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generate-og2list-mail.php in Devel 5


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 * This script creates bogus mails from existing users to existing groups.
 * Requires Drupal 4.7, OG2list and OG module.
 * If n is the total number of members of a group, this script will
 * generate n*(n-1) mails. Use with caution.
 * Sponsored by CivicSpace Labs
require_once './includes/';
function gom_get_groups() {
  $result = db_query("SELECT g.nid, g.recipient, u.uid,, u.mail FROM {og2list_groups} g INNER JOIN {og_uid} o ON o.nid = g.nid INNER JOIN {users} u ON o.uid = u.uid WHERE u.status >= 1");
  $groups = array();
  while ($group = db_fetch_array($result)) {
    $groups[$group['nid']]['recipient'] = $group['recipient'];
    $groups[$group['nid']]['users'][] = array(
      'uid' => $group['uid'],
      'mail' => $group['mail'],
      'name' => $group['name'],
  return $groups;
function gom_create_content($groups) {
  foreach ($groups as $nid => $group) {
    foreach ($group['users'] as $user) {
      $msg_id = '<' . time() . '.' . mt_rand() . '@' . strtolower(variable_get('og2list_domain', $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])) . '>';
      $subject = 'Test mail from ' . $user['name'] . ' to ' . $group['recipient'];
      db_query("INSERT INTO {og2list_incoming_content} (from_address,from_name,subject,msgid,content_type,body) VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s')", $user['mail'], $user['name'], $subject, $msg_id, 'text/plain', "totally irrelevant message body, sent at " . format_date(time(), 'custom', t('Y/m/d - G:i')));
      db_query("INSERT INTO {og2list_incoming_groups} SET mid=(SELECT mid FROM {og2list_incoming_content} WHERE msgid='%s'), oid=(SELECT nid FROM {og2list_groups} WHERE recipient='%s')", $msg_id, $group['recipient']);
$groups = gom_get_groups();
