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Functions in Date iCal 7.2

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
date_ical_build_repeating_dates ./date_ical.module 99% copy-pasta from date_repeat_field.module's date_repeat_build_dates() function. The only change is that we assume COUNT=52 on indefinitely repeating RRULEs, rather than giving up completely. 1
date_ical_ctools_plugin_api ./date_ical.module Implementation of hook_ctools_plugin_api().
date_ical_enable ./date_ical.install Implementation of hook_enable().
date_ical_entity_info_alter ./date_ical.module Implements hook_entity_info_alter().
date_ical_feeds_plugins ./date_ical.module Implementation of ctools plugin for feeds hook_feeds_plugins().
date_ical_feeds_processor_targets_alter ./date_ical.module Implements hook_feeds_processor_targets_alter().
date_ical_feeds_set_rrule ./date_ical.module Callback specified in date_ical_feeds_processor_targets_alter() for RRULEs. 1
date_ical_get_location_fields ./date_ical.module Identify all potential fields that could populate the optional LOCATION component of iCal output. 2
date_ical_get_summary_fields ./date_ical.module Identify all potential fields that could populate the custom SUMMARY field 2
date_ical_libraries_info ./date_ical.module Implements hook_libraries_info().
date_ical_preprocess_node ./date_ical.module Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK() for nodes.
date_ical_requirements ./date_ical.install Implements hook_requirements().
date_ical_sanitize_text ./date_ical.module Reformats the provided text to be compliant with the iCal spec. If the text contains HTML tags, those tags will be stripped (with <p> tags converted to "\n\n" and link tags converted to footnotes), and uneeded whitespace will be… 2
date_ical_theme ./date_ical.module Implements hook_theme().
date_ical_views_api ./date_ical.module Implements hook_views_api().
date_ical_views_plugins includes/ Implements hook_views_plugins().
hook_date_ical_feeds_object_alter ./date_ical.api.php Alter the post-parse data for a single field from an iCal feed.
hook_date_ical_feed_event_render_alter ./date_ical.api.php Modify a structured event before it is rendered to iCal format.
hook_date_ical_feed_ical_vcalendar_render_alter ./date_ical.api.php Alter the iCalcreator vcalendar object that will be rendered into an iCal feed View.
hook_date_ical_feed_ical_vevent_render_alter ./date_ical.api.php Alter an iCal representation of an event.
hook_date_ical_fields_html_alter ./date_ical.api.php Alter the HTML of an event's text fields, before it gets converted to plaintext for output in an iCal feed. This hook is only used by the iCal Fields views row plugin.
hook_date_ical_html_alter ./date_ical.api.php Alter the HTML of an event's Summary and Description, before it gets converted to plaintext for output in an iCal feed. This hook is only used by the iCal Entity views row plugin.
hook_date_ical_icalcreator_calendar_alter ./date_ical.api.php Alter the iCalcreator vcalendar object that was parsed from an imported iCal feed.
hook_date_ical_icalcreator_component_alter ./date_ical.api.php Alter an individual DateIcalIcalcreatorComponent (vevent, valarm, vtodo, etc.) that was parsed from an iCal feed.
hook_date_ical_post_render_alter ./date_ical.api.php Alter the final rendered text of an iCal feed before it gets sent to Views.
hook_date_ical_timezone_alter ./date_ical.api.php Alter the timezone string before it gets converted into a DateTimeZone object. This is useful for when an iCal feed you're trying to import uses deprecated timezone names, like "Eastern Standard Time", rather than…
theme_date_ical_icon ./date_ical.module The theme for the ical icon. Available variables are: $variables['tooltip'] - The tooltip to be used for the ican feed icon. $variables['url'] - The url to the actual iCal feed. $variables['view'] - The view object from…
_date_ical_get_location_fields ./date_ical.module Identify all potential LOCATION fields. This is a cut down version of _date_views_fields() from in date_views module. 1
_date_ical_get_summary_fields ./date_ical.module Identify all potential SUMMARY fields. This is a cut down version of _date_views_fields() from in date_views module. 1

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