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class DateIcalIcalcreatorParser in Date iCal 7.2

@file Classes implementing Date iCal's iCalcreator-based parser functionality.


Expanded class hierarchy of DateIcalIcalcreatorParser

1 string reference to 'DateIcalIcalcreatorParser'
date_ical_feeds_plugins in ./date_ical.module
Implementation of ctools plugin for feeds hook_feeds_plugins().


includes/, line 8
Classes implementing Date iCal's iCalcreator-based parser functionality.

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class DateIcalIcalcreatorParser extends DateIcalFeedsParser {

   * Output sources this parser offers.
   * Includes additional field for the handler for output.
   * NOTE: The name and description strings would be t()'d, but PHP doesn't allow that:
   * @see DateIcalFeedsParser::getMappingSources().
   * @see DateIcalFeedsParser::getSourceElement().
  protected static $sources = array(
    'summary' => array(
      'name' => 'Summary',
      'description' => 'A short summary, or title, for the calendar component.',
      'date_ical_parse_handler' => 'formatText',
    'description' => array(
      'name' => 'Description',
      'description' => 'A more complete description of the calendar component than that provided by the "summary" property.',
      'date_ical_parse_handler' => 'formatText',
    'dtstart' => array(
      'name' => 'Date start',
      'description' => 'Start time for the feed item.
        If also using the "Date end" source, this MUST come before it in the mapping, due to the way iCal feeds are formatted.',
      'date_ical_parse_handler' => 'formatDateTime',
    'dtend' => array(
      'name' => 'Date end',
      'description' => 'End time for the feed item.',
      'date_ical_parse_handler' => 'formatDateTime',
    'rrule' => array(
      'name' => 'Repeat rule',
      'description' => 'Describes when and how often this calendar component should repeat.
        The date field for the target node must be configrred to support repeating dates, using the Date Repeat Field module (a submodule of Date).
        When using this source field, it MUST come after Date start (and Date end, if used) in the mapping.',
      'date_ical_parse_handler' => 'formatRrule',
    'uid' => array(
      'name' => 'UID',
      'description' => 'UID of feed item',
      'date_ical_parse_handler' => 'formatText',
    'url' => array(
      'name' => 'URL',
      'description' => 'URL for the feed item.',
      'date_ical_parse_handler' => 'formatText',
    'location' => array(
      'name' => 'Location text',
      'description' => 'Text of the location property of the feed item.',
      'date_ical_parse_handler' => 'formatText',
    'location:altrep' => array(
      'name' => 'Location alternate representation',
      'description' => 'Additional location information, usually a URL to a page with more info.',
      'date_ical_parse_handler' => 'formatParamText',
    'categories' => array(
      'name' => 'Categories',
      'description' => 'Catagories of the feed item.',
      'date_ical_parse_handler' => 'formatCategories',

   * Load and run parser implementation of FeedsParser::parse().
   * @params - change these to generic required paramters.
  public function parse(FeedsSource $source, FeedsFetcherResult $fetcher_result) {

    // Read the iCal feed into memory.
    $ical_feed_contents = $fetcher_result

    // Create the calendar object and parse the feed.
    $calendar = new vcalendar();
    if (!$calendar
      ->parse($ical_feed_contents)) {
      $url = $source->config[$source->importer->config['fetcher']['plugin_key']]['source'];
      throw new DateIcalParseException(t('Error parsing iCal feed: %url', array(
        '%url' => $url,

    // Allow modules to alter the vcalendar object before we interpret its properties.
    $context = array(
      'source' => $source,
      'fetcher_result' => $fetcher_result,
    drupal_alter('date_ical_icalcreator_calendar', $calendar, $context);

    // Set a result object.
    $result = new DateIcalParserResult();

    // FeedsResult properties
    $xcalname = $calendar
    $result->title = !empty($xcalname) ? $xcalname[1] : '';
    $xcaldesc = $calendar
    $result->description = !empty($xcaldesc) ? $xcaldesc[1] : '';
    $result->link = NULL;

    // Additional DateIcalParserResult properties
    $xtimezone = $calendar
    if (!empty($xtimezone)) {
      try {
        $tz = new DateTimeZone($xtimezone[1]);
        $result->timezone = $tz;
      } catch (Exception $e) {
          ->log('parse', 'Invalid X-WR-TIMEZONE: %error', array(
          '%error' => $e
        ), WATCHDOG_NOTICE);

    // DEV NOTES:
    // Due to the way that the loop after this one manipulates the $components array, all the work that gets done in here
    // gets overridden. However, we probably *should* be using this, somehow, since I think it was in the old version
    // in order to handle non-standard VTIMEZONES. Maybe?
    $components = array();
    while ($component = $calendar
      ->getComponent('VTIMEZONE')) {
        ->getProperty('tzid')] = new DateIcalIcalcreatorComponent($component);
    $result->timezones = $components;

    // Separate the individual feed items into DateIcalIcalcreatorComponents.
    $components = array();
    $component_types = array(
    foreach ($component_types as $component_type) {
      while ($component = $calendar
        ->getComponent($component_type)) {
        $component = new DateIcalIcalcreatorComponent($component);

        // Allow modules to alter the DateIcalIcalcreatorComponent before we
        // parse it into Feeds-readable data.
        $context = array(
          'calendar' => $calendar,
          'source' => $source,
          'fetcher_result' => $fetcher_result,
          'parser_result' => $result,
        drupal_alter('date_ical_icalcreator_component', $component, $context);
        $components[] = $component;
    $result->items = $components;
    return $result;

   * Source output formatters.
   * TODO: Could be in a class of their own?

   * Format text fields.
   * @todo is \n \N handling correct?
  public function formatText($property_key, $property, DateIcalIcalcreatorComponent $item, FeedsParserResult $result, FeedsSource $source) {
    $context = get_defined_vars();
    $text = $property['value'];
    $text = str_replace(array(
    ), "\n", $text);

    // Allow modules to alter the text before it's mapped to the target.
    drupal_alter('date_ical_feeds_object', $text, $context);
    return $text;

   * Format Text Parameter
   * @return string.
  public function formatParamText($property_key, $property, DateIcalIcalcreatorComponent $item, DateIcalParserResult $result, FeedsSource $source) {
    $context = get_defined_vars();
    $position = strpos($property_key, ':');
    $key = substr($property_key, 0, $position);
    $attribute = strtoupper(substr($property_key, ++$position));
    $text = $property['params'][$attribute];

    // Allow modules to alter the param text before it's mapped to the target.
    drupal_alter('date_ical_feeds_object', $text, $context);
    return $text;

   * Format date fields.
   * @return FeedsDateTime
  public function formatDateTime($property_key, $property, DateIcalIcalcreatorComponent $item, DateIcalParserResult $result, FeedsSource $source) {
    $context = get_defined_vars();
    $date_array = $property['value'];

    // It's frustrating that iCalcreator gives us date data in a different
    // format than what it expects us to give back.
    if (isset($property['params']['TZID'])) {
      $date_array['tz'] = $property['params']['TZID'];
    if (isset($property['params']['VALUE']) && $property['params']['VALUE'] == 'DATE') {

       * DATE values are All Day events, with no time-of-day.
       * They can span over multiple days.
       * FeedsDateTime sets the granularity correctly.
       * However the granularity is not used yet.
       * All Day events handling is not finalized at the time of writing.
       * To Date & All Day Date Handling
      if ($property_key == 'dtend') {
        $start_prop = $item
        $start_array = $start_prop['value'];
        if (isset($start_prop['params']['TZID'])) {
          $start_array['tz'] = $start_prop['params']['TZID'];
        if (module_exists('date_all_day')) {

          // If the Date All Day module is installed, we need to rewind the
          // DTEND by one day, because of the problem with FeedsDateTime
          // mentioned below.
          $date_array['day'] -= 1;

      // The order in which the source -> target mapping is set up matters here: dtstart has to come before dtend.
      // This has been noted in the description for this source field.
      if ($property_key == 'dtstart') {
        if ($duration = $item
          ->getProperty('duration')) {
          $end_array = iCalUtilityFunctions::_duration2date($date_array, $duration['value']);
            ->setProperty('dtend', $end_array);
        elseif (!$item
          ->getProperty('dtend')) {

          // For cases where a VEVENT component specifies a DTSTART property with a DATE value type
          // but no DTEND nor DURATION property, the event's duration is taken to be one day.
          $end_array = $date_array;
          $end_array['day'] += 1;
            ->setProperty('dtend', $end_array);

      // FeedsDateTime's implementation of setTimezone() assumes that dates with no time element should just ignore
      // timezone changes, so I had to add the 00:00:00 explicitly, even though it shouldn't be necessary.
      $date_string = sprintf('%d-%d-%d 00:00:00', $date_array['year'], $date_array['month'], $date_array['day']);

      // Set the timezone for All Day events to the server's timezone, rather than letting them default to UTC,
      // so that they don't get improperly offset when saved to the DB.
      $parsed_datetime = new FeedsDateTime($date_string, new DateTimeZone(date_default_timezone_get()));
    else {

      // Date with time.
      $date_string = iCalUtilityFunctions::_format_date_time($date_array);
      $tz = NULL;
      if (isset($date_array['tz'])) {

        // 'Z' == 'Zulu' == 'UTC'. DateTimeZone won't acept Z, so change it to UTC.
        if (strtoupper($date_array['tz']) == 'Z') {
          $date_array['tz'] = 'UTC';

        // Allow modules to alter the timezone string before it gets converted into a DateTimeZone.
        drupal_alter('date_ical_timezone', $date_array['tz'], $context);
        try {
          $tz = new DateTimeZone($date_array['tz']);
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            ->log('parse', t('"%tzid" is not recognized by PHP as a valid timezone, so UTC was used instead. Try implementing hook_date_ical_timezone_alter() in a custom module to fix this problem.', array(
            '%tzid' => $date_array['tz'],
          )), array(), WATCHDOG_WARNING);
          drupal_set_message(t('"%tzid" is not recognized by PHP as a valid timezone, so UTC was used instead. Try implementing hook_date_ical_timezone_alter() in a custom module to fix this problem.', array(
            '%tzid' => $date_array['tz'],
          )), 'warning');
      else {
        if (!empty($result->timezone)) {

          // Use the timezone that was detected for the entire iCal feed.
          $tz = $result->timezone;

      // If this iCal object has no DTEND, but it does have a DURATION, emulate DTEND as DTSTART + DURATION.
      // Again, this mechanism requires that dtstart be parsed before dtend in the source->target mapping.
      if ($property_key == 'dtstart' && !$item
        ->getProperty('dtend') && ($duration = $item
        ->getProperty('duration'))) {
        $end_array = iCalUtilityFunctions::_duration2date($date_array, $duration['value']);
          ->setProperty('dtend', $end_array);
      $parsed_datetime = new FeedsDateTime($date_string, $tz);

    // Allow modules to alter the FeedsDateTime object before it's mapped to the target.
    drupal_alter('date_ical_feeds_object', $parsed_datetime, $context);
    return $parsed_datetime;

   * Format Categories
   * @return array of free tags strings.
  public function formatCategories($property_key, $property, DateIcalIcalcreatorComponent $item, DateIcalParserResult $result, FeedsSource $source) {
    $context = get_defined_vars();

    // Allow modules to alter the categories before they're mapped to the target.
    drupal_alter('date_ical_feeds_object', $property['value'], $context);
    if (!empty($property['value'])) {
      return is_array($property['value']) ? $property['value'] : array(

   * Format RRULEs, which specify when and how often the event is repeated.
   * @return An RRULE string, with any EXDATE and RDATE values appended, separated by \n.
   *   This is to make the RRULE compatible with date_repeat_split_rrule().
  public function formatRrule($property_key, $property, DateIcalIcalcreatorComponent $item, DateIcalParserResult $result, FeedsSource $source) {
    $context = get_defined_vars();

    // Allow modules to alter the RRULE before it's mapped to the target.
    drupal_alter('date_ical_feeds_object', $property, $context);

    // RRULEs must have an INTERVAL, or Date Repeat will throw errors.
    if (!isset($property['value']['INTERVAL'])) {
      $property['value']['INTERVAL'] = '1';
    $rrule = $item
    $exdate = $item
    $rdate = $item
    return trim("{$rrule}\n{$exdate}\n{$rdate}");

   * Load the iCalcreator library.
  public static function loadLibrary() {
    $library = libraries_load('iCalcreator');
    if (!$library['loaded']) {
      throw new DateIcalParseException(t('Unable to load the iCalcreator library. Please ensure that it is properly installed.'));



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
DateIcalFeedsParser::getMappingSources public function Implementation of FeedsParser::getMappingSources().
DateIcalFeedsParser::getSourceElement public function Override FeedsParser::getSourceElement().
DateIcalIcalcreatorParser::$sources protected static property Output sources this parser offers. Overrides DateIcalFeedsParser::$sources
DateIcalIcalcreatorParser::formatCategories public function Format Categories
DateIcalIcalcreatorParser::formatDateTime public function Format date fields.
DateIcalIcalcreatorParser::formatParamText public function Format Text Parameter
DateIcalIcalcreatorParser::formatRrule public function Format RRULEs, which specify when and how often the event is repeated.
DateIcalIcalcreatorParser::formatText public function Format text fields.
DateIcalIcalcreatorParser::loadLibrary public static function Load the iCalcreator library.
DateIcalIcalcreatorParser::parse public function Load and run parser implementation of FeedsParser::parse().