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function taxonomy_vocabulary_deploy in Deploy - Content Staging 6

Implementation of hook_deploy().

@todo At dependency checking for associated content types to make sure they exist remotely and/or are added at push time through a call to hook_taxonomy_vocabulary_deploy_check().

For reference here is a taxonomy vocabulary object.

[name] => test [description] => test [help] => test [nodes] => Array ( [booklist] => booklist [essay] => essay [letter] => letter ) [tags] => 1 [multiple] => 1 [required] => 1 [weight] => 4 [hierarchy] => 0 [relations] => 1 [vid] => 5


$vid: Unique identifier for the vocabulary we're deploying.

Return value

The results of our remote call.


modules/taxonomy_deploy/taxonomy_deploy.module, line 239
Deployment API which enables modules to deploy items between servers.


function taxonomy_vocabulary_deploy($vid) {

  // If the vocabulary isn't there then bail.
  $vocabulary = taxonomy_vocabulary_load($vid);
  if (!$vocabulary) {
    return FALSE;

  // Normally, like with users and nodes, the uuid is added to the object in the 'load'
  // op of their hook. Taxonomy terms and vocabs have no load op, so we have to
  // get it by hand.
  $uuid = deploy_uuid_get_vocabulary_uuid($vid);
  $remote_key = deploy_get_remote_key($uuid, 'vocabulary');
  $vocabulary->vid = isset($remote_key['vid']) ? $remote_key['vid'] : NULL;
  $vocabulary->uuid = $uuid;
  return deploy_send(array(
  ), array(