type .= ' ' . $encoding;
$variableData->size = self::_strlen($variable, $encoding);
if (Kint::enabled() !== Kint::MODE_RICH) {
$variableData->value = '"' . self::escape($variable, $encoding) . '"';
if (!self::$_placeFullStringInValue) {
$strippedString = preg_replace('[\\s+]', ' ', $variable);
if (Kint::$maxStrLength && $variableData->size > Kint::$maxStrLength) {
// encode and truncate
$variableData->value = '"' . self::escape(self::_substr($strippedString, 0, Kint::$maxStrLength, $encoding), $encoding) . '…"';
$variableData->extendedValue = self::escape($variable, $encoding);
elseif ($variable !== $strippedString) {
// omit no data from display
$variableData->value = '"' . self::escape($variable, $encoding) . '"';
$variableData->extendedValue = self::escape($variable, $encoding);
$variableData->value = '"' . self::escape($variable, $encoding) . '"';
private static function _parse_unknown(&$variable, kintVariableData $variableData) {
$type = gettype($variable);
$variableData->type = "UNKNOWN" . (!empty($type) ? " ({$type})" : '');
$variableData->value = var_export($variable, true);
Name![]() |
Modifiers | Type | Description | Overrides |
kintParser:: |
private static | property | ||
kintParser:: |
private static | property | ||
kintParser:: |
private static | property | ||
kintParser:: |
private static | property | ||
kintParser:: |
private static | property | ||
kintParser:: |
private static | property | ||
kintParser:: |
private static | property | ||
kintParser:: |
private static | property | ||
kintParser:: |
public static | function | ||
kintParser:: |
final public static | function | * the only public entry point to return a parsed representation of a variable * * @static * * | |
kintParser:: |
public static | function | ||
kintParser:: |
private static | function | ||
kintParser:: |
private static | function | ||
kintParser:: |
private static | function | ||
kintParser:: |
private static | function | ||
kintParser:: |
abstract protected | function | * main and usually single method a custom parser must implement * * | 10 |
kintParser:: |
private static | function | ||
kintParser:: |
private static | function | ||
kintParser:: |
private static | function | ||
kintParser:: |
private static | function | ||
kintParser:: |
private static | function | ||
kintParser:: |
private static | function | ||
kintParser:: |
private static | function | ||
kintParser:: |
private static | function | ||
kintParser:: |
private static | function | ||
kintVariableData:: |
public | property | @var string | |
kintVariableData:: |
public | property | * * the array is a separate possible representation of the dumped var | |
kintVariableData:: |
public | property | @var string | |
kintVariableData:: |
public | property | @var string | |
kintVariableData:: |
public | property | @var int | |
kintVariableData:: |
public | property | @var string | |
kintVariableData:: |
public | property | @var string inline value | |
kintVariableData:: |
public | property | @var kintVariableData[] array of alternative representations for same variable, don't use in custom parsers | |
kintVariableData:: |
private static | property | ||
kintVariableData:: |
protected static | function | ||
kintVariableData:: |
protected static | function | * returns whether the array: * 1) is numeric and * 2) in sequence starting from zero * * | |
kintVariableData:: |
protected static | function | ||
kintVariableData:: |
protected static | function |