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Functions in Date 7

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
date_weeks_in_year date_api/date_api.module The number of calendar weeks in a year.
date_week_days date_api/date_api.module A translated array of week days 2
date_week_days_abbr date_api/date_api.module An translated array of week day abbreviations. 3
date_week_days_ordered date_api/date_api.module Order weekdays Correct weekdays array so first day in array matches the first day of the week. Use to create things like calendar headers. 1
date_week_days_untranslated date_api/date_api.module An untranslated array of week days 2
date_week_range date_api/date_api.module Start and end dates for a calendar week, adjusted to use the chosen first day of week for this site. 2
date_widget_validate ./ Handle widget processing. 1
date_years date_api/date_api.module An array of years. 1
FREQ_options date_repeat/date_repeat.module Helper function for FREQ options. 1
INTERVAL_options date_repeat/date_repeat.module 3
template_preprocess_date_navigation date_views/theme/ Preprocessor to construct back and next navigation from the date argument.
template_preprocess_date_vcalendar date_views/theme/ Preprocessor to construct an ical vcalendar
template_preprocess_date_views_filter_form date_views/theme/ Preprocessor for Date Views filter form.
theme_date_all_day ./date.theme Adjust from/to date format to account for 'all day' .
theme_date_all_day_label ./date.theme Theme the way an 'all day' label will look.
theme_date_calendar_day date_api/theme/ Theme for a date block that looks like a mini calendar day. Pass in a date object already set to the right timezone, format as a calendar page date. The calendar styling is created in css.
theme_date_combo ./date.theme Theme from/to date combination on form.
theme_date_display_combination ./date.theme Theme from/to date combination in the view.
theme_date_display_interval ./date.theme Theme a format interval for a date element
theme_date_display_range ./date.theme
theme_date_display_single ./date.theme
theme_date_nav_title date_views/theme/ Theme the calendar title
theme_date_part_hour_prefix date_api/theme/ Functions to separate date parts in form.
theme_date_part_label_ampm date_api/theme/
theme_date_part_label_day date_api/theme/
theme_date_part_label_hour date_api/theme/
theme_date_part_label_minute date_api/theme/
theme_date_part_label_month date_api/theme/
theme_date_part_label_second date_api/theme/
theme_date_part_label_timezone date_api/theme/
theme_date_part_label_year date_api/theme/ Format labels for each date part in a date_select.
theme_date_part_minsec_prefix date_api/theme/
theme_date_popup date_popup/date_popup.module Format a date popup element.
theme_date_repeat_current_additions date_repeat/ Theme the exception list as a table so the buttons line up
theme_date_repeat_current_exceptions date_repeat/ Theme the exception list as a table so the buttons line up
theme_date_repeat_display ./date.theme Theme the human-readable description for a Date Repeat rule. 1
theme_date_repeat_rrule date_repeat/ Wrapper fieldset for repeat rule.
theme_date_select date_api/theme/ Format a date selection element.
theme_date_select_element date_api/theme/ Themes for date input form elements
theme_date_text date_api/theme/ Format a date text element.
theme_date_textfield_element date_api/theme/
theme_date_text_parts ./date.theme Display the text/select options for date parts in a table for easier readability.
theme_date_timezone date_api/theme/ Format a date timezone element.
theme_date_time_ago date_api/theme/
timepicker_format_replacements date_popup/date_popup.module 1
_date_api_element_info date_api/ Implementation of hook_element_info(). 1
_date_field_instance_settings_form ./ 1
_date_field_settings_form ./ 1
_date_field_widget_settings_form ./ 1
_date_repeat_calc date_repeat/ Private implementation of date_repeat_calc(). 1


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